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Everything posted by Dory the Doted One
You know. Maybe it's just me. But I quite enjoy training my dogs as a process, what's the hurry? I've done all the manic get them ready for trial bullcrap, building them to the point where their at performance peak...blah de blah de blah..... What is wrong with just taking the time...bonding with your dog...working out what works...what doesn't...what's your goal anyways...All that sort of stuff. What's wrong with actually just wanting your dog to work with you cos you are fun to be with? Why does it have to come down to the kind of collar you are using? Or the training method. Did you know its quite possible to combine training methods? TRUE. To me, there is no black and white in dog training. I think it pays to be aware of what methods and techniques are out there...to be open minded about it. Because you just never know what some dog or situation will throw at you. And if you have closed your mind off...then you lose a whole world of information that could help. We all have our preferred methods. Mine is flat collar. (heck half the time the dog isn't even trained on a lead....Too funny when you are trialling and the dogs OFF lead is better than his ON lead performance...how often does THAT happen??) Loads of food AND toys...AND silly voices..... But then, my world and self identity does not hinge on how well behaved my dog is. And I'm much more concerned that both me and the dog are having...................................................... ........................ FUN.
Hey Guys....(serial pest here) Wanting to know what are good Obedience/Agility...or Fun Stuff Clubs there are around Adelaide. Basically, I'm looking for something to do with Dory, I'm not particularly looking with a competitive eye in mind. (Been there done that...might again...but then again...might not) Just want to get out and do some fun dog stuff for a change. Checked out DogSA website...what a PITA that was. So I thought I'd ask you guys instead.
I have run them and particpated in them at varying times in my life. The ones I didn't like where free for alls, and the ones where someone banged on about all the boring crap that we all get pounded into our heads. Having said that there are plenty of people who don't know it, so I have to bite my tongue. I guess HOW it is presented to me might be the key here. Listening to someone drone on about worming because they lack the personality to make it interesting...blah blah blah...(LOL..this usually happens in vet clinics where nurses are REQUIRED to run puppy pre-schools and hate it...) The ones I've enjoyed (and I'm biased because they were usually run by me...in taken over by me) were classes that touched on those topics...but were bascially structured to meet the needs of the classes. Class sizes where relatively smallish...certainly no more than 8 puppies. And it was often open floor for questions. Key topics were spoken about in real life terms...often from personal experience...be that my own...or someone else in the class. Makes it a lot more relevant and meaningful, and realistic. Use of photographic examples...You should have seen my excellent photo of an actual pyometra (caution...check that everyone is cool with graphic photo's BEFORE showing them) and an great photo of a healthy 'normal' uterus. What made that picture excellent...my hand was in the picture and it was great for people to gauge scale. (never did get a piccie of cancerous testicles. *sigh*) I love to listen to animated people who seem interested in the information they have to pass on...who are interested in engaging people and infecting them with their own enthusaism (geniune enthusiasm...plastic sunshine turns me off pretty quick) Speak to people on a EQUAL level, not down to them. These are intellegent people who CARE...otherwise they wouldn't be there. Every question is important...even if it is the hundreth time you have heard it. And number one...thing to keep in the back of your mind....Sometimes the Students...become the Teacher....look with that perspective in mind and you are automatically interested and engaged in your audience. Man, I've learnt HEAPS from my class members...some of it sent me grey...some of it made me cry...and a lot of it made me laugh. (BTW....with my pyo pictures...I had a 99% hit rate for pre-bookings of desexings after that class. Ghoulish personal stories of whelping litters going wrong helped as well.)
White Poo And Other Questions?
Dory the Doted One replied to Garden Girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Firstly...it always pays to have a vet check. Secondly...if he is off his food, try not to force food into him, unless his condition is awful in which case he should be at the vets. Give him a couple of days rest from ALL food, and only allow him water. (but again..vet..vet...vet...) My feeling is that he probably hasn't gotten over the stomach bug, with all the new stress in his life this would have put hs immune system under stress also. (Ever noticed how after a stressful week you sometimes end up with a cold? Or ill in some way?) So I would hazard a GUESS (because I am not a vet) and say he hasn't yet kicked his tummy bug. Hope that helps! -
Question About Bones
Dory the Doted One replied to Paptacular!'s topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Speaking only for myself here...I give them a variety of bones, even the big ones give them good chewing exercise. When I say big...I don't mean HUGE...something like pieces of lamb flap or rib bones, whole chicken wings etc. What I try to avoid is bones small enough that the dog can inhale them whole. -
While stepping carefully to avoid the piles of poop and opinion on prong collars...(oh, and I used one, successfully, and I used a choke chain...successfully...titles on both of those dogs....and I've used a flat collar only...successfully...yeah...title on that dog too.) I don't recommend prong collars or choke chains as a GENERAL rule. Especially not with a puppy, takes all the fun you can have out of training. Food, balls...and ME...is all I have needed (oh, and good timing sometimes for older dogs) But to each his own...I can only speak of my own experiences and what has worked for me. Up to the individual owner to make up their own minds, with all the information they can get. For good, bad or indifferent results....it all comes down to the level of skill and commitment really.
