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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Agreed. Especially in the US. I've read stuff about crating dogs whenever you're not training them or directly supervising them. If I crated my dogs whenever I was out they would spend most of their lives in crates. I also don't like to crate them when I'm out because I live alone. If I was in an accident it could be days before they got found and let out, if at all.
  2. Italian Spinone...and all the other breeds I didn't get to own when I was younger because all my dogs lived happy, long lives
  3. Greg and Laura Derrett are coming to Melbourne early February next year. They train with very similar methods to those outlined in the workshop - Laura's foundation workshops are brilliant if she offers them again, with a lot of emphasis on creating drive for playing with you and with toys and then using it effectively in training. So you will at least be able to take advantage of those if Vickie doesn't manage a trip to Melbourne. But interstate agility related trips are fun so you could always do both. Win-Win! Thanks. How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book? How do I book?
  4. Giant schnauzer. A standard schnauzer fits the bill too, but doesn't fit the weight criteria.
  5. What do you mean by misidentified? By the council or the owner? I'll find the quotes from the minister. In the news section there is a link to the hansard minutes which outline the discussion too.
  6. Here's the latest article Anne: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/councils-to-crack-down-on-pit-bulls-20110830-1jk6i.html#ixzz1WaB3tfSE In particular: New regulations to be released tomorrow by the Baillieu government will also mean dogs that meet the description of a pit bull but who are described as American Staffordshire terriers by their owners, will need certificate of pedigree evidence to prove the dog is an American Staffordshire terrier.. All the previous articles suggest this too. You have to wade through stuff because they get dangerous/restricted and registered/registered as a restricted dog all mixed up. When I have the time I'll dig up the quote from the minister that says something along the lines of "if your pitbull x isn't registered as a pitbull x before 30 September there will be no second chances".
  7. lilli I suspect most people don't have any understanding of what has been passed - they read that the government is clamping down on dangerous dogs and think that must be a good thing. They don't think that their staffy x pet lying at their feet will be impacted because "it isn't a pitbull". They think if their dog is registered with the council it will be fine - even many DOLers here seem to think that. Little do they know that by the above definitions and the description that GT put up, most staffy-types would fall under the "pitbull" classification.
  8. Hi Linda is says: New regulations to be released tomorrow by the Baillieu government will also mean dogs that meet the description of a pit bull but who are described as American Staffordshire terriers by their owners, will need certificate of pedigree evidence to prove the dog is an American Staffordshire terrier I can't find the bit that says a vet certificate will suffice? In fact, it doesn't even mention DNA evidence as being sufficient - all Amstaff's are pitbulls unless pedigrees.
  9. This is my take on it: . I believe that, in this case, the dog will be safe (if the owner acts very quickly) because they can prove the dog is not a pitbull or pitbull x. Regardless of what the dog is registered as, if it isn't registered as a pitbull x and the council believes it is, then it can be seized and destroyed. The owner will need to prove that the dog has no pitbull in it (which I'm led to believe will be impossible for random crossbreeds?). IF the dog had been registered as a pitbull x and its owners complied with all the laws that govern pitbulls the dog would be safe. I believe the owner will have a limited time where they can prove the dog is not a pitbull cross (reg papers). After 30 September, if your dog isn't registered as a pitbull cross and the council believes it is (according to a yet-to-be-determined checklist) your dog can (will?) be seized and destroyed. You won't have any second chances and you won't be able to cop a fine and say you'll now comply with the restrictions.
  10. They need to register it, however what they register it as will have no bearing. If the council believes that it is a pitbull x and it hasn't been registered as a restricted breed (which is more than just normal council rego) it can be seized and destroyed after 30 September unless the owner can prove it has not pitbull in it. Registering the dog as an amstaff, staffy x etc will have no bearing on it at all. Strangely, it seems the only way to keep a pitty-looking dog safe is to register it now as a pitbull x and comply with all the restrictions that go along with that.
  11. The funny thing is that I used the regular council number to report a dog that sleeps outside the front of its unfenced yard. It charged at us when we walked past. I told the owners about it, however I noticed the dog is now sleeping outside again. When I rung the council they didn't seem the least bit concerned (did it attack you? um, no, but do you want me to be bitten before you do anything?). They took down the details and will visit the owner in a week. Let's hope no mum takes her baby past that house before the week is up. If nothing is done I will be calling the dangerous dog hotline because I'm out of options and I'm sick of avoiding this house so that I don't get charged at.
  12. I wouldn't let my dog go over the unstable equipment again, that's for sure. I would only stick with the stable dog walk and would let her run over it.
  13. Congrats on the ProK9 announcement, but are there any plans for agility workshops in Melbourne?
  14. yip, the words "breed" and "dog", "restricted" and "dangerous" get used interchangably.
