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Everything posted by megan_

  1. unfortunately you can't control what other people do. Yoiu can only control what you do. I do go to an offleash park, but at the crack of dawn or late evening (when we have day light savings time). I don't let my dogs play with stangers, but let them play with the dogs that they know. If they tried to approach other dogs (which they generally don't) I call them and they come running back to me. If there is any dog that looks like it isn't being controlled I leave immediately - even if they are on the other side of the park. I believe dogs need off leash time. My dogs lenjoy playing with their friends. You just have to try to minimise the risks. Sheridan - on leash doesn't mean "under control". If your dog attacks another dog then it isn't under effective control. ETA: AussieLover - the OP said that the skin was broken. Even if it wasn't, just because skin isn't broken doesn't mean that an attack didn't happen. My girl attacked my boy a few months ago - it was full on and there was no denying her intention - no skin was broken because he was due for a clip and she got a good dose of fur instead.
  2. EP Holistic is good and you only feed a small amount. Don't know the exact quantities though
  3. IF breeders stop breeding pets then the BYB's and puppy farmers will thrive. I am much more concerned about breeders selling all dogs on the main register (just look at the ads for staffords to get an idea....) The highest honour is to be a much loved pet.
  4. Poodlefan started a thread a while back with the exact info you want
  5. I, on the other hand, do NOT feel sorry for such a sorry excuse for a human being! In fact I would go so far as to say that this is the time when I wish Jack the Ripper had that girl in the palm of his hands and made the most of it! Gosh, if there is any justice in this world, I just hope that she becomes a victim of a drowning. AMEN You want to kill a child? You wish a child dead? You wish that she gets raped and then brutally murdered (the Jack reference)? Who's sick now?
  6. People want to hunt down a 9 year olf girl and do what to her? She isn't he only sicko unfortunately
  7. err is not one incident enough? How many more dogs does it have to damage before they do something about it. Stuff it, I would go straight to the paper with this. Someone has to pay the vet bills and it sure as hell shoudlnt be you. Under Victorian Law it is enough for a dog to just run at you for it to be declared dangerous!
  8. What a load ... ask to speak to management NOW. Tell them you will go to the local papers. With the new dangerous dog laws coming into effect on 1 September, they are going to look very bad if they let a known attacking dog continue to go to an unleashed area. I agree with leaving it up to them, but I think you are going to have to push this to get any action.
  9. Small fluffies will be safe. Probably be deemed "cute" for trying to bite the ranger. Bull breeds are the target of this. If hte ranger isn't keen on dogs, the big, brindle dogs will pay the price.
  10. All dogs need to be under effective voice control at all times. The law is pretty straight forward. You are not allowed to let your dog harrass anyone. If they ask you to call your dog, you have to call it back immediately and the dog has to come back. The
  11. thanks Leopuppy. When do the top dogs compete?
  12. As above, can I bring my pooches (on leashes of course) along to watch?
  13. How could the child have such horrific injuries but that the father didn't notice anything wrong when he placed the child back in her bed? Surely her clothes would have been soaked in blood, saliva and torn from some of those 100 bites? The child must also have been distressed or gasping for breathe is she had chronic lung disease and had suffered that sort of trauma. Poor child. I wondered about that too......even in the dark you would think he would notice something amiss. I have a friend whose toddler fell out of bed. In her sleepy state, she put her little one back into bed and went off to sleep. When she dound her daugher in the morning, her pillow was covered in blood. Fortunately, the child was okay, but for me it is totally believable that someone could, in a sleepy state, not realise that something really bad has happened.
  14. Maybe you want two things? i) General socialisation - if your dogs are good with other dogs, then something like a DOL meet as suggested above might be good. ii) For Asha's excitability, I think you need a 1:1 consult, to help give you the skills to get her to focus on you and away from whatever is setting her off. There are a few options for what to do and it all depends on what works for you and the dog. I'd suggest someone who is a behaviourist and trainer for this. I'd suggest that this is what the BC with some aggression issues needs to. I have PM'd you some OB school names, they apply for this too. I have personally used Erny with excellent results.
  15. Yes, I was going to bring that point up as well. Is there a greater chance when you own a bearded dog like a mini schnauzer, who often has the raw remains stuck in their beard after a feast?!
  16. I think you'll find that most people will be against leaving food - fights, but also it teaches bad habits (not eating food and grazing all day). It will also be hard to regulate their weight.
  17. How terrible. I only go to that beach at 7am as it is just too popular at peak times. We have stopped going totally after a GSD jumped on my boy and when I asked the owner to call his dog he refused and said "it won't eat your dogs". Is the dog going to be declared dangerous? Is the council actually going to take any action? Do we need to do something to help you pressure the council into acting?
  18. Agree. Dog attacks happen in milliseconds. I think the whole "supervision" thing might actually be the "cause" of some attacks. People think that if they're watching the dog that everything will be okay - and that isn't necessarily the case. When I grew up, we were never supervised around our dogs. We had a standard poodle that we would crawl over and play with, and my sister and I SLEPT ON (!) my grandparents' St Bernards. We never got so much as a grumble out of them. All of the dogs were selected for their rock solid temperaments and were socialised with kids from a very early age. We had one dog that didn't get on well with people and the normal chaos that is a young family This was in the days pre-behaviourists etc. My parents looked into rehoming him, but after 6 months he eventaully got given his wings.
  19. Until the day she sees a dog, a cat or something else on the other side of the road or gets rushed or attached by another dog and then there might be tragedy. I can't recommend too highly that you don't let her offlead out the front of your house. All it takes is seconds and she'll be gone forever. If you want to practice your recall with a higher level of distraction, you'll need to take her out on a long line and practice. The long line will keep her safe and allow you to reel her in if she doesn't come. I don't want ot flame you PD but what PF says above is EXACTLY what my dog did. He ALWAYS stayed so close to me, then one day he was off. He was so fast I couldn't catch him. He ran up the road (a long distance) and then into a busy car park. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. After 20 mins he came back to me. I used a long line to train him with his recall. I also let him run dragging it along once his recall was good. He now has a fantastic recall even when other dogs are around.
  20. I am sorry for your loss. With respect to charging you for a whole year, I assume you mean the rest of the year? Unfortunately, this is a standard practice and it is up to the insurance company to waive at their discretion. This is because insurance policies last for a year, even if you pay monthly.
  21. dogs know that humans aren't dogs. Trying to act like a dog and correct your dog like you're one is just silly IMO. But then again, I don't have a certificate. I have never heard of a qualified trainer saying that a consultation isn't necessary and someone should just get info off the 'net.
  22. and. I don't mean to be a smart arse, but one of the best ways to clear a chest infection is to go for a walk. I'm not having a go at the OP. Sometimes life happens and we can't walk the dog - but we can't blame it then when it creates it's own fun.
  23. Regardless of whether it solves the diggin or not, she needs exercise every day. Imagine not getting of your house for 1 week? It would send you mental too.
  24. You know they're dishwasher safe? yes - but it doesn't clean out all of the grooves.
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