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Everything posted by redangel

  1. Been following this thread...has there been a settlement of this???? Hoping no news is good news here, for the interests of future rescues/rehoming I hope it is decided soon so that measures can be inacted to ensure this doesnt happen again. Thoughts to those affected by this case.
  2. Katie and Tessa....awwwwwwwww factor.
  3. Feeling inadequate gear wise now.....just amazing you guys!!!
  4. The latest Bankwest Social Indicator survey shows that aussie families shell out 2,452.oo annually for their family dog,. Pet Food & dog treats made up the first amount some $1200 annually. Vet bills totalled $450.00 annually. Visits to the grooming salon, walkers and doggy dieticians made up some $405.00 annually. Apparently cats are a cheaper option...about $1772.00 Do this figures ring true? Cats might be cheaper, but a dare say dog ownership wont falter due to cost differences. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/104841...-on-pets-survey reference
  5. Shape,texture and form....items man made and in nature. Wide range of picture subjects there.
  6. Assuming the dog is current vaccination wise, giardia was going to be my guess...
  7. Ill sit in the corner with you Kirslin...I dont even have photoshop.
  8. Yes he has been monitiored by his vet, but it is not changing at the mo. He has always been a on the owners bed kinda dog and she hopes this to conitnue and wants help whilst he is stablised on meds. Edit spell ugh!
  9. Hi my friends toy poodle male has got an incontenience prob when asleep....can someone direct me to a supplier of dog nappies/or reccomend management strategies. thanx.
  10. Awwwww the perils of short legs. Blacklab beautiful coastal pic looks like your boy is very happy
  11. A friend of mine makes dog coats for little ones...her little cottage industry. My oldie needed a coat, but light weight to suit her for daily inside wear. She made me a lil polar fleece number. Should you not find commercially what you need I might be able to help.
  12. My only commentsis that 1. Hope that the bitch and pups concerned get through this. They have done nothing wrong. 2. While I dont advocate BYB I think to assume that unplanned litters are all destined to a miserable non desexed life is a generalisation. Yes we should point out the reason why BYB is so wrong, but does achieve anything to flame someone or give them a spanish inquisition when honestly it is evident what has happened here? Simply point out forum guidelines. 3 Acknowledge the person has done the wrong thing, made bad decisions and needs help. See the positive, they came to the right place to get information and educated - there is an opportunity to teach this person and have them better for it, does judgement/berating achieve this more than informed opinion. Dont think so. 4. OT- But if someone needs help re oops matings are they encouraged not to post here? Where do they go for help then...rescue forum??? Or go it alone? thats a risk I would be worried about. Good on the poster for keeping in touch with his/her vet. Please learn why the people above feel the way they do, they are trying to help.
  13. Love the action here! What is the aperture used for the dogs out of the box shot? 7D....how much fun must you be having. Edit; spelling cos I forget to edit.
  14. Just beautiful...love the fluffy ears.
  15. I think the decision is dog /environment dependant, most dogs cope very well in most conditions. Always exceptions to the rule. However one can definitely make changes to the environment where the blind dog can cope more adequately. It is also owner dependant- are they motivated or able to provide this level of care? It seems like the owners of the dog are "well suited/motivared to cope" with a blind dog. Obviously the others wouldnt, and never would try to......it really doesnt involve them so their opinions are irrelevant. Having spent near 3000 on my then 14yrold poodle last year and near 1400 last few months I have heard many opinions....but the decision with guidence with my vet my dog and myself is the only one that matters.
  16. oh my....wow. Im all nikon here and Im still jealous! And you have the best "Puck" in the world....Some people are just so blessed!!! Best wishes for lotsa fun.
  17. ..ok read that but why again was the horse (in good health) removed to be assessed??? Sounds alot of work/organisation that could of happened at the foster carers property.
  18. I have always been challenged by taking group shots. What are some best hints & les advice on getting the 'group shot"
  19. You do DD's yeah? Any chance of getting a toy sized cockapoo???? Mine other one grew bigger than I expected.
  20. Good on you furballs for taking on the pups. Hopefully your girl will settle soon. You sound very considerate of what is going on and seem to be supervising carefully. I applaud your concern for your residing dog, may all go well.(OT-As for the desexing early thing, I wouldnt desex a large breed dog before 12 mths if suitable conditions allowed her to stay 'safe' when in season. Of a larger dog I had desexed early (just under 6 mths) she developed a terrible incontinence problem which under specialist care was possibly partially attributed to her being done so early. One persons opinion and one dog, but it was the vets opinion. )
  21. (Puts on flame suit) I have 2 in season bitches here on week two.....the girlie action here is driving me nuts...its the hormone horrors here. Bitch one came into season early when the younger dog came in.....that or she knew she was booked in for spey that fortnight....being Luci id dare say it wouldnt surprise me (JK) As for behavior towards puppies that is induvidual and environmental I would assume. I would always be careful of any dog near pups as I would of a bitches pups near other residing dogs.
  22. Grate shots-love the panda, that is my fav zoo animal after meerkats. As for the spiders, what brave shots. Luci just nosed me as I was looking I nearly freaked.
  23. My only non kit lens is 50mm 1.4 and yes I love it. Btw Becncharch its good in low light so hurry up!
  24. What a beauty. Owned a working bred red kelpie for 14yrs- they are a magnificent breed, so people pleasing.
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