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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Have you spoken to the RSPCA? If not, that would be my first port of call. I'm with PetPlan and, with one of my dogs being a rescue, I had no background or previous history to give them and they have paid out with no issues.
  2. Agree; try Labrador x big boy. If he isn't a lab I don't see the point in labeling him as one? Labs do have a different temp to a rotty and there is no point in misleading people just to get him into a home. I agree with removing the rottie mix though. I would just say "large cross breed".
  3. Those spats stop mildly aggressive dogs, but won't stop a dog that really means business. Don't bother spraying on the ground, spray straight in the face and don't stop until the can is empty (about 12 seconds). It is not harmful to dogs
  4. Yes - I want to go for a walk without being harassed - reactive dog or not. All people are asking is that others obey the law. What a selfish society we live in when that is too much to ask.
  5. if the dog is off lead in an off lead area, then i agree. but if it is an onlead area, i have an issue. I own a dog that doesnt like strange dogs. i only walk her in on lead spots. off leash dogs ruin our walks because i do t know what they are going to fo. the "friendly " dog coming to say hello can cause a fight. my girl is dmall so she doesnt stand much of a chance. i follow thd law, and yet im the one that loses out in this situation. i am constantly tired because i get up at 5 am to walk her to avoid off lead "dont sorry hes friendly" dogs . if everyone followed the law, lucy could have a much more rich life and i couls reduce my stress anc sleep in one day a wee k. I actually disagree. Unattended dogs can form packs and do things that each individual dog would never dream of doing on their own. They are not only a danger to motorists due to causing accidents and pedestrians due to attacking them or harassing their on lead dogs, but they are also a problem for livestock and pet owners because a pack of dogs will often go hunting together. All dogs need to be contained, even the friendly ones. A friendly dog will often kill just as many sheep, and just as fast as an unfriendly one. ETA: I am referring to dogs who are not under effective control, with or without an owner present basically. I made that statement as I can't say that 100% of off-lead dogs are always an accident waiting to happen. But in saying that I do believe having all dogs On-lead when not contained or under effective control can reduce accidents. Banning people from having dogs would eliminate the risks completely but not many people would find that solution satisfactory. It's all about where you draw the line. I'm in no way suggesting it should be some sort if free for all and I understand your point of view, you just draw the line a bit further than I would.
  6. The foundations one is meant to be good. The bunny type tugs are also great
  7. My understanding is that Bostons are very, very active with heaps of personality. If you want a dog that has a short walk then snoozes a Boston isn't for you - I think a greyhound would be perfect through.
  8. I am not a breeder, but if the faults were serious I would cull. I definitely wouldn't sell at a discounted price - a dog is either a suitable pet or not.
  9. I get up at 5am to walk the dogs. My dogs aren't the problem - other dogs are. Kirsty if you can get to the botanical gardens they are great if you go before 8.30 on weekends
  10. I wouldn't open a gate to any dogs - I wouldn't want them to slip out. For that reason, my gates are always locked. Regardless of breed, I would ask the owner to come and let me in. Some dogs are very nice dogs but are territorial.
  11. Is she saying that or are the other articles?
  12. But they are also a strangulation risk so many responsible owners choose not to use them too.
  13. The packs recommend extreme amounts IMO. I wouldn't worry what the pack said.
  14. That's got nothing to do with cross breeding. I have seen fearful purebred dogs bred because they have nice markings. It isn't aimed at stopping cross breeding but the breeding of potentially dangerous and unstable dogs does need to be addressed. The only way to do that would be to stop breeding by any individual who thinks it's a cool idea and leave it to those who actually understand bit more about the animals in question. No it won't stop those who are determined just like marijuana growers, but deter the majority.
  15. Only apply for one card - lots of applications will show on your credit rating and it is assumed you have taken them all up. It will impact your financial future
  16. Depends (your interpretation would encourage people to hold off seeking medical attention). I believe it is defined as pre-existing if a "reasonable person" would have realised it is there. For example, your dog is limping. You take out insurance and then take them to the vet, you can't then say it wasn't pre-existing.
  17. Lucy playing last night. Excuse the dirty couch! As much as I try to keep quiet, I can't
  18. same. And almost everything digests at different rates too. I doubt meat digests at the same rate as bone.
  19. My dogs would not cope with being left alone, visited and fed - and neither would I. They go to a trusted carer (cosmolo) and I know they are safe and having a ball. Lucy has fear issues, but she loves going there and I know they will ensure that she is supervised with their dogs and only interacts with dogs that won't overwhelm her. It is more expensive than a standard kennel or house sitter, but is well worth the money. I never stress when I leave them there.
  20. I wouldn't trust most of those collars. There are very few collars that have good quality fittings.
  21. Yes it was very well run. As someone who owns a fearful/reactive dog, sometimes these events can be VERY stressful - this one wasn't. ETA: After you posted, I recalled Hamish and connected the dots. He is a beautiful boy. What a coat!
  22. He might feel pressured when training? I would drop formal training for a while and just play with him - let him see interacting with you as a fun thing to do. ETA: I think 5 mins is long
  23. She is going to return next year, so there will be another opportunity. PME - is she settling in Melbourne, or is she just returning for a visit?
  24. That is so great!! She was a little bit gorgeous! It was nice to see her get more confident!! (I'm going to tell Jenn you said that!!) Did you have your dog with you? Were you the person chopping up the noms?
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