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  1. Hi, I am Frobear's partner and wanted to say thanks everyone for all your advice. We are really trying to get it right as we know how the first 6 months of a puppy's development can dictate how they are for the rest of their loves. But it's a bit confusing! This is all great information but it is very difficult to say exactly what to do given everyone's situation is different. What if you have a large house with lots of rooms, you want the pup to explore, get used to the house, stretch their legs etc but cant follow them into every room. I work from home and am in front of the computer most of the day so technically I cant supervise the puppy's every move, but dont want her kept in the pen all the time. I am digiligent with the hourly toilet breaks but cant watch her every second. Perhaps a latptop is the go so I can be outside and she can be more entertained in the yard!? Also at what age is it safe for a GR pup to be left outside on her own. Two days a week I work at an office and would love for her to be outside playing rather than locked in the bathroom. She is almost 10 weeks old. We have a large yard with a lawn and lots of shade. We also have a kennel that could become her "outside crate" - her sanctuary. So when can I leave her for severla hours in a row outside? Thanks again! We appreciate your responses and help.
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