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Everything posted by megan_

  1. As above, is this allowed? There is a registered poodle breeder (with prefix) on gumtree advertising poodles with or without papers. What's more, they're getting rid of a lot of their adult dogs because of their health - but they are still breeding puppies.
  2. He should only get treated when he comes right to you (or sits in front of you - you decide the rule but always apply it consistently). Once he is (say) sitting in front of you, say your release word then treat. If he stops too far away, say "too bad" (or whatever you chose), gather up the long line and he gets the short leash, boring walk. You can also practice getting him to like the leash being put on. I say "leash time", put it on then treat. So "leash time" is a fun activity.
  3. A lot of people use the Really Reliable Recall system with success. I trained my boy on a long line - no off leash until recall was perfect. I'd pick a new word if I was you - the one you have is "tainted" and has lost meaning to him. Also, only say it once. If he doesn't come back, I'd use a marker word (in my case "too bad"), walk up to him and put him on the short leash. Walk quickly and no sniffing etc. My boy got the message pretty soon that "come back and I get rewarded, don't listen and the fun all stops".
  4. In future you can use booko.com.au - compares the cost of the book + postage for all major sellers. Works for DVD's too.
  5. OR get insurance! What do you suppose should happen to every dog that is large breed and dumped? Shoudl no one adopt them? Mumsy - I would offer to pay for the bitch to get desexed as payment for the pup - but pay the vet direct
  6. There is a guy down the street who has a manual wheelchair - and he walks his dog every day! He even takes it to the park and wheels along the gravel.
  7. They could hire a dog walker to feed and play with him when he's a puppy. When he gets older they can take him for walks etc. That is what I did with my boy and he is happy and well adjusted.
  8. Had a great day today - not at work so no excuses! I took Fergus to the off leash Brighton (Sandowne St) this morning for 45 mins. He loved it, even though he doesn't go in the water. He was so good and stuck close by. Took Lucy to the Royal Botanical Gardens for the first time too. It is all on leash so is great for dogs with issues (Lucy is fearful of humans). She was a breeding bitch on a puppy farm before she came to me 10 months ago so has had very little exposure to the outside world. We have had to work through a lot of issues and we normally walk at the same park or go around local streets. When we entered the gardens it was like watching the Truman Show - everything was amazing to her. So many different plants, smells, colours and birds. We went the the Australian Rainforest, New Caledonia Forest, duck pond and Camelia Gardens amongst other things. She was happy and confident for the whole 45 min walk. If you live within driving distance I highly recommend it. If you go before 10am it is really empty. It is great for dogs with issues (on leash, very large area etc). I have been there many times before with Fergus and have only seen one or two dogs off leash. Oh, and it makes the walk interesting for both of you. Then they each had a small walk and training session this evening.
  9. My boy loves to run and be chased - he isn't a fan of wrestling. So he doesn't love playing with the bullies, but he loves the poodles and the GSP's. The dog walker says his best friend at play time is a GSD.
  10. My boy does this. It isn't manic and his skina nd fur are fine. He also loves a scratch behind the ear.
  11. If someone told me that there was a dangerous dog at the park I would keep my dog away from them. And I'm not Asian. . Your post implied that BECAUSE there were Asian they didn't know better. You might have meant no offense, but you are perpetuating a stereotype that Asian's don't know much about dogs. It is silly and untrue.
  12. EXACKERY! but...there are plenty of people on DOL who walk with big stick and poles to protect their dogs if they get attacked. Is that not okay?
  13. If she walks regularly, I would go for a walk without my dog and approach her. And in a very friendly way tell her that the big pole might actually cause some dogs to react thereby creating the very scenario that she is worried about.
  14. I'd also call the police - I think they'll care more than the council.
  15. I wonder why not ? not high profile? May people don't know who they are??? the MDBA also isn't the representing body of pure breeders - the ANKC is? (not a criticism steve, just an pbservation...)
  16. I agree with PF. I think you need to determine: i) How important is it that you compete in agility and obedience? Is it just for a bit of fun or are you focused on titles? If it is just for fun then the breed shouldn't matter - how it excels is not important ii) How "easy" do you want training to be? Some people like the challenge of a harder-to-train dog and working on focus etc. Some people like those basics to be inherant and prefer an easier-to-train dog. FWIW, I think if you answer those questions it will be obvious whether a jack is for you! Have you ever thought of a mini schnauzer? It is still a terrierist but I'd say easier to get focus etc than from a (typical) JRT? I don't compete in obedience and am a very mediocre trainer but every night I do training with my boy in a high distraction environment (off lead park, children playing soccer a few metres away etc etc) and his focus and stays are PERFECT. This, and we don't do formal training and only train for 5 mins a day! So...I think MS's are very easy to train! I believe that a poodle would be similar (just not as cute ). ETA: And most nights, after training, I can walk through the off lead park to see someone in particular and he'll focus on me - with dogs flying around.
  17. great taht they can have pics that show them in a good light - it lets their character shine through!
  18. I am going to the session on the 16th. I wonder how bith my boy and I will cope for the whole day.
  19. I have heard a lot of "training" people that stand is very had to teach. Maybe just drop it and try again in a month or two?
  20. mental stimilation. Seeing the world. Sniffing "new" grass. If they are social - meeting other dogs. I think teh bonding and training this is also important.
  21. No I feel extra guilty about not leaving the air con on.
  22. I Melbourne we often only get the peak at 5 - 7pm! They said it was going to be 30+ for most of tonight
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