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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Maybe put them in the crates before you even start preparing food? Otherwise if they're behind the door knowing that food is coming they might fight anyway. I'd also be seeking professional advice. It must be hard. My two are fed separately but I've dropped food, accidentally left the door open etc and they are fine . They have a "first in, first served@ approach to food. I can't imagine the stress of them fighting.
  2. Dogs have a much higher risk of dying after 8. It doesn't make business sense gor companies to insure old dogs.
  3. There are DOLers who work there and help lots of dogs too. High level mgt and the people on the ground can be very different.
  4. I'm not surprised and think it will happen across the industry. A lot of vets ask if you have insurance and suggest expensive treatment options if you do (not that this is a bad thing, but it is unsustainable). It would be good if someone offered a discount based on health testing. Are you sure they didn't send you a letter? Thru can't up fees unless your contract is up and they tell you .
  5. TSD. - if you don't Facebook you might not have seen that awesome paws are also doing a H360 1/2 day on 31 may. There are two classes - basics and then sequencing (triple double)
  6. I'm on my phone so I can't post all the details, but there is one advanced spot left in Melbourne and a few spots in Sydney apparently. I've just booked the last working foundation spot in Melbourne - can't wait . She uses Susan garrett's handling 360, but apparently has a "more relaxed" teaching style. Looking forward to it.
  7. It's more than risk though, the dog can be suffering even if they appear to be fine. Negligent IMO to have a dog with bloody poo and not do anything about it unless it is life threatening.
  8. We are going to do that until we see Steve, interestingly our son who is a big man and grandson came to visit this morning and she didn't growl at him, she let him touch her and sat next to our grandson on the lounge, she never did that, so perhaps the Adaptil collar is slowly working, is that too soon? I wonder. She also might have been so scared of a big bloke so she just submitted - which isn't a good thing. If she was my dog, I would do everything to avoid contact with triggers until you see Steve. My Lucy used to avoid strangers but was never aggressive, so I let her infect with them and, in hindsight, forced her to interact when not comfortable . Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, she had a red hit go at someone. She soon learnt that by acting aggressively she could get those nasty people to leave her alone. It has been years of hard work and management to undo that lesson.
  9. I went their recently and while I loved the standard runs, the agility one is completely run down and unsafe - the little dog walk has rotted through. To the OP - it is very dog friendly but not secluded. Dogs must be on leash unless in your cabin or in a fenced run (which is a good idea IMO).
  10. I would ask cosmolo where she got Gilbert - best JRT ever. He's got a great temp too. Remember that even if you take your sport seriously , the dog will be your pet 95% of the time.
  11. TSD what fittings did you use to make the jumps? I have never been able to find the right ones. I landed up buying some from someone at my club - $130 each but very nice - but could always do with more (not that I have space in my teeny garden). It looks like at least 2 clubs are going down the winged route in Vic - yay! Do you know if Croydon is going to change over?
  12. Showing is about a lot more than structure though. Why else do people put glitter etc on their dogs for shows ? Dogs can have excellent structure and not be show winners. There ae a number of breeds (mals, bc's, Aussies etc) that have split working and show lines.
  13. Look up kikopup on YouTube - great trainer for tricks to keep your dog mentally stimulated. She does teach stuff like putting away toys. Does your dog know how to tug? Tug is great for prey driven dogs, but you need to do it in a controlled manner.
  14. Also look up kikopup on YouTube for lots of trick training to keep you both entertained - she includes teaching how to put toys away etc.
  15. I'm on my iPhone so need to be brief, but I thought you guys might be interested in the "dogs in need of space" online course that is being offered. It isn't about dog training , but owner training. I've followed their blog a fair bit and I've always found thetr advice to be useful, practical and above all non-judgemental. Early bird is $99 for 15 lessons and open all year, with q&a, support etc. early bird is only open for the next hour or so, then I think it is about $250. I can't link from here but look up "DINOS" on Facebook if you're interested. Go snook! Green with envy :-). Hugs to BC Crazy. While I agree that healthy animals can adapt and improve, some tortured souls can't (much like humans too). Unfortunately there isn't a simple test to tell us which category our dogs fall into. I sometimes worry that the "you're do committed and things will improve" actually puts more pressure on someone. It is okay to throw yourself on the bed, have a good cry and want to give up . Also, when you can't cope anymore an the dog is in a constant state of stress, it is okay to say "enough is enough" and give them their wings. No one needs to be a hero (I'm not saying this applied to Stella BC crazy, I don't know Stella in real life and I'm far from an expert).
  16. There is nothing in the contract about the dogs not being inside - do the landlord is breaking the agreement, not the tenant. In Vic it is illegal for a landlord not to allow pets inside unless it is specifically outlined in the contract.
  17. Unless it is in the lease it is against the law for them to do this - you have the right to enjoy the property
  18. Murray curly coated retriever? Not recognised by the ankh. To be honest, if I was developing a new breed I don't think I'd be interested in dealing with them either.
  19. A lot of dogs find tunnels rewarding, even if you never reward them . After all, racing through a tunnel is fun . I think the key in agility is balance . We reward contacts but don't often reward a straight boring jump. No surprise the dog goes off course to do the thing that earns it the most reward.
  20. Sheena, yes is exactly the same as a clicker. I use both yes and the clicker and use "good" to mean they've done the right thing but need to continue. In huskies scenario, I believe she wants to call her dog off the obstacle. If she wanted them to continue she would say good (or whatever bridging word she uses). I only use my clicker to mark free shaping.
  21. There was a thread a while back and people recommended this rat zapper. No poison - the rats run through it, get electrocuted and die instantly.
  22. Non shedding = high maintenance cost. It costs me $55 every six weeks for a mini schnauzer and my groomer is cheap. All the loggotos I have met have had weak twmperaments and been reactive . What kind of training are you rally committed to? The dogs with lots of personality can mean a lot more work for you .
  23. A dog in prey drive often doesn't bark. Personally, in more worried by a quiet, staring dog than by a dog putting on a show. Some breeds also go very quiet before they attack. Whether the dog is aggressive or not doesn't matter / you have little dogs that could easily get hurt if this dog is over eager.
  24. Probiotics only work once you have finished the course of antibiotics. If you give them now u believe they are useless and you'd just be wasting your money.
  25. HW - as you said, we have no idea about what happened. Sometimes a dog coming over to say "hi " isn't coming over to say hi at all - it can be a way of dominating a dog. A professional needs to witness their interactions and come up with a plan - this might not be resource guarding at all.
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