Barf Patties Or Homemade Raw?
Dory the Doted One replied to Joshua's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Strangely, I get a degree of pleasure out of preparing my dogs food. I juice enough vegies for a week mix in the mince, put it into recycled takeaway containers (yes, can make dinner for the dog...can't be stuffed doing it for myself. ) Freeze it and I'm good to go. Takes me an hour or so...but she is a only an dog and only 13kgs at that. Then all I do is add a bit of egg and other bits every now and again. I did buy a bag of dry food for lazy days, but I found that having that on hand I had more lazy days than not. So no more emergency dry food rations in the house. -
Gawd...I saw that in our local pet store...I asked the price and nearly fell over. I can make it myself for a LOT cheaper than that. And the bonus is I know what goes into it. Interestingly I couldn't get an ingredients list when I enquired about it (guess you have to buy the book). When I first read his stuff, I must admit I did find his obvious and vocal dislike of commercial foods a little bit of a turn off. And I'm surprised he took off as well as he did. I've read several other "natural" diet books now...each tells a different story...but no less interesting. Just wish more people would do a little more research....the cringe factor on the number of people who believe that cooked chicken, rice and vegies is a complete meal when fed everyday is a bit to high for me. (Hmmm..some even try to tell me that it is a 'natural' diet.) What do you do? We all started somewhere, we all learned as we went. I've also know some rather ancient dogs (14+ years) fed on nothing more than PAL. Just do what feels right for you and your dog I guess. How's that for fence sitting?
Help... I Never Though This Would Happen
Dory the Doted One replied to Marley's Mum's topic in Puppy Chat
Hey MM. Please don't panic! It will sort itself out. I have seen some really badly infested puppies make complete recoveries. Have you been worming Marley regularly? If you had, then it's not a complete surprise to find a dead worm in his poop. I've heard of dogs getting upset tummies with Drontal...or any wormer for that matter. So long as Marley is looking reasonably bright just moniter him and if you are at all concerned take him to the vet for another check over. Puppies should be wormed fairly regularly until they are 6 mths old anyways. -
Hey...did you think about asking the council officer to ask the complaint to keep a log of when the dog is barking? It shows that you are interested in resolving the problem and will give you a greater idea of what is going on. I did this many years ago when I had a complaint, the whinger couldn't be bothered, but the other neighbours graciously provided me with the details....it wasn't my dogs barking. I think the more information you are given the better it will help you to rectify the problem (if indeed there is one...another whinge a few years befoe the first was hysterical....because I was home 24/7...and the dogs were in the house!!!!) I think the shock collars should be option of last resort....councils are just lazy and want to get the problem resolved as quickly as they can without thinking about the impact this might have on the wellbeing of the dog in question. Understandable when you consider how nasty some neighbour disputes can be....but still.....lazy man's solution.
This is where sensible tweaking is in order I think. It would be interesting to see how much variety is offered in Raw Diet fed dogs that are suffering from health issues. Certainly where you live will often dictate how much variability you can offer in a raw diet. What vitamin supplements are given? Is the animal given too much in the mistaken belief that if a little bit is good, then a lot must be better. I once had a dog that did not tolerate lamb...at all! So I have tweaked, and will tweak depending on the dog. I know people that swear by feeding grains...I don't. Whenever I've fed grains that is when I started having skin issues and ear issues. So instead they got a greater variety of vegetables. In fact, I would say my version of the diet is very heavy on the vegetable matter. All of which is juiced with both the juice and pulp given to my dog. My habit generally is to feed the dog that stand before me. In other words...Hmmm...I get a funny feeling you might need a little more fish, or a little more offal....so I regularly (daily) assess and feed. And I assess the outgoings as well. :rolleyes: