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Everything posted by KatrinaM
I have owned corsi, I live on a property too. They were a dismal failure with other dogs and stock when unsupervised. Formal training probably prevented supervised problems. I returned mine to their breeder, they went to fantastic homes without temptations.
I would not recommend one in that situation without lots of formal training.
To Report Or Not To Report...
KatrinaM replied to Chris the Rebel Wolf's topic in General Dog Discussion
A few months ago a dog charged across the road at an older owner with his older dog. I was driving up the road at the same time and hit the charging dog. He had a badly broken back leg and some other injuries, sadly I don't think he survived. I still feel terrible even though there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. -
It only matters if your scalping them, I haven't tried it before but I reckon it would be a little tougher if they were hanging head up!
The dog wasn't killed like that, it was shot and then hung up. It is common practice to hang the cadavers up in trees or on fences but usually by the back leg.
If you want a dog to bite you the best way is to pick up the object they want to bite, get them excited, scream, display prey like body language ( think frightened rabbit) and run. Poor girl, I hope she recovers mentally and physically.
Now Dog Meat, Another Abuse Of Man/woman's Best Friend?
KatrinaM replied to gwp4me's topic in In The News
I reckon it was a pig that was hung up and had it's hair removed with a blowtorch, pretty common practice for any hair remaining after scalding and scraping. Brian Casey was more then likely asked about the killing of dogs for meat on the property and responded with the above comment. The whole story stinks to be honest. No real evidence of cruelty, the whole reason for the raid. It seems the biggest crime here is keeping two pit bulls. Poor dogs, what a shame they were "rescued" to be legally slaughtered. -
Lol, he seems a ........ Well interesting kind of lad! If people are catching and releasing they need a good smack in the head. Not only does it defeat the purpose of reducing feral numbers but it makes it so much more dangerous for the next dogs who encounter that pig. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a real cure for these idiots. The game council has started to seize their hunting related property, fine them and name and shame if they are caught and convicted of illegal hunting so hopefully that will make it less attractive for those who don't care.
Hunting like this is not unique to Australia - it is practiced the same way in Europe, south America, the USA, Japan and NZ. A knife is used to sever the aorta, providing an almost instant death and a surer and safer method than using firearms. Dogs are not trained to kill or maul anything, carcass damage is unacceptable. Unfortunately hunting has become a popular sport for so many wankers. They don't want to care for or train their dogs, have no respect for property owners let alone pigs and want to "breed their own line", often from dogs who are pups themselves producing thousands of pups that burden rescue even more. These people tar the entire sport badly, it is a huge problem for the legitimate hunters. I hope they move onto something that doesn't involve animals for their next "my penis is larger than yours" ego boost. Hopefully a sport like marbles.
Funny, I've been involved in the industry in a variety of capacities since the early 80's and have observed totally different practice from professional shooters. ETA bottom line is most people are appalled to know where beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish eggs or milk comes from too. A teenager we know often becomes a vegetarian for a few hours until tea is served, he finds the concept of coming to stay on a property knowing who our meat comes from and how they lived and died a little overwhelming. However meat from supermarkets is fine because they weren't "real" animals.... go figure.
So you have been actively involved in the Macrapod industry and are familiar with the reasons for culling and those who work in it LouBon?
Would that be malpractice or animal cruelty? Sounds a bit suss so far.
Mum to Emma, my two young dogs were attacked by a golden on two different occassions, they are now adults and one is crippled for life. My old neighbors golden, a pure bred pedigreed dog has killed two dogs that I know of. He is a male dog and both were bitches, one was an adult cav, the other another adult golden. Neither of these two fit your theory.
Greytmate, what about those breeders before they developed a registry for their breed or type? Were they idoits throwing two dogs together and then once there was a body who would record the already recorded pedigrees then suddenly they were OK? Having been involved on the ground floor with two registries (one not my breed at all) I can tell you from experiance it didnt make any idiots less of idiots. It just gave them a way to record and DNA verify their dogs pedigrees.
Sorry Greytmate, I cant agree with you. Until the ANKC makes mandatory DNA testing for parentage then a written pedigree from them is not fool proof by any means and means no more than any other pedigree. Many working dog breeders also record pedigrees but their dogs are not pedigreed in the way people think of pure bred dogs. They have information both good and bad about dogs in the pedigree for may generations, these dogs siblings and their siblings offspring, their dogs have proven themselves in their chosen field, have good stable temperaments, are free from faults which impact on their quaility of life and keep in contact with puppy buyers offering advice and assistance where they can. Yet, from what you are saying good pedigree breeders have more in common with people who get two "rare" blue dogs from who ever will sell them a dog and breed them together just to sell the pups without a further thought for them???? Stone, I meant I have a foot in both camps as in I have pure and non pure bred dogs which I breed. Not that I consider myself an indescriminate breeder. Can you please point me to the ANKC/CCCQ rules where it states that cross breeding is prohibited? I dont think etical breeding has anything to do with ANKC registration or lack there of, I think it is something else all together. I dont breed my cross and pure bred dogs together, that would kind of defeat the purpose. And give some very odd looking animals. If you seriously want to know about my cross bred dogs feel free to PM me TheCoat. This is not the forum to talk specifics about the non purebred dogs. My dogs are not first generation home brew crosses. I am not talking about people breeding dogs just to sell but dogs bred for a purpose - where I live these are the cross bred dogs I see daily, not dogs from unknown parents, sold to whoever has the money, who have behavioural issues and end up roaming the streets looking for children in prams to bite or scratch.