  15. The article this morning said the line was flooded - with 120 calls. Only 37 of them were deemed worthy of passing off to councils. I think people in low socio-economic areas are most at risk, as the paper outlined which councils will most probably get extra funding to check for pitbulls - they were all poorer areas (Dandenong etc).
  16. What leea said. Also, they don't just mean registered with the council, they mean registered as a restricted dog. If you own a staffy and it isn't registered as a PB, if it fails the visual test after 30 sept it will be seized and PTS. There will be no opportunity to then register it as a PB. Bull breed owners face the decision whether to register their dogs as PB's now or run the risk of PTS after 30 sept.
  17. [quote name='Cosmolo' timestamp='1314697369' I am freaking out a bit to be honest. Especially as my dogs are plastered all over my website, my car, travel everywhere.. Cosmolo - I'm not a ranger but I honestly don't think your dogs will be targeted. They don't have that solid bull breed look and they're too tall. They don't have the smiley grin either. They are also so well behaved. I'm sure there are roaming and nuisance dogs who will fail the test even though they don't look like pitbulls, but your dogs don't fit into that category.
  18. So what do you do if you have a stuffy x? Register it as a pitbull x, in case someone says it is after 30 sept?
  19. I don;t think we'll know 100% until the regulations are out, however this is the way I've interpereted it. After all, the test isn't going to be fail safe and us mortals won't be trained in it so it would be unreasonable to expect Joe Bloggs to be able to ID his dog as PB cross. I'd think that you'd have to comply with dangerous dog legislation though.
  20. Just to be clear though, if you were in Vic and he was registered he couldn't be seized under these laws.
  21. No doubt. There is a place in this world IMO for dogs prepared to do harm to humans who simply trespass. IMO Australia is not one of those places and a dog with the temperament of the Fila needs to be carefully placed in the right homes anywhere. A correctly temperamented Fila will do more than just guard.. so when little Timmy comes uninvited over the fence looking for his tennis ball, he won't be leaving in one piece. I'd say he wont' be leaving anyway but in a coffin. Anyone who could casually say that they wish to own such a dog in an urban setting in this country needs their head read. Place that argument in a place like Johannesburg and its a whole new ball game. I agree, except with the Joburg comment (I'm an ex-South African). Violence begets violence. Get a scarier dog, they get a scarier gun. Either way, no one is living to tell the tale. Maybe rural South Africa, but Timmy climbs fences in Joburg too...
  22. if she is registered my understanding is that she can't be seized. If they decide she is a PB (she doesn't look like one, which seems to be the test!) then she may need to wear a muzzle outside your property, and be on leash only. Aren't staffies and pitbull terriers genetically identical? How can they look different then? If such a law is implemented, how will anyone ever differentiate between a staffordshire and a pitbull terrier, unless the former is a pure breed with papers? I'm no genetecist, but I don't think they're genetically identical? A purebred APBT certainly looks different to a purebred stafford. In any case, I believe the test will be visual. There will be a list of traits with points associated with it (my guess, we won't know until the regulations come out). Certain score = pitbull or pitbull x. Some dogs will pass based on looks (and they might have PB in them), some dogs will fail (with not a drop of PB blood). It will all come down to how your dog looks and the ranger assessing them.
  23. One of the reasons that people are so paranoid about this is because you can't prove your dog's heritage. Why is this important? Because legislation is being passed in Vic where a council officer can ID your dog as a pitbull or pitbull cross and you will have to prove that it isn't - they don't have to prove that it is. If you have no documented evidence of heritage, you will be in a pickle. If your dog is registered you will have to comply with dangerous dog legislation - even if he is placid. You will need to comply with fencing regulations. he will have to wear a muzzle outside your property and he will never be allowed off leash on public land - never to set a paw at the local dog park. If he isn't registered they can come into your house and seize him, then he is PTS. Your dog is tan and muscular. I wouldn't call him a pitbull x but some would. Suddenly those papers look pretty darn important...
  24. I believe that this sort of info generally comes out with the regulations - which follow legislation. Given that the legislation has been rushed through, I think it will be a fair while before we see these. They'll need to go through committees and reviews etc. They might make a special case for this though, and rush these through too. Be careful what you with for. Rushed regulations are often vague and hard to comply with.
  25. No its not, but I do plan on owning a restricted breed in the future. Its the thought of forcing people to desex their dogs that pisses me off. This law makes many presumptions about people being irresponsible, and forces responsible owners to be treated as if they are irresponsible. And what if you want to breed pitbulls or other restricted breeds of dogs? Are they trying to eradicate all breeding?I don't believe in ANY breed of dog being banned. Go to hell nanny state governments of Australia. Yes, they are. That's the point of the compulsory desexing law. What in hell does anyone in this country need a Fila for? Get some other permitted Molossar. Then you can keep it entire within the law - and pay through the nose for the privilege like other dog owners. PF - this is the same person who says they want to own a human aggressive dog. For protecting his/her yard. Got a few applauses too?
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