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Everything posted by redangel

  1. Having worked as a vet nurse I have held many a loved pet as they got their wings. Having assisted in rescue I have also held some darling hearts that the world had turned their back on. Never got used to it, only better at handling my grief in order to be there for others. That being said I have always been there for my dog/s or friends dogs for that matter to 'be there' for them at their last steps in this world. My last girl, aged 18 was put to sleep at an emergency clinic in my arms. Before that my other oldie was put to sleep in my arms with my vet whom shared the history of her fight to stay. We both had tears. Personally I know that being alone in a clinic/hospital amongst strangers is very unsettling for me, thus I choose that not to be the last thought on my pets mind as they leave this world. That being said I cam sympathise with those who would want to be there but are too grieved to stay. The love of animals can be bittersweet at times.
  2. Another ditto on the victoria thread. Alas it seems the photogenically talented canines who are blessed with patient owners reside here.... cmon brisbanites!
  3. If it was his anal glands- at least one of you is feeling a bit better...
  4. thanks for the imput- I just want to highlight that all is not lost when you get bad news from the vet. Personally, I have but a 15yrold who is losing her sight steadily- she copes better than well, always first to the food and lets nothing get by her.
  5. I remember when I was working in a vet hospital, there was differring opinion on the welfare of animals that were either born disabled, or became disabled by way of accident or illness. I would like to start a positive thread on how ones 'dog with disability" coped and thrived. Maybe advice on things you have learned to help the people considering adopting or maintaining a dog with disabilty.
  6. Stick a piece of roast chook on a lure and my poodles would give any dog a run for their money
  7. Not if i can get to em first!!!! Actually I got a not so secret crush on Puck. I love whippys and greys in their element. Zoooooooooooooooooooooooooom
  8. All the best Lola- Get Well Soon. Thoughts to you to Huga at this time.
  9. How lucky are we to have you guys in our midst! Congratulations on your worthy efforts.
  10. Sorry pentax doesnt live here its a a nikon house here.....
  11. Rosie's tragic dying act in order to get out of doing what shes told always makes me smile.....and makes it harder to enforce the command. As for dog chasing cat after phone rings my FIL's dog did it for years.....thank goodness the cat died before the heyday of tele marketing, poor cat imagine the stress out. Cat always got back though, chasing the dog back down the hall once the phone stopped ringing.
  12. My dogs love pizza...in my house the second pizza ordered is dog friendly-eggs bacon ham, cheese,chicken...no onion mushroom. Definitely NO anchovies- since the only dog I had that loved anchovies has passed the others are indignant if even a stray anchovie makes it on their piece. "Pizza man" is always a bit too welcome at my house, no barking just drools and tailwagging. I hope he never tries to do our house over!
  13. What a pair. They look like they are true buds. Lovely
  14. How majestic is a borzoi. Beautiful Oberon.
  15. This was in my inbox made me smile. Im sure its an oldie but I thought it was a goody. Wonder if anyone has an almost perfect shot, but for..... edit spelling as usual
  16. Pucks 'all wrong' is 'all right' for me!
  17. I appreciate that many materials used for clothing soft toys etc are often treated with chemicals. Formaldehyde being one of them (google it for drtails of this chemical) There fore I always wash any soft toys and clothing purchased for myself to reduce any traces of this.
  18. They look like some happy dogs! Beautiful breed.
  19. Naughty me wants to PS a tutu on her in some shots....she l;ooks fit for the ballet! Great shots
  20. Ugh...........theres the dark side to what looked like a shining light of invention. Not good.
  21. MY 'quiet word" will be in prayer.......oh please grant we the way to afford this great programme.............
  22. thats just Oh gimme gimme gimme.......what a time saver.
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