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Everything posted by megan_

  1. I'm single and work full time (away for about 11-12 hours per day). I've had my boy since he was 8 weeks old and he is a happy , well adjusted dog. The people who know him can attest to this. When he was young I had a dog walker pop in to feed him and break the day up a bit. He still has the dog walker 3 times per week. That is in addition to: - a walk every day from me - games/training most nights (including scent work, foundations etc) - agility 2 - 3 times per week - weekends we go on more exotic, longer walks I don't go out after work - I go home to my dogs. Both my dogs live better, richer lives than an awful lot of dogs, including many that I know who spend most of their time alone even though the mum doesn't work .
  2. It is not always about markup. Medications at the pharmacy are often heavily subsidised by the PBS. Medications from the vet aren't .
  3. If the breeder gave the dog up at 7 weeks I wouldn't be holding my breath for their help.
  4. Do you want a watch dog or a guard dog. (Ie one that will actually attack if threatened)?
  5. I love these posts bemoaning children's manners - it is the parents' manners that are at fault . These children are often being raised by people in your own generation - that is the generation to. " blame".
  6. Is that online fuzzy? Apparently she is coming back in April too .
  7. Can anyone recommend some resources to train blind crosses (esp on jumps )?
  8. Maybe they're on BARF because they have health issues, not that the BARF is causing the issues? I agree with what TSD and karly have said. Diet is not going to fix genetics , and trying to draw a direct line between food vs age vs number of times the dog goes to the vet is misleading. Like with all animals a good diet and appropriate exercise will ensure that animal will get the best shot at life. It won't guarantee a long and healthy life.
  9. Bisart - would you recommend a done for agility? With their deep chest and skinny legs , wouldn't agility have a big impact on them ?
  10. Thanks - that sounds interesting. SG's stuff seems to be GD with some European elements. I'll definitely look up Justine's course as I think GD with other bits added. (Eg not doing a stop for threadles ) is what I need .
  11. Are the blind crosses helping with speed pie?
  12. I like GD a lot TSD. But I like to look at what other people are doing and see if there is anything that I can pick from their system. When Greg was out here a few years ago he also said that his system was designed for someone who forces lot of running. I need tricks that I can get fergs to do independently of me (eg check check) so that I can move on. Greg's system doesn't have verbals?
  13. Does she have a specific handling system? Do any of her dvd's explain it? I'm a handler that needs a system!
  14. I love watching her run and I love her "have fun and break the rules " philosophy . I couldn't keep up with fergus though!
  15. Lynda Peyton hill raised this when she was out here. She only does them now when the dog has a job to do and they should be ignoring the handler totally (eg, the weavers where, if your dog understands their job properly you soils be able to run off in any direction and they should focus on the weavers until they've finished). I guess a tunnel, dog walk and maybe even the a frame would be good candidates too . I personally wouldn't do it on the flat as it would introduce too much confusion. I might start yo give some a go as I'm a fatty and sometimes I'm too slow with my front cross. That said, I find that a front cross gives a dog a much better idea of what is about to happen over a blind or rear cross, so you might find your slow dog going even slower as they might have more questions.
  16. Yes to this . The dog will improve all round . Also, is she actually using measuring cup to get the food? People tend to underestimate what a cup is (a mug, for example , is often closer to 2 cups).
  17. I have no issue with dogs on seats if the practice allows it. I also have no issue with being told my dog can't sit on a seat. I go to the vets that I believe give my dogs the best medical care, not the ones with the sweetest vet nurses or receptionists.
  18. Oops - I've deleted messages so it should be fine now
  19. But this dog is accredited. You need a letter from your doctor as part of the process. You can't just do the public access test to get an assistance dog. You need proof of a disability. If I had mental issues that required an assistance dog I certainly wouldn't be giving details to every random . I don't know this person from a bar of soap. Maybe if she is as "psycho" as some are saying she does need one???
  20. Actually, many leading behaviourists now say that comforting the dog is a good thing. You can't reinforce anxiety by parting your dog. If he's taking treats then he can't be that anxious anyway - a fearful dog won't eat
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