Sorry Souff, that was meant to be for TheCoat, not you! Am on my phone so it only adds to my literacy woes. I get so sick of cross bred breeders blaming sick dogs, lack of ability and poor temperment on "show" or "pure" breeders and pure bred breeeders blaming overpopulation, dog attacks and Monday mornings on cross breeders. Truth is both camps have the same type of people in them, one hide behind hybrid vigour the other behind the ANKC. The cream of the crop on either side have more in common with each other than they do with the poorest of their counterparts in their chosen breed or cross.
I am a breeder of pure bred registered dogs. I also breed non registered working dogs. I think you know nothing of my knowledge of animal husbandry. At the bottom end of the spectrum there are plenty of pure bred breeders who refuse to health test, consider conformation more important than health or temperament or just breed for sale. They range from the new and fumbling breeder to the old and cagey who are looking for a bit of extra cash. Some huge puppy producers are registered breeders. Saying that only pure bred registered breeders are ethical and everyone else is the cause of all dog related problems is dangerous and stupid. It gives the dodgy something to hide and fails to address the problem of breeding without thought for the quaility of life the pups will enjoy and suitable homes for them. I do not support indiscriminate breeding of dogs but because I sit in both camps I have seen the best and worst in both. I can't see ANKC status as the dividing line, it seems to me to be more like the reasons why pups are bred, the after care and advice and the thought that goes into breeding that sort the good from the bad.
They why state it's a problem with "ALL" crossbreds?? Isnt it actually a problem of irresponsible breeders. Just because you fork over cash to the state controlling body and get two dogs on open register that you can breed together hardly makes you responsible!
Big difference between backyard bred crosses and planned working cross breeding. Pure or cross there are disappointing people's producing "tough" "blue" or "cute". There are plenty of pedigree breeders who don't give a second thought to temperament, plenty of cross breeders who do and breed predictable natures in the dogs they produce.
How do you know that about ALL cross bred dogs TheCoat? Could it not be that there are good and bad breeders that breed both pure and cross bred dogs?
http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/documents/Biosecurity_AnimalWelfareAndEthics/Draft-Qld-standards-and-guidelines-breeding-dogs.pdf Not sure if this has been posted already but it is worth comment and reading if you are or are planning to become a dog breeder in Queensland.
Or her 12 year old brother stopped her because he remembered something he had been told/taught and prevented his sister from touching the dog. I bet she has heard "look both ways before you cross the road" "don't go off with a stranger" "get down low and go, go, go" and probably had swimming lessons too. Why is it OK to be proactive and educate children and parents about all other childhood hazards except dogs? Why is blaming irresponsible owners more important than keeping kids safe?
Statistics collected from Calgary, statistics collected by enforcement agencies who run education programs in conjunction with penalties? Why do you think education campaigns educating drivers and pedestrians are so important? Because they work. Education is not a substitute for supervision of kids and dogs nor for punishment of the irresponsible. It is just another tool to help keep our kids safe
I would like to think I know a little about kids after having a few of my own and even from being one myself. I try and give my kids the information and skills to deal with hazards and decision making in a controlled enviroment, not wrap them in bubble wrap and hover over them for the rest of their lives. No, I am not saying children are responsible for being abused, not for one second. Nor am I saying children are responsible for being attacked by dogs. I am saying that everyone seems so caught up in focusing on blame that they cant step back and see what else can be done to prevent attacks like this occuring. We punish child abusers and reckless drivers that harm others (the ones that get caught anyway) but we also teach kids about personal safety around strangers and road safety. It is a two pronged approach and it works. Why not employ the same method for dog attacks? Even if knowing not to approach a strange dog and what to do if menaced by a dog stop one single kid from being bitten then its worth it. What I am saying is a proactive approach to dog bites achieves greater results than a reactive one. In Calgary it is a combined method of education, especially young boys as well as enforcement and punishment for those own dogs irresposibly that sees results. Again, punish bad owners. This is a must. But, if we really want to see a reduction in bites why not use the method that has the greatest results - educate children in how to keep themselves safe from dogs. We have a whole day in QLD schools devoted to personal safety from strangers. It doesnt mean we dont want to stop punishing peadophiles or that kids are to blame. It means it is one more thing that can be done to keep kids safe.
Yep, and every incident of child abuse could be prevented if child abusers were kept locked up too. I think that irresponsible owners need to have the book thrown at them but just would like to see the most effective form of dog bite reduction supported.