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here he is da man of his moment Oh ,maaaa he has no Rosettes That just isn't the only thing he is missing!!!! Make sure you put jarmies on him at night. He will get cold you know aftyer you taking all of his coat off!!
Pup Doesn't Think Much Of Eukanuba
JAG replied to samoyedman's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
All of my guys are on Euk and love it. I have had the puppies right through to adults on it with no issues. My kids love the adult maintenance. Personally I think there is way too much hype over what brand is best. We all choose what is best for our dogs based on experience/price and results. It may take a few days but your dog will adjust. -
Now now Palane don't give up to easilly... Rosette sizes are normally determinded by the dog, the size the rosettes to counter balance (optical illusion) the lenght of the dog.... well that what load i was told Isn't that what I said??
Yeah the egg thinggy!! That'll work.
I'm with Siv on this one. You need to grow the coat back to his last rib as he looks unbalanced. Probably about an inch at a guess?? When he starts to get some of his pack back (the hair on his rump) find a bowl or lid that is roughly the size you want then make a template from it. Preferably from plastic so it looks like a ring. Use this as a guide and place it on his rump to see where it would look best. I think from memory you should have about a clipper blade witdth on a standard along the spine. Obviously this varies with the size of the dog. Standard people please feel free to correct me as I only deal with the little guys Place your template with the middle being over the hip bone. Then decide if this will look balanced. If not the adjust your template forward backwards up down whatever to try and give the right look of balance. With the little guys I usually use a cup and twist it into their hair to leave a ring and then decide if it is the correct size shape etc. Always make them bigger so you can take bits off. Way too difficult to grow it back when it is gone..... Hey Palane???
You can give her chicken necks every day if you like. She is a growing baby and will enjoy chewing on them. Also wings will keep her occupied. She will probably off her kibble and bones around the 4 month mark when she starts to teeth so don't panic. Also puppies grow in spurts. Some days they eat like no tomorrow and other days they are just happy to graze. It is all a normal part of the growing cycle.
After me in my pack I have an alpha dog. He is the oldest and was my first. Then there is the Beta dog. A would be Alpha if he could be, then the rest of the omega pack boys and girls. If you were to visit you would not know that my old boy was the Alpha. He is very unassuming, goes about his business without upsetting anyone else, he has respect from everyone who pretty much leave him alone. He does get vocal over the buscuit bowl in the evenings. He is first. The beta dog is a sneaky operator. He sits back and waits for his opportunity to upset everyone. He constantly changes the house rules so the rest of the pack don't know how to behave around him. He will attack other members for no reason, usually when they are not looking. It is neither food or toy motivated. He challenges the alpha dog for alpha rights and usually ends up on top as he is the bigger and stronger of the two but his stay at the top is very short lived and he is usually back to beta in no time flat. I guess things are not always as they seem. If another person saw this behaviour they would think the beta dog is the top dog in my house. Wrong! He just likes to think he is.
As above you can also use Advocate in the ears and on the neck as well.
They will feel a lot better with nice clean teeth. My old boy ony has his 4 fangs (K9's) left and he copes very well. He eats dry food and chopped up chicken necks, anything really except bones - cause he can't chew them. Don't worry they will be fine.
Bone Problems Due To Rapid Growth
JAG replied to nattiej1976's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Have Pm'd you. -
How Long After Being Desexed Does A Male Lose Sexual Interest?
JAG replied to Rana's topic in Puppy Chat
How about using a belly band when he is inside. It is a piece of material that is velcroed around his waist with a sanitary pad attached so it catches all of those mistakes. It won't train him but is sure is a lot kinder to the inside of your house. Take it off when he goes out side for his wee and put it back on as he comes back inside. My kids all line up to have theirs on when the girls are in season. For some reason they forget their manners at this time. -
Hi Toohey, My old boy has a simialr thing happening to his nails. The top half of the nail separates from the bed right back to the skin. he won't let me trim them when they are like this so I often have to pull the hard shell part off in a quick motion. Most of the time he doesn't react when I do it. Sometimes the mail growns back club like in appearance / deformed. I noticed this started to happen after he had most of his teeth removed. Poor kid only has his k9's left but still eats fine. His diet hasn't changed since the removal. He was never a big bone eater but I did and still do crush necks up for him, he eats eukanuba, chicken mince, beef, lamb etc. My vet was also at a loss as to what was happening so I decided to just leave it. Most of the time it doesn't affect him I just keep an eye on them and trim etc when needed. Sorry can't help with what it is but sympathise about having it.
Not much meat on those feet but they give the teeth really good work out. My kids love em!! They can be difficult to get hold of as well. Woolies sometimes have them in. Mind you they do look gross - especially when all you can see is the toes sticking out of the mouth.
Mine love chicken feet - ewww!!
Maybe put his bowl up on something - high enough to drink from but not to get his feet in. Also put a large rock/brick in their so he can only drink and not paddle. Very cute though. My poodles puppies are doing the same thing at the moment. He he he.
When I have pups inside I use a puppy pen and put a tarp under it with a piece of lino on top. I use newspaper on top of the lino and change it regulary. So far so good! ;) They don't need the crate in the run but I introduce them to one as they get older and can hold on longer.
Be consistent, use a training word (like toilet or wee wees) take puppy to the same spot everytime and reward the approved behaviour. Pups will always think being inside is better than out as you are there so will try and get the job done asap often not finishing off the job. Be patient with them, repeat the training word over and over when they are doing the job and reward with praise when finished. You may have to stop playing during your games to take puppy outside to finish off his job. Puppy should give you some indications that he wants to do another wee. Very slight hop of the back legs, a sniff of the ground, or a silly look. You will need to be very observant and take them him out before the accident happens. Good luck!!
The congo line - my favourite time of year NOT!!!
How Do You Display Your Dogs Ribbons?
JAG replied to MrsD's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
All of mine hang on a coat hanger in the wardrobe with a plastic bag over them. Keeps them nice and straight and the dust off. -
Fantastic news Apolo ;) So pleased to hear that everything is back to normal with nothing to worry about. :rolleyes:
Sorry Apolo, busy - exactly as BellasPerson said
Hi Apolo, Poor little bubby, she sounds like she is stressed. First things first. What has changed in the past few days? Have you shaved or trimmed around her bum? I have a little one here who is quite upset over me shaving her for the first time around that area. She whinges evertime she needs to do No2 but after she has done it all is well. Have you checked her anal glands? May need expressing even though she is young. Is it only when she needs to eliminate or is it constant? I would put her on a soft bland diet for a few days to see if this makes a difference.
Agree Erny. GSL how long is a while? Hours? Days? Weeks? And how often is the frequency?
Sometimes one of the poodles will do this if they have eaten something that they shouldn't have. They will vomit until it comes out and like you have mentioned there is usually some hair or foreign thing in it as well. Did you feed any bones prior to this happening? I have found some chicken neck bones unchewed and undigested in the vomit at times. If it persists I would consult your vet though. Usually dogs will graze on grass to make themselves sick to expel any nasties that are in the belly either up or down...
Most males will over wee another dog so try taking him out to where a lot of dogs go and take him to the spots where males have left their scent. They cock their legs to get the scent higher making them more attractive to the females. Mayeb he just isn't mature enough to be challenging others for the highest mark. I have a toy poodle who constantly used to wee on his front legs/pom poms. Most annoying when he was showing. We used plastic bags cut up and tied around his front legs but you can now buy these plastic things that go on their legs like leg warmers. Not sure what you would call them though. I have seen standard poodles wearing them before they go into the show ring.