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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Cool. I'll be the fatty with the mini schnauzer - arriving late. I'm sure Lucy will get overwhelmed and shut down a bit. It will be nice to meet Miss Em (and you!) in person.
  2. I buy lamb's necks and get the butcher to chop them up
  3. Are those the lessons at awesome paws? Lucy and I are doing them this month too.
  4. Oh goody. More for over worked and under paid teachers to do because another "problem" has reared its head in society. Where did Alison say that teachers need to do it? Why the need for sarcasm? There are "responsible pet interaction" programs already in schools and it would be good if they were extended. They are run by volunteers, not teachers.
  5. awww...I love a flying beard. I'm going to have to get someone take photos of Fergs doing weavers too.
  6. Whatever course of action you decide to take, the kindest thing at the moment is to give her space. People will say "take her out to socialise her" but, at the moment, that will increase her fear. Let her be, carry on life as normal, feed her without fuss. Trying to take a fearful dog for a walk or cuddle them isn't helping in "dog terms". I have a puppy farm rescue dog that took about a month to even come close to me. She spent the first few days outside (even with the back door open and in a storm) due to her fear of people. It has been a very long, hard, and - to be perfectly blunt - expensive road to rehabilitate her. I thought that time + love + dedication was enough, but I was wrong. Don't get me wrong - I love her to bits. She is a happy, funny girl who brings me much joy and who now enjoys life 99% of the time. However, she can't go to an off leash park (too much excitement/stuff going on mean she'll fight any rude dog approaching her), and I can't just have friends pop over (she needs to be crated first, long before they knock on the door). Exercise is limited to certain times and places because large crowds/screaming kids/rude dogs are too much for her to handle. I love her and she will always have a home with me. When she goes I will be devastated. But, I will never, ever, ever adopt a fearful dog again. I simply don't have the nerves for it (we're both worriers, so I'm really not the best owner for her). As a relatively inexperienced owner, I'll stick with happy, confident, "do you want to be my friend" dogs - they are right for me and I'm right for them. I'd suggest getting a true professional to assess her (not someone who advertises themselves as a Dog Whisperer in Gumtree, or anyone who tells you that "socialization" will fix her.).
  7. I use "come" informally to mean "run as fast as you can towards me and sit in front of me until you're released". It is very similar to a formal recall but I don't fret over them being a bit crooked. I like them to sit so they don't fly off again. They stay sitting until released. "Check in" means come back here near me, no need to sit or stay by my side. I use this for my boy off leash if he gets to far ahead.
  8. Staffuyluv - does this include walking your dog off leash in on leash areas. Off leash areas - go for your life.
  9. Advanced Dog Skills Australia have a tracking lesson once a month using the "disturbed ground" method (ie they teach dogs to track with schutzhund precision). I don't know if there are any more classes this year though.
  10. Ummmm....... No. Genuine question: Why can't you walk your dog off lead in off lead areas? I love giving my dog a run so I take him where he can legally do that. It isn't rocket science. Do you care what impact your behaviour has on other people? Other dogs? One of my dogs is nervous of strange dogs. I got her as a rescue and she had been abused (puppy farm dog). I only walk her in on leash areas. Because of the number of people walking their dogs off leash in on leash areas, her walking is limited to 5am. She is a gorgeous, well behaved dog with great manners. She just doesn't like "friendly" dogs in her face. She has been through hell being a breeding dog on a puppy farm. Her life is limited now because of people like you who want to do what ever they want, wherever they want. I would love to take her for a walk on the weekend at 10am, but I just can't - the stress for both of us is just too much. She WILL react to a rude dog in her face, and she will come off second best. I am constantly tired. If people just obeyed the law then both Lucy's and my life would be so much easier and happier. Thanks for nothing.
  11. I would never leave a pup in a crate for that long - he would need to wee and poo in the crate and then sleep next to it. Is there shelter outside? Do you have a dog door?
  12. I don't contribute to this thread that often (normally because I want to write an essay every time!) but thanks for your help and contribution corvus. I understand wanting to step away
  13. Great job DD. My homes lock screen has my details, as well as a message that I have dogs and who to call about them if I'm in an accident or emergency. I'm single and live alone so it could be a few days for anyone to realise that I'm in trouble - which means the dogs would be alone at home for that period. This way, emergency services know who to call.
  14. The standards tend to have a page on structure & look, one one or two words on temperament though.
  15. Well if you don't look, you don't see, so it never happens. :) I remember being at a dog park and there was this guy who would quite happily let you know, "Excuse me, your dog left a job for you." And would give you a poo bag. It seemed to be his mission in life. :laugh: Even funnier was when he followed this lady who was studiously ignoring her dogs (cos if you don't see, it didn't happen) and stood there till she obliged, pointing out the very spots where they had deposited. I once pulled my car over while driving to training and offered a bag - ever so politely - to a couple who were walking their dog off leash on the pavement. The dog pooped, they continued to walk and so I said "you must not have seen it, but your dog poo'd over there". They then said they had no bags, so I offered them one. I think they were so stunned they took it.
  16. I fully understand - I wouldn't want to jinx it either
  17. Yay! I had my suspicions but you quashed those. She looks like a real treasure.
  18. Then secure your gates. Problem solved. This dog appeared to have access to the police officers which is the issue. Jed - my front garden is the only garden I have, so my dogs use it. The gates are padlocked though so no one can enter and get a fright/let them out etc. A dog in a front yard that anyone can walk into is not secure.
  19. yes - this is perfect for them. The instructor who taught the course is planning on moving here to Melbourne early next year Leah and should start classes then.
  20. They are looking at making nosework an official sport, but I don't believe it will be within the ANKC. I trainer at the Castle Hill (?) obedience club teaches it and is an accredited trainer I believe. Staff & Toller should have her details as she organised the course here in Melbourne. There are disabled and highly reactive dogs doing the sport safely in the US. We saw a video of a dog with a wheelchair competing who won a competition, so it really is a sport for every dog.
  21. yeah that is my thought too Bjelkeir - too many gimmicks to try and sell dogs. If someone wants a dog solely because it is rare then it might be best if they don't get a dog anyway.
  22. No one has said don't feed raw. All I said was research before you feed it. Getting the calcium and phosphorus balance wrong can be catastrophic. There are many different raw diets out there. And yes, I feed raw.
  23. You need bone as well as meat. My suggestion is to stick to a good quality kibble until you have researched a raw diet properly (there are many different types and not all types suit all dogs). You'll also need to find one that suits big dogs. If he is still young it is even more of an ask as you need to ensure that you grow them slow.
  24. I'd sleep with one eye open mim. That is one seriously p*ssed off corgi.
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