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Everything posted by megan_

  1. I was called cruel here on DOL for "forcing" my dogs to hold it for 11 hours
  2. mine can unzip their soft crates very easily. My boy ate through the "gauze" of his soft one when he wanted to get out and do agility (it was his sister's turn). It was a high quality, expensive one.
  3. you can get them in a lot of petshops - PetStock for example
  4. I would never let two dogs share a crate. If there is a fight, one can't get away - it is just too risky IMO. Dogs should be able to sleep in peace in their own space.
  5. I met a guy who has two littermates....who are sisters....who are SBT's. He didn't understand when I told him that I hoped he had great insurance.
  6. :rolleyes: I NEED this! Where can one buy this????
  7. How about we all just ignore TF's post and stop quoting it and having a debate about American Bulldogs? It isn't helping the OP...
  8. I believe that BARF patties contain minced bone (otherwise how are the dogs getting calcium)? If this is the case, DON'T cook them.
  9. If the bulldog begins to shows signs of aggression towards the other dog we separete them - also we sepearte them when they are eating (which is normal) We have not seen a behaviourist - and i dont have the belief that a dog therapist can help resolve aggression issues. I guess i may be naive in that area but i have never heard of it actually working? I have seen a behaviourist and my dog is a different dog. Her issue wasn't aggression it was extreme fear - fear to even look at a human. She is now a happy little dog who even does agility (training). A behaviourist isn't a dog therapist. They are there to tell YOU what you need to do to manage your dogs behaviour.
  10. I might get flamed here, but I wouldn't choose option 1 (assume that you work f/t, I am away 12 hours during the day)
  11. I got mine from Erny (ProK9). It is 7m long, very strong but soft with rounded edges. It has never burnt my hands. It doesn't hurt dogs if they get tangled in it either. Amy of the ones made out of material can cause burns and I wouldn't touch them
  12. ta - I'll use the Earth Dog area. It is a pity because my girl rarely runs - but she galloped in the grass because it was long. She gets off leash time in a fenced area almost every day (it is a football field so there is nothing to sniff and explore), but it isn't the same.
  13. Fire hazard? You leave electrial appliances switched on for long periods every day and don't have a fire. 46+ and leaving the dogs out in it is your choice, I certainly would not be doing it, my breeds would probably die in it. If you actaully read my post, my dogs were inside. THey had plenty of cooling options available. I wasn't talking about your dogs - I was saying that if your breed originates from a hot climate they should be fine - provided they are in good health. Iw as answering the OP's question. The statement about a fire hazard is true - I only leave the fridge running. Electrical fires are a risk - a few DOLers have even suffered from them?? It certainly isn't a rediculous concern.
  14. Just asking. I took my two for a run there last week after agility training - the grass was pretty long. They loved it but when I got back to the car I did wonder if it was a snake area?
  15. Long line or train in a fenced place. Reliable Recall advocates lots of off leash when training - just in safe places
  16. I've emailed them a few times, but I've never got a reply. I know they are closed for new members, but I'd like to get on a waiting list. Does anyone know alternative contacts?
  17. As per the title, does anyone know of a club that does flyball training in SE Melbourne that isn't on a Sunday morning (we do agility then)? Thanks, Megan
  18. I think Blackdog get a lot of complaints about their treat pouches and have had to hand out lots of replacements. Maybe they should jsut fix the product!
  19. I was tought never to leave on an electrical item when you aren't in the house (or even awake). Fire hazard. When we had the terrible heat waves in Melbourne (46+) I didn't have an aircon and the dogs were fine. I closed all the blinds, left ice blocks and even had a wading pool in the bathroom (they are scared of water and refused to go near it) and they were fine. They slept a lot more, but weren't negatively impacted. Your breed originates from a hot climate. I think they'll be fine.
  20. As per the title, where is the best place to buy this (jumps and weavers particularly)? I am not at all handy, so making my own is out of the question.
  21. I work a lot longer than 8 - 4 and have raised two happily adjusted dogs (one from puppyhood). Dogs need to learn to be idependant, dogs that are around you 24/7 don't learn that important life skill. I hired a dog walker so that my pup could get some daytime attention, no big drama. If youa re workiong 8 - 4, then going out most nights, then it would be an issue. If you get home from work, walk the pup, play with it, do a bit of trick training etc then it will be just fine. Dogs aren't babies.
  22. My dogs walk whereever they want to - just as long as they don't pull on the leash. They can stop, sniff etc, just as long as they leash doesn't get pulled. I want walks to be enjoyable for them and me. For most dogs, they aren't going to turn into control freaks because you let them walk ahead of you
  23. I'd suggest getting in a behaviourist ASAP. Where are you located? In the interim, I suggest taking a good look at your leadership. If your dog truly sees you as a leader, this behaviour wouldn't happen. Have a look at the "sticky" posts at the top of this forum, in particular "Nothing in Life is Free" (NILIF) and "Triangle of Temptation" (ToT). Start these today. Set some boundaries (even if they aren't going to be your long term boundaries) and enforce them (not through screaming, physically etc, just be consistent). These boundaries will help re-inforce that you are the ones setting the rules. Some quick ones that are easy for the dog to understand: i) No getting on your bed ii) No more lap time (it will be hard for you, but if it gets rid of this problem, it will be in her best interest). ETA: Just read that you have other dogs. It is important that you are a fair leader and all the rules (NILIF, ToT etc) apply equally to all of them too.
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