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Posts posted by megan_

  1. Sounds very unlikely that this dog will ever happily coexist with this guinea pig. Really your two options are to either rehome the guinea pigs, or create a fool-proof enclosure and work on separation to ensure they're safe from the dog.

    Yes - and they shouldn't see/smell/hear the dog either. They might be physically safe but constantly stressed because a predator is stalking them (they don't know the dog can't get over the fence etc).

  2. No - you don't make the issue one for rescue as you did not get her through them. Sas has already given advice at the start of this thread and you will be hard pressed to find anyone more experienced in dane rescue than her.

    Call in a behaviorist but one experienced with danes. Where are you located?

    That's why I suggested contacting Great Dane Rescue - because they can give her honest advice and can at least recommend the right behaviourist if the owner wants to go down that path.

  3. Be prepared for them not to take her back. I'd be contacting Great Dane Rescue on follow their advice to the letter - heads need to rule over hearts in these cases. In the meantime, just give her space. Don't try to get her to socialise with the bulldog or the children. Let her be. It is hard when you have a fearful dog because you feel so sorry for them and they are often beautiful dogs underneath. I had a rescue mini schnauzer who had fear aggression - she was a beautiful dog who I loved very much but never, ever again would I take on a fearful dog. I should have returned her the day I got her - for her sake and mine.

  4. Rascalmyshadow, if you went to the person I think you went to, she is a proper, qualified physio with a Masters in small animal physio (ie she went to uni to become a human physio and then did her masters). I have taken my boy to her and have been very impressed. She works with lots and lots of dogs post op. The actual massage at the first session didn't take to long, as she was focused on diagnosing what was wrong and drawing up a treatment plan. My vet - who has greyhounds - recommended her. I could be way off the mark though, but there aren't that many qualified small animal physios around (apparently they tend to specialise in either cats/dogs or horses, and not both). I think I paid $180 for that first session.

    If you're getting $ back from insurance then I'd personally stick with officially qualified people otherwise you might void your claim.

    There is someone in Vic who a lot of the agility people use who is meant to be brilliant. Don't know how many post-op dogs she sees though.

  5. But then getting from a rescue is right for you? They aren't saying "don't go to a rescue, only go to the pound", they're just promoting the pound system as an option. After all, most of the dogs on PR are from rescues, so they are getting the most exposure there.

    Some pounds temp test, and some rescues do a really bad job of temp testing (sometimes a nervy temp means a dog is classified as soft, rather than bite risks for example)

    There are a number of good places to get a new dog depending on your situation and your level of flexibility: an ethical breeder, an ethical rescuer, or the pound. There are pros and cons for each option.

  6. If people only adopted dogs from good rescuers there would be a lot of dead dogs, because there aren't enough good rescuers with resources to take on every sound pound dog. If the dog has an issue, the adopter can engage a trainer, just like the rest of us do? If there is a health issue, they can go to a vet.

    If I have to engage a trainer or radically change how I live and how my family lives I want to know BEFORE I decide to take the dog and I dont want to take a dog in that needs thousands in health bills or nursing .Sounds terrible I know but that the way it is for me and I dont think Im in the minority.

    There could be enough good rescuers with good resources its just that this is the focus on how to fix the problem there are other alternatives including the one that Mita just referenced.

    This entire program came about because it has been decided that private rescue cant double what their contribution is.I think they can if they get the right kind of support and help.

    Maybe that can happen, but the dogs are in pounds now. I agree that if some radical investment is needed then people should know upfront. However, unless a rescuer does everything like you would, and unless the dog has stayed with them for a significant period of time, how a dog acts in one home can be totally different from how a dog acts in your home. That is always going to be the case, regardless of how good a rescuer is. I'm sure my fearful rescue girl would have turned into a different dog in a more experienced home.

    That said, from all the trainers I know, the vast majority of dogs out there don't have serious behavioural problems that require significant investment of money, treatment plans, drugs etc. They need help learning basic manners and how to walk on a leash. Again, great if a rescuer can get these down pat, but chances are the dog is going to have to relearn these things with you anyway.

  7. If people only adopted dogs from good rescuers there would be a lot of dead dogs, because there aren't enough good rescuers with resources to take on every sound pound dog. If the dog has an issue, the adopter can engage a trainer, just like the rest of us do? If there is a health issue, they can go to a vet.

  8. There is no get out of jail free card - if you know there is an issue with a puppy you say so BEFORE THE PUP GOES HOME. If you don't you break the law and its also a pretty shabby way to treat a puppy buyer.

    yip. Whether or not the pup was sold for breeding is also beside the point. If the bite is so bad that the teeth piece the roof of the mouth then then the pup was not fit for sale.

  9. I am not comfortable with the word 'punishment'. I direct my dog's learning in a controlled environment and I reinforce the behaviours I want. I do not punish but I will change the environment if I think it is stopping the dog from learning. I am not sure if this could be described as positive punishment. It probably is but 'punishment' is the wrong word for it.

    positive punishment is a technical dog term that means "actively" punishing the dog - eg giving a physical correction. Negative punishment is passive punishment eg not giving a treat.

  10. She posts on her popular blog that she's been bitten during a cocked up training session...and keeps going on about how much it hurts and how she's got to take painkillers, etc... then wonders why people are having a go at her stupidity. Surely this is not the first and only time she's ever been bitten by a dog?

    Funnily enough,if this had happened with a pet dog she'd been asked to come help sort out, she'd be advising euthanasia... I've seen her show once or twice, and her attitude seems to be that if she can't sort whatever the issue is, then the dog in question should be put down... *sigh*


    The anti-positive training brigade have loved this incident. If you have a human aggressive dog and the issue can't be sorted out by a professional trainer in a short period of time then advising euthanasia *is* the responsible thing to do.

  11. I think it sounds like a good idea. They have someone with them to ensure their well-being is looked after, and it's a way of giving them new socialisation experiences. And if it educates people about rescue and spreads some happiness around, then that's good too :)

    I agree, no one loses!

    I like the idea of fun and creative ways to get dogs adopted. Not a fan of dogs being driven around on a humid Melbourne day, having 15 mins whistle stops. Especially since most people - many rescuers included - are really bad and reading dog body language. As the owner of a fearful dog, I can tell you that as soon as a dog acts timid people flood it, talking baby talk.

  12. I always fed separately, even though my dogs never fought over food and respected the "he/she who got it first gets to keep it" rule. If I dropped food they both went for it but never fought.

    I always separated them as a family friend had two dogs who ate together for over 8 years without incident. Then one day, the one dog killed the other over a bone.

  13. Bumping.

    I see on her site that there is a long list of tests. What are people getting done? :o

    Which Aus available tests are people doing first? And at what stage are you opting for the U.S. option?

    When I got Lucy tested, the price was very similar to the price in Australia so I opted for going straight to the US tests. I can't remember what I had done - I just did what Erny (who used to post on this forum) recommended.

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