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Dory the Doted One

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Everything posted by Dory the Doted One

  1. It's like having baby Willow back. Sumo is HUGE, and so nice. :) I was in awe of his handsomeness and forgot to get some cuddles. He is really gorgeous. Like REALLY gorgeous.
  2. I also love the people who think that the size of your puppy, despite it's actual age, equates to maturity and the ability to play with much older, similar sized juvenile dogs, with zero manners.
  3. Well if you don't look, you don't see, so it never happens. :) I remember being at a dog park and there was this guy who would quite happily let you know, "Excuse me, your dog left a job for you." And would give you a poo bag. It seemed to be his mission in life. :laugh: Even funnier was when he followed this lady who was studiously ignoring her dogs (cos if you don't see, it didn't happen) and stood there till she obliged, pointing out the very spots where they had deposited.
  4. Put Willow on a lead so I can leave the dog park (we only go and/or stay while it's empty) Person coming in with young, not well controlled dog (hence leaving): Oh, is it aggressive? I'm puzzled as to why people take it personally when you leave the dog park, what if I was leaving, because I was LEAVING, and not because they arrived. :laugh:
  5. That by getting a registered, pedigree dog I have contributed to the over population of unwanted dogs. And the fact that, whilst I already have a recycled dog I have negated any good that this act as done. Why? Because buying a pedigree dog means a poundie has to die. Yes. HAS to die.
  6. Please, don't do this to vet nurses. Euthanising unborn puppies and kittens is not fun, even when looking at the bigger picture. Do her when she's finished her season. I'm sorry but that goes with the territory if you are a vet nurse or a vet and if an owner wants a bitch aborted at that stage in a pregnancy for whatever reason, then they shouldn't be subject to that emotional crap from surgery staff. True. But there is nothing wrong with mentioning it either. It's distasteful. Necessary at times, but still distasteful. What's your problem with it being mentioned to the OP? NO ONE gives crap to clients about their decisions at our clinic. That's what a tea room and sympathic colleagues are for.
  7. Please, don't do this to vet nurses. Euthanising unborn puppies and kittens is not fun, even when looking at the bigger picture. Do her when she's finished her season.
  8. Sadly, I think a lot of people use the 'keep them cool in summer' reason as an excuse for..."I'm too lazy to brush my dog". So in all likelihood they will shave anyway, despite valid reasons why they shouldn't.
  9. Sooooo wouldn't want to accidentally step on one those on a wet night, in bare feet.
  10. Just a thought.... It's not wafting over from a neighbouring property?
  11. Thank you Perse...this bit of garden is more a wee/d bed. :laugh: No plants. But talking to a nursery is a very good idea regardless. They could have some ideas to add. (DOL...the one stop solution shop. :D)
  12. Soil. Thanks. The simple answers are often the best. And it could use a top up out there. I'm not a gardener and never had a stinky wee spot probelm before.
  13. I'd be interested. I have paving over the majority of the yard, with one tiny section of garden. Which is were Dory likes to pee and that is the part that smells the worst. What can you put on a garden to stop the stink, that isn't harmful to the dogs?
  14. I dread the day we end up with boring, cookie cutter dogs.
  15. Locked or not, if I didn't know the dogs then I'm not going in unless greeted by the dogs owner. No matter what breed or 'type' they are. I think as I'm getting older I'm getting a lot less 'secure' and a lot more 'paranoid'.
  16. Hi Kirty, Don't know if this would help you at all...but have you thought about looking up Nose Works training? Here's a quick YouTube clip of them using it on shelter dogs.....
  17. I have not been the owner of a Beagle, but I have been a neighbour to a few. Not an enjoyable experience. They have all (3 now), had separation anxiety and bark incessantly when left at home or in the yard on their own. Now I know not ALL beagles are like this and in all three cases I've lived next door to, the dogs were much loved and pampered pets but none of them were given any outlet, ie training. And certainly not daily walks, walked from time to time, but not daily.
  18. I'm going to take a wild stab and say Dandie Dinmont Terrier.
  19. Oh, thank god...there is hope for Willow yet...:laugh: When we train I have got pretty good focus from her...could be better, but then it's better than I thought she was going to be. The moment I'm longing for is when she FINALLY 'gets' it enough that we have a level of what I'd like to call 'casual obedience'. At the moment she's all :cheer: enthusiasm about EVERYthing..."oooh new people....oooooh old people....oooohhh another dog....ooooohhhh a leaf blowing in the breeze....oooooh grass".
  20. Come join me Ali. Although I do have sit, sort of have drop and stand we can do pretty good...minimal distractions.... Recall? yeah...nah....we have cats that are heaps funner than me.
  21. I must be weird. I was relieved to see Willow still had her dew claws (front). It's been interesting to read people's opinion on why they think we should remove them. I'm glad we still have a choice. My personal opinion is keep them. Front ones anyway. Here's some scars, the nice straight ones are from dew claws. The little jagged one was a glancing blow from canine teeth.
  22. I feel shamed watching your vid HankOdie....shamed.... Willow is pretty good on the training field, at home, it's a disaster.
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