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Everything posted by megan_

  1. Sometimes I feel a bit smug when I realise that they don't keep up with the times. Mrs RB, I have seen a few trials where odl hats have dogs that just stop and sniff midway. Poor things with their calming signals, and owners who think that they're bored...
  2. I am glad owners will finally be held criminally liable for their dogs actions. It is the one good thing that will come out of all of this mess.
  3. ? This is part of the legislation. The State Government has promised certain councils extra resources to do the inspections (is this dog a pitbull or not) and the door knocking to find unregistered dogs. It isn't a consipracy - they have been very transparent about it.
  4. However amstaffs without papers (the majority) will be considered pit bulls unless they have vet certification that they're not. Sonin a round about way they are being restricted. The wyndam letter complies fully with the new legislation.
  5. fuzzy - often people use a prong in conjunction with positive rewards. The prong isn't there for corrections - it is there for control. You can't control all your dogs triggers all of the time - someone could come running toward you etc and you need to ensure the public's safety. If you have a large, powerful dog they can come in handy. All of that said, I don't use corrections on my dog, but I'm not going to judge someone (like ~Shell~) who uses them properly in conjunction with a rehab program. I don't see anyone advocating correction collars either? No one is saying that a dog should be punished for being fearful.
  6. What about some trick training/clicker training to tire his mind out. Often loads of physical exercise = very fit dog who never wants to stop!
  7. Given your dad's coming and going, I'd steer clear of a guarding breed - after all, they are meant to guard. Most dogs will give a warning bark. I have a mini schnauzer whose bark has sent delivery men running down the driveway! I second RSG's suggestion re: a whippet. They are fantastic dogs. Make sure that you get one from an ethical source they - they are growing in popularity and I've seen some shockingly timid ones.
  8. I was too late to order :-(. If anyone wants to pull out (eg their dog is suddenly behaving ) please let me know and I'll be happy to take it
  9. I suggest changing the title though - a little girl got mauled to death - that is a very big problem.
  10. It seems hysteria isn't just limited to the media . I agree that these things could happen, but before everyone gets in a tizz some facts would be nice. Who is this mystical person with all these facts? Why haven't they gone on the record to the media? Maybe they're just someone who likes the attention? I agree that people need to get there well behaved dogs out in public. We need to step off foot paths and put our dogs in sit as people pass (they really appreciate this). We need to be understanding when someone crosses the road to avoid walking near dogs (after all, they don't know whether you're responsible or not. Oh, and refrain from saying things like "my dog would sort yours out" (which has been said to me a few times by large dog owners at DogsVic events).
  11. I never said it could. I'm sure there are some trainers who can or think they can. At least I know I can't. And I'm not any better with any of the more "reasonable examples" apart from non reward markers eg saying "oops" to a dog in a neutral tone. And even then I say "oops" when I stuff up, not just when the dog does something I don't want to reward. Oops. But you're talking about obedience - which is just trick training. Most people only use rewards for tricks. The op was talking about behavior modification. You cant really say oops when you have a powerful dog that is trying to kill something
  12. Why the mention of hitting the dog? I don't know anyone - even the most pro-punishment person - who advocates this.
  13. My boy seemed to have it naturally. I didn't do anything with him and when we did the exercises at agility he got them all in one go. I think smaller dogs that have a lower centre of gravity seem to find it easier? There was a dobe that gave us all a good laugh though - I don't think the poor dear realised that his back legs were attached to him!
  14. *imagining what poodlefan does for a living....*
  15. I know not to try to stop a dog attacking mine, but I still would - I couldn't stand by and watch.
  16. IMO toilet trained is different from "no accidents in the house". If you're the one initiating taking the dog out then I don't consider them toilet trained. Toilet trained dogs either take themselves out or give you a very clear indication that they need to go out (eg knock on the back door or ring a bell). True toilet training takes time. I suggest relaxing, not worrying about what other dogs do and just keep on cleaning. ETA: Remember that often in these types of threads people who have had good experiences post, and those that haven't are a bit too embarrassed to admit that they took longer. I took a while because I worked fullt-time and he was left indoors with a doggy door to get outside. Obviously being allowed in the house without me there meant more accidents.
  17. Only a moron whould consider her anthing other than a moron. You don't have to be a Liberal voter to work that out. You might want to re-read the forum rules. No personal insults to members and all of that.
  18. Hmmm....do they have things called "dog parks" in NSW? Because in Vic all off leash parks are dual use - they are for humans and dogs. Most of the time there are people playing cricket, soccer etc and dogs running around. It works most of the time. That said, if I didn't like dogs I wouldn't go to an off leash park.
  19. of course not, RV. I have no problem with people informing her. I have a problem with people saying she can't get a dog and she's a moron.
  20. Well, I bought a poodle cross 3.5 years ago. I had no idea it came from a puppy farm. By your statement above I'm a moronic idiot. Charming. My dogs are better socialised, better exercised and better behaved than most other dogs I know. I don't agree with her buying a poodle x, but how can you say that she hasn't researched the commitment a dog takes? Her partner does not work in a traditional full-time job, maybe he is doing the caring. Barack Obama has a much more stressful job and he has a dog. I've seen pics of it lying in the oval office while groups come to visit. It stays calmly and seems very well adjusted. If people want to highlight the evils of puppy farming, better stick to the facts and stop the name calling.
  21. lure racing is a bit different to lure coursing though. The reason they only let small dogs do the racing is that they have to start in small boxes. The boxes open and then they race in a straight line. The actual race is very short. Lure coursing is when they follow an entire course, one-by-one.
  22. Contact the breeder - they might be willing to pay you out just to give the dog a better life. The fact that youre returning a puppy for doing puppy thins and your primary (only?) concern is money speaks volumes. Please font get another dog. If youre not willing to train it, spend time with it etc then these things will just repeat themselves.
  23. There is a schnauzer sub-section in general, you might get more luck there. Puppies do go through gangly phases. Was your dog pedigreed (ie you have papers that show that it is a purebred mini schnauzer?).
  24. buddy1 - I assume that most people refer to a "dog park" as a park that allows dogs offleash - not a special park just for dogs. So if you don't have a big backyard and you want your dog to have a run around, it needs to be at a so-called "dog park".
  25. The two are not mutually exclusive :-). I also believe my dogs should know how to great other dogs off leash. Since when is going to an off leash area about playing with random dogs? I go to them and my boy only plays with dogs he knows. He spends most of his time playing and walking with me. Watch a running dog move, duck, weave etc - they're using a whole different set of muscles.
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