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Everything posted by megan_

  1. the small things sure add up quickly! I'm going to stock up on a few things (esp toys) and keep them hidden for a while.
  2. Aaaargh! Bummer.... does that mean they seized the whole order, or did you receive whatever didn't have food in it? they only take out the offending item and leave a letter explaining what happened.
  3. Also, it helps to get someone who knows how to play tug to show you how to do it with your dog. I know that tug seems obvious - but the subtle differences can have a huge impact. I thought Fergus didn't like the tug, then Erny played a game of tug with him and he loooooved it. She didn't shove it near his face, kept it away from him and gave it a few flicks.
  4. They last for a minute or two. If I couldnt get them for cleanrun prices I'd just skip them to be honest - deer antlers are far more everlasting! Customs seized my tray ball
  5. I wouldn't worry much about equipment - that is the easy bit :-). If I had my time again, and when I eventually get a new pup, here's what I'd focus on (the first two being the things that I'd focus on, the others just bits and bobs here and there)*: - motivation - build up his rewards and motivation, especially tug - free shaping & games - nothing to do with agility per say, but I'd build my pups problem solving skills and resiliance by doing a lot of free shapping. Games like teaching your dog to seek out a target, putting them in a crate, hiding the target and letting them find it. This is not only fun but helps teach them to work independantly of you and drive towards something. The "It's your choice" game (should be some stuff on youtube) also helps build control. - Working independantly of me (teach "go" around a chair). It is very easy to run a course with your dog right next to you and you'd get a few passes in novice doing this, but you couldn't really progress beyond that unless you're Cathy Freeman. Also, you get a real kick when your dog drives towards an object but is still within your control. - flat work - circle work (in teeny-tiny batches to make it fun, fun, fun) - hind-leg awareness - stepping through a ladder, "pick up sticks" etc - handling skills - Do this on your own in front of the mirror, practice what signals you'll be giving the dog. * disclaimer: I'm not even trialling yet, so I shouldn't really give advice!
  6. Just be aware if you order anything with food in it (eg even the everlasting treat balls that are sold here) it could be seized by customers - as jut happened to me .
  7. cleanrun.com - spend over $100 and get free shipping at the moment. The US prices are so much better and the range is wonderful.
  8. Snook it's like Sophie's choice with kongs
  9. The ever lasting treat balls last all of 1 min at my place - and I have mini schnauzers!E Eta: a deer antler from sway could keep him occupied
  10. Also point them in the direction of cleanrun's "free shipping if you spend over $100"' offer. I'd suggest a kong, kong wobbled, magic mushroom and a Nina ottosan toy to make hi Work for his food.
  11. I'm getting the book "learning games" from cleanrun. When it arrives I'll post some more ideas. In the meantime I'd suggest lots ofittle training sessions to tire him out. Free shaping with a clicker, target training, scent detection etc could help.
  12. you've sold me RubyStar, now I *need* to place that second order . If I start to post in OT about being broke, you'll know why....
  13. Regardless of what happens with your partner, I personally believe it is important to be financially independant (or at least have the ability to do so if required). You don't want to be stuck in a relationship because you can't afford to get out. It is one thing to take a big pay cut to start at the bottom and then earn more as you move up. However, my understanding is that vet nurses don't get big pay rises with experience, so you might be on a similar pay for life. It is easy to say "do what you love" however we all need to pay the bills somehow. No point having a great job if you can't afford to fix the car if it breaks down, are constantly stressed about money etc. If your office job hadn't been bad, what would you have wanted to do?
  14. thanks - I have both in my cart. I'll get rid of the more expensive one if it isn't that good. The Cool Puppy Shade ones are a great price!
  15. Before I close my second free shipping order, does anyone have feedback on these? http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=2819 My boy doesn't like the heat but he doesn't like cold/wet things against his skin either (ruling out a cool coat). I've also looked at these: http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=564 Any feedback appreciated!
  16. would these work if placed over a crate? Does anyone looking at it get blinded?
  17. I'm going to place a second order tonight . I blame JulesP for pointing out the pop-up crates....
  18. I put in an order 2.5 weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived. This is unusual though - it is often here within a week.
  19. The Irish are very active though, aren't they?
  20. Why do you say that? One of my dogs only ticks one of my boxes but I live her dearly. No need for snipping. Poor pointer...
  21. Oakleigh Produce - 103 Warrigal Rd, Oakleigh - (03) 9568 0419 Squeeeeaaa - that's close!
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