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Everything posted by gmc

  1. FTPO, settrlvr and ArtyFarty - thanks, I will go on he hunt for some Aloveen and give the wool wash a miss. I'll see how I go the first time on my own - little Miss is very willful and tries to get her own way a lot ;-) At the moment she is tearing apart one of my thongs Her name is Cherry Pie but she is known as just Cherry. And Ive tried to join the retriever thread butI couldnt post there - I thought maybe you had to be a long time contributor to DOL or something? I'll try again. Thx again all!
  2. Hi everyone Hope my fellow Melbournians (humans and dogs) are surviving the heat. My girl (12 weeks, pic attached) is well and truly ready for her first bath after a month of getting up to all sorts of mischief in the back yard! I have 2 queries: 1) The breeder advised to wash her in Eucalyptus wool wash? Is this common practice for Goldens/ long haired breeds? Is this the best thing for her? 2) She has had 2 out of 3 of her needles - if I were to take her to a dog groomers/ get a mobile groomer would I be putting her at risk? Thanks as always DOLers!
  3. Hi Megan and Fordogs - thanks for the responses. Shes a golden retriever. I have her booked in at the vet on Friday so I will get her checked out then.
  4. Hi all My 11 week old pup often makes "snuffly noises" whilst breathing, very similar to a human with a bad cold. Is this normal or should I get it checked out? Its not when she is sleeping, it's much more often than that. Thanks DOL'ers.
  5. Hey there FluffyPaws - My 11 week girl does exactly the same thing, and it is LOUD. I have found that the most consistent advice from DOL'ers has been to completely ignore her (turn your back, leave the room) and at first (24 hours) she was worse, but now she has vastly improved. Give it a go. :-)
  6. is the word "eventually" She is being taught that after you saying "no" , or OFF.. 2,3,4,7 times ...THEN she stops what she's doing ...not stop after you say it ONCE !! They pick this up quickly ;( have a read HERE..too Persephone - both fabulous posts - thanks so much. I am going to try the TOT I think.
  7. Hi All I have a 10 week old GR girl. I am booked in for the info session at 4Paws K9 Training this coming Saturday which hopefully means she will be in puppy school weekly in 2 weeks time. But I am worried I am losing ground in the meantime and she is developing some behaviours I need to nip in the bud. Mainly it stems from when we discourage a behaviour, i.e. jumping on the couch when we are sitting down. When she does this I try a few firm "No's" and this pretty much never works. I have tried then totally ignoring her/ or putting my hand around her muzzle (gently) and telling her "No" which I read on a website this week. Eventually one of these two will work but before she backs off she will sit directly in front of me and bark and GROWL at me (in a way I dont think is playful!). When she sits quietly next to the couch I always reward her, but that is very rare! I am worried about the barking/ growling, she pretty much does it when she is unhappy with anything or rather, anyone... does anyone have any suggestions before we get some professional advice in 2 weeks time? THANKS again DOL'ers.
  8. Hey Boz Our golden retriever is 9 weeks old today and we have been putting her outside alone for the same reason - we want her to be happy and comfortable outside without us and to ultimately be an "outside dog" except for chillout times at night etc. We have found when we put her out she makes some TERRIFIC noise (who knew something so small could make so much noise!) but after absolutely ignoring her (no noise, no eye contact, nothing) it only takes 5 - 10 mins for her to go and entertain herself, and she will generally do so for at least an hour or more. When we have discouraged her to bark; everyone here is totally right - it only gives her the attention she wants. I would say drop the discipline with the barking and just ignore. If you have blinds, draw them, we have found it helps. He will learn so quick! Cheers and good luck.
  9. I've heard that too, although females tend to wee more than boys (as pups). I think the newspaper training doesn't teach the pup to hold on and that any urinating inside is a no go. It can get confusing for them. Hi everyone - thanks again for all the feedback... I love this forum! I would love her to be in our bedroom in a crate but we have such strict guidelines from our landlord that no dogs are allowed inside, so our bedroom (upstairs) is a total no go zone. The first two nights she slept on her bed next to me in the spare room downstairs (its next to the laundry)... the next 4 nights she has slept in the laundry and I have been in the spare room down stairs so I can hear her. I also thought it was her age in months +1 for how long she could hold on for - i.e. 2 months plus 1 is 3 hrs holding on. And I am a little hesitant to withhold water from her. The breeder tells me to just leave her all night and put paper down.... I have just put her to bed and I think I will do the usual wake up every few hours to her crying to take her out again tonight. I just hope I am not being soft. I will see how I go over the next few days and report back. Thanks again everyone.
  10. Hey Cockerlover, thanks for this. This is what I am confused about! I could easily go back to my own bed upstairs and never wake up through her crying and leave her until morning, but I was worried then she would think toileting in the house is ok (she has had a few accidents anyways, but I am sure it is only because we weren't watching her closely enough.) I have newspapered the laundry every night but she has not 'gone' on the newspaper yet\, she cries and I let her out instead! I dont think the breeder did any paper training, I might call tomorrow and ask. Gee, this puppy business is stressful! Thanks again for the advice, if any GR owners are out there that want to weigh in on the situation, that would be great too.
  11. Hi Kelpie Pup - thanks for that. I have a soft crate that I bought a few weeks ago, and was all prepared for crating, but we tried it the first night and I thought she would cry FOREVER, so I have ended up just putting her bed in the laundry and she seems a little happier. Maybe I should try the crating again. Sounds like I should persevere with getting up to her through the night to let her out tho, and just be sleep deprived for a while longer! Here she is :-) Not a great pic as it was taken with my phone, but I will get some decent ones of her up soon.
  12. Hi all We picked up our GR girl on Saturday and after 5 days she is settling in pretty well I think. She is an absolute delight. I wanted advice on how I am handling nights with her = she eats at about 7pm and then gets put to bed at about 11pm. For the last few night she hasnt been crying when she gets put to bed, I think she is too tired! Her bed is in the laundry, she has lots of toys and my trackie pants to sleep with. I am sleeping in the spare room next to the laundry so I can get up to her during the night. She pretty much wakes every 2 - 3 hrs on the dot and makes a lot of noise, at which point I take her out and she does her thing, then straight back to bed with a kind word. At this point she cries the entire house down before settling after maybe 15 minutes. This goes on at about 1am, 4am and 6am, and I am of course, sleep deprived (and worried about the neighbours)!!!! Some people have told me not to go to her during the night at all, but I am worried if I go back to sleeping in my bed and leave her all night locked in the laundry it will undo all the hard work I have done to get her to toilet outside? Thanks in advance for the advice - I need to know there is light at the end of the tunnel!
  13. We get our little girl in a few weeks and I asked our breeder if she would be chipped - the response was that at 8 weeks they do not have enough fat between their shoulders and it hurts them to much so she doesnt do it. She has recommended I do it at 14 - 16 weeks with the last needle.
  14. Hi everyone - thanks a lot for the advice, I have taken it on board and will chat to the real estate agent tonight. FTPO - I will def. be posting pics of our little girl when she arrives home! Thanks again everyone :-)
  15. Hi everyone. Long time reader, first time poster :-) We are getting our little girl (Golden Retreiver) on the 22 December and we are currently finding another rental property in Melbourne with a yard to cater for her. One of the properties I looked at on the weekend had a lovely Staffy in the yard with 8 little pups - the pups looks about 6 weeks and all looked healthy - the owner told me (vaguely) he was taking the pups to get vaccinated next week. I am concerned about moving ourselves and our pup to a house that dogs and pups have been living in when I can not be sure of the health/ vaccination status of the dogs - should I be worried about this? Thanks all - any advice appreciated :-)
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