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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Am I the only one with a "draft" basket ready to go? I need to cull it down though as it is sitting on the $800 mark (very few toys though)
  2. yOu have a mal puppy? I thought you were a poodle person! Can I ask where she is from?
  3. As a general rule, no. Correcting her will not change her view on puppies - she'll just learn to hide her warning snap/growl and go straight for an attack. I would focus on building a neutral view of puppies instead. When puppies are in view = good things happen.
  4. A lot is now excluded though, including the stick-in-the-ground weaves, which I *need*. I'm going to buy the parts to make my own jumps though and the screw-in-the-ground weave bases.
  5. All this speculation is worthless, and some posts are now making fun of the situation, pretty tasteless.
  6. the program that sas (the doler) came up with for Dane Rescue I believe. If you PM her she is happy to share it around
  7. Santos plenty of police dogs live with their handler's families and their kids. They know they are not working and don't attack the kids at random.
  8. I would never buy from a breeder that just let me pick which puppy I wanted - bit different with you and stu as you know what you're doing. I think it is a 2 way process: you specify what you're looking for in a pup, they ask wuestions about you and then they identify what pups would meet your criteria. You may be able to chose from more than one, or there might be none that ate right for you even though you are the best owner in the world. You then have the right to walk away. I would either want to meet the pups or have a trusted advisor meet them as I will be after a very specific set of qualities (mostly related to agility).
  9. Nope . Not scared. I've been to plenty of workshops and I'm not afraid of making a total fool of myself. I also remind myself that I paid good money to attend.
  10. It means that no longer does the Council have to prove that the dog is a Pit Bull. If the Council says it is, then it is - unless you can prove that it isn't. This will see hundreds and hundreds (more) innocent dogs killed, most of them mixed breeds without any 'pit bull' at all. ETA: Basically, the dog is guilty unless proven innocent. I thought this was enacted a few years ago in Vic. the onus has been on the owner for a while
  11. Fergus gets off lead time a few times a week (and I don't play Angry Birds while he does this :-)). Lucy gets much less as she is FA/DA. I simply won't risk a public off leash park. We used to go to a great one but then one yob moved in and ruined it. I aim to give her an off leash free run about once a week at either KCC or Kepala, where people are not allowed to enter the off leash area if it is already in use. She also tears around our garden and does agility, so is hardly suffering.
  12. No one accused you of being unethical? Rebanne's post might have been a bit harsh, however your response to RuralPugs very informative post was very harsh too. Her post was actually really good and reflected the things you should consider when breeding dogs - coat is very low down on the list for a companion breed like pugs. People are saying that it isn't good for the breed to breed for colour. If someone posted here that they wanted to breed blue staffords and wanted to ensure that the entire litter was blue, what do you think the response would be? If you focus on colour, you immediately limit the gene pool of dogs that you can breed from. What if the very best pug around has a "silver" coat? Would you not breed from them simply because you don't like the coat colour?
  13. I don't know the answer to your question, but this rang alarm bells for me: She was also starting to growl (a guarding instinct I think) when other family members came into rooms I was in with her. It wasn't aggression, more just her insecurity and confusion as to how to react and was always corrected. Growling is a warning. It means "stop that or I'm going to bite". You can't say that it isn't aggression. It could be caused by resource guarding (she sees you as her resource and doesn't want others to come near) or fear aggression (it is common for fearful dogs to resort to aggression once they get comfortable somewhere - I know, I have a FA dog who showed no signs of aggression at all for 18 months, then charged at a child and realised that it worked). Personally, in your situation, I would rehome the other dog and get a reputable behaviourist to help you deal with her fear issues. As one fearful dog owner to another, fear CAN rear its head as aggression very suddenly and apparently "out of the blue". Correcting her may be helping her, but it also may be reinforcing her fear. She is a strong, powerful dog - it will only take one incident to end badly. ETA: If I was picking a companion for a fearful dog, I would get a confident, mature, nerves-of-steal dog. I would actually get a behaviourist to help me select them and I certainly wouldn't get them from the pound (because you won't see their true colours there).
  14. Why is breeding for one colour frowned upon, but breeding to avoid a colour not okay? I can think of many factors to consider before colour. There are plenty of badly bred, pretty pugs around. I would rather select pugs with great breathing, great structure regardless of what colour they were.
  15. Who is running the workshop 2tollers?
  16. I have heard good things too, but you'll need to book very, very early
  17. I personally wouldn't be comfortable with a dog with strong prey drive exhibiting prey-drive like behaviour near my small, fluffy dog. It doesn't mean I think the husky would attack, but I wouldn't take the chance. I have seen play turn into prey very quickly with a malamute who frequents our park.
  18. Meal is useless IMO. Flax goes rancid very easily so oil in the fridge is best.
  19. Maybe contact erny? She has a lot of experience with this.
  20. I agree with this. It doesn't matter what types of dogs you love, it matters what type of dogs your dogs don't get on with. If a bull breed come to my park I leave because they have a very different play style to my boy . They tend to like rough and tumble and he likes chased. For similar reasons he doesn't play with labs. He loves poodles, whippets and small terriers. I'm sure done owners get offended, but I don't give a sh*t. ETA: I do let my lit tiles interact with large dogs. It is important for them not to be overwhelmed. However, I know these dogs and their owner and trust them 100%.
  21. Where are the " it was the other dogs fault, not yours. You have the right to expect a dog to behave in a public place" relies? Instead, the OP is told not to take her dog to these places. Interesting given the other thread.
  22. Is a name change possible? Bandits are badies - I love the name but given the dog is a brindle staffy type, changing stereotypes might help people see through that.
  23. I wouldn't be able to tell them apart
  24. They have said they don't want to breed.. Personally, given that labs are late mature red, I'd wait a bit and make sure he has all the training, manners etc that you want to have before getting another dog
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