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Everything posted by megan_

  1. I iz a grinch. Had new aircon installed and I haven't left it on for them. I was raised never to leave an electrical applicance on when you're not home - lest it catch on fire. So my two are indoors (with a dog door in case they want to go outside), and iceblocks in their water. I did buy them a clam shell pool and polar mats but they refuse to use them - they act as if I'm trying to murder them! They are both young and fit and I'm sure they'll be fine. MotherMoocher - I think we Victorians are lucky - those in South Australia have been suffering for days! We must be better whingers though
  2. I am also way too unco to click - so instead of a click I just say "yes" in a very neutral tone.
  3. This is where I go. I like it because classes are relatively small and very controlled - no one will just come up to your dog and say hello etc. There is plenty of room so you don't have to be close to other dogs.
  4. Got up at 6am and gave both of them a walk and a bit of training. Fergus got some off lead time to play fetch too. Daisy - I find breaking it up like this makes it a lot more fun - training, fetch and walking keeps it interesting for both of us. When we got home I gave both Fergus and Lucy a little street walk together. It was only 10 mins, but that is better than nothing. About 15 months ago, I got really slack with walking. I only had my boy and I had a dog walker visit while I was at work. I convinced myself that, given he'd had a walk with them, he didn't need one with me. Then I started noticing a guy in a wheelchair outside my house walking his dog every single evening. I often saw him in the park too. He has a manual wheelchair and the park path is gravel - so it would have been hard work for him to do. I thought to myself that if he could do it, I had no excuse.
  5. Good "Airlock system" I think is the name I was trying to think of. My girl has dashed outside once. I have an art deco house with a little porch, so I have put a baby gate on the porch (ie outside my house, looks ugly but is totally functional) the first time she did it. It cost about $100. Fortunately I called her and she came back inside! I am also: i) teaching her to sit before going out the door. She can only go through on command. ii) teaching her recall iii) final emergency measure: teaching her to automatically sit at the bottom of the stairs (lest the baby gate, sit before leaving AND recall fail). When my boy was a pup, I put the training gates inside about 1M from the front door. I taught him to go through the door (ie to the main house away from the front) on command. I took it down after a few months and he has never tried to get through - he always stands back like the gate is still there!
  6. I think you will find that they actually contact the vet to get the history. You don't have to attach a full history with PetPlan, but it does make it easier because they don't have to contact the vet at all. They only need the history for the first claim. This is pretty stock standard with insurance? Their claims do take very long and a system backlog is a very poor excuse - they could hire extra staff to deal with THEIR mistake. They should have had a tested roll-back and migration plan when implementing the new system. Companies with millions of active customers do it all the time without this much drama. I was upset about my claim because even though it should have "normally" been processed within 21 days and be in my account before Christmas, I only got my money after Christmas.
  7. It is important to note that if you do change the new policy will exclude all issues and illnesses that your dog has had to date. This is why I'm not changing - because I don't want gastric issues excluded!
  8. In the Melbourne heat it is definitely best to walk them in the morning (6am ish). It often only reaches the peak temp here at 7pm, so mornings are almost always best. Even if it is hot, generally the sun isn't out in full force and the pavement is cool. Mine get at least one walk a day, my boy gets to. My goal is to give my girl two walks a day too. Now that she is less fearful and her fitness has improved, I have no excuses! Even if it is a 15 min walk with 5 mins of training, it will improve her quality of life.
  9. A lot of it is human quality - but it is illegal to advertise it as such. That is why when you buy Ziwipeak there is a line blacked out (or at least there used to be) - it is the bit that says even humans can eat it. For raw food - it really isn't suitable for human consumption because the meat hasn't been inspected for pests (unless you buy it from a butcher).
  10. I'm with you persephone. RE-homing a dog is not like re-homing a child. And I love, love, love my dogs and don't have any kids. You have to do what is best for your whole family - and sometimes taht means moving. Having an income is important. You need to honestly assess his chances of re-homing (you could post on the rescue thread) and whether he would adjust to a new home. And putting a dog down isn't the same as putting a child down - don't let anyone make you feel worse than I'm sure you already do.
  11. Apparently they implemented a new system in July and it has issues and there is a big backlog. It took almost three weeks for my claim to be logged into the system after they had received it. Also, I was told they aren't paying money direct into bank accounts and you will get a cheque instead. Other than the very long wait, they have processed things and I got my claim paid out - $3700 - without any complications (and I used two vets back and forth). If you make a claim for the first time, make sure your vet attaches a COMPLETE history of the dog (not only the incident) and then your claim should proceed more quickly once it is logged.
  12. Are dogs (that are not part of an exhibition) allowed?
  13. I might agree - but it puts many people off becasue they think that is how poodles look - when poodles don't look froo-froo in their natural state. The whole DD thing has really taken off because people want a poodle that doesn't look like a poodle
  14. That even with the best training, it takes time. You have to be patient. Far to many people give up too early, especially when they hit the teenage years. One of my pet peeves is when someone is struggling and a poster will say how they have a fully house-trained dog at 14 weeks. Differnt dogs progress at different paces. Invest in a good mop and white vinegar!
  15. Mini schnauzers are also a breed to consider. Low shedding, love people, great little all round dogs. They also suffer from a bit of a bad "show cut" image, a pet cut is a bit more friendly on the eye.
  16. I bought a normal small hedgren bag and use that. Added benefit that I can use it when I'm not with the dogs either.
  17. lagotto. Or google some images of a poodle with a pet cut and show her those. Yes - some breeders have done poodles a great diservice by not showing how un-froo-froo a poodle can look
  18. Does he have a release word? If so, stay is just waiting for the release a bit longer. I hate "stay" or "wait" - you have to keep on repeating it! Start off with instant "sit, free" then build it up "sit........free" (or whatever release word you chose).
  19. I've been looking at some agility foundation stuff for my boy. I have some DVD (crate games and one other) but I'm interested in some one-on-one training. While browsing I found this one Agility Click's website: Beginnings in Brilliance - the Say Yes Program Topic Details: This two day workshop from Say Yes has earned rave reviews worldwide. Regardless of how many times you sit in on it, you will go away learning something new each time. Day One of this exciting programme will review fundamental principles of dog training and work on improving your mechanics as a trainer. Lynda will show you how to apply learning theory into your every day dog training. Understanding why your dog does what he does will help you work through training challenges facing you in any area of competitive dog training. Learn how to teach your dog both control for stationary positions (like contacts and sit stays) and incredible motivation so you will have a dog that WANTS to work at any skill you want to work on. The workshop is a balance of lecture, and demo with some dogs being worked for teaching purposes. Included will be games such as: It’s Yer Choice Game and Susan’s very popular "Crate Games". These 2 games form the foundation of Susan’s Say Yes Dog Training program which has helped many dogs become National or World Champions. Please note, although this workshop is primarily for auditing purposes, there will be a limited number of spots available for those who want to bring a dog for participation in the games. Prerequisite for Handlers with Dogs: Nil It is run by Lynda Orton-Hill. Has anyone completed this programme or heard any feedback? Thanks, Megan
  20. Mine know when they have something norty. If they have one of their toys they will let me walk up to them and I can say "give" and they hand it over. If they have my knickers I don't stand a chance!
  21. 2 dogs. 2 leads. Hold leads in my right hand. Dogs walk on my left (any position is okay, but on my left). Leash through my left hand as a guide to 'steer" them (holding the hand like you do in snooker).
  22. only get anotehr one when the problems with this one have been sorted - otherwise pug #1 teaches pug #2 all teh bad habits.
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