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  1. Do a search on Cheyletiellosis in Dogs (Walking Dandruff Mite) Advocate is a really good and easy tretament! Worth trying regardless!
  2. Hi, our little maltese was very skinny when we got her a few month ago. She wouldn't eat either. She weighs 2.1 kg. You can count all her ribs, and feel her spine. She was 10 mths when we got her ( about 13mths now) Eversince we are trying to get her to eat properly, tryed all different foods, warmed, cald, dry, soft. Seen a vet. she is fine, happy and playful, but skinny! The vet suggested Nutrigel. It made a little difference, but not a great deal. Seen a pet nutritionist. He has given us the best advice so far. We are giving her dry food that is the highest in protein and fat, so even if she only eats a little, what she gets is all going to help her. The food we are giving her now is Pro-Plan puppy food from Purina. She ate it, but not in great amounts. Yesterday, something strange has happened though. I usually have her next to me sleeping or sitting on a chair (office chair, with her soft blanket on it, so she is at my eye level), when I am at the computer. So I put some of her food in front of her, on the chair, and she ate it. OMG! I have repeated it 3 times during the day, and success every time! She has finished a full ball of it, that normally would have taken her 3-4 days to finish! Today we did it again, and I'm wrapped! Normally she takes one piece, runs away with it, then she'd come back for another, it can take 30-40 mins for her to et a very small amount, other times she does a dance around the food, than leaves it. She gets other food as well, but this seems to be the best so far. Her other favourite is when I put a little puppy milk(lactose free), and a little Optimum puppy food on her dry food, and mixed it.( I always warm it a little) Her poops are always "good" and regular. Another thing could be the competition issue, others mentioned before. It could be lack of it, or that there is a competition! You can also try feeding her in one of those plastic storage boxes so she wouldn't have any distraction at feeding time, I know it may sound silly, but we have tryed a looooot of things too already! Well this is our feeding story, you may find something worth trying in it. Good luck, hope your little pup will start eating better soon! By the way, what breed is she?
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