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Everything posted by redangel
The Right Place At The Right Time.
redangel replied to PossumCorner's topic in Photos, Photos, Photos
Thats incredible! Talk about a chance shot. My goodness a swf would stand a chance looking at this! -
I agree with the above posters...weather is so important. Ask about what happens in the event of a cancelled flight, (are you notified?) What happens after hours? What provision of care in in place? Puppies are so much more fragile than adult dogs, please be careful. Stay in touch on the day of travel with the transporters.
Problem With My Dog's Eye...what Could This Be?
redangel replied to fainty_girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Did the vet rule out possible tooth root abscess? Sorry to hear she is unwell again. edit add...my only experience of all over sore mouth was my Dobe, she had mouth issues aged 7...turned out she had Masticatory Myositis ... i hope Jessie is on the improve tomorrow for you. -
Problem With My Dog's Eye...what Could This Be?
redangel replied to fainty_girl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
...having had dogs for many many years is it me or does the amount considered high by the OP seem overstated? Bloods are usually min $265.00 and factor in vet attendance I think it was quite reasonable. No offense but if you are concerned by a bill like that...factor in if it was a tooth root abscess or worse...? A typical visit to the vet in my area is $65 just to walk in and put the dog on the table. Factor in the costs of certain procedures such as speying, blood work, dental or usual maintenance procedures outside of illnesses Id say it was quite reasonable. I am pleased that the lovely lady Jess is feeling better and eating better.Seems like no dinner will be safe from now on lol. -
Sorry for your loss Ams. Such a lovely tribute to as dear and much loved companion.
Interesting stuff Erny. I was hoping that in time I could reintroduce things given some time. What is the hair analysis you speak of?
ok ..things I would consider is what time of day, what light is avail, is it indoor/outdoor, what kind of photos are we needing ie portrait or group shots? Both? You need to consider if light is low having the best lens with the lower f stop to deal with that situation. If you are doing group shots well how wide the lens will have to be considered to get that shot. do you have a tripod? Or flash? Are the lenses you speak of kit lenses???
Thank you for your reccomendations, will trial her on it. Did go out to Petbarn yesterday and well they stock all types bar the hypallergenic They do sell Proplan and Eagle...do they have an equivalent I wonder? I will keep researching...where do you get your supplies from?
Red Noise: I was hoping it might have been a new bread of reindear... Oh deer... Tis is the season for piece on earth and goodwill two all men .... silly me (red noise: Christmas equivalent what Christmas carols in shops might sound like to shoppers who don't like the constant sound of it chiming in the stores. )
Roo and Potato SnT. She was well on it as per her allergy but sadly lost near a third of her bodyweight Two good meals a day made little difference.
I completed the elimination diet and my little one did very well. Her coat regrew and thickened, her skin improved, the yeasty/mousey smell went away and ears cleared up. She finished up on an extremely low pred dose. however she lost one kilo in the process.(she is a near 3 kilo dog) She indeed went to a boney condition which I did not deem as satisfactory. Full bloods and urine post diet all came back normal. Due to the weight loss the vet advised me to pull her off the diet and onto a high cal diet as she was concerned at the weight loss. Now four weeks out we have a better weight but back to the smelly itchy dog I thought was gone...vet suggested Hills allergy food but I am dubious because 1. It has chicken as a main ingredient (my girl was fed fresh chicken as a normal diet) 2.it is only reccomended for feeding in a period of 8 weeks and Im after a long term solution. Im happier to go non commercial but happy to have a combo of both a homemade diet and commercial, if for anything but balance. I was told by the vet that it is a human perspective one must eat different things (dogs do well on one thing)so maybe Im being to judgemental on diet variance. Any ideas on what I can do from here...I want a happy NONitchy dog in GOOD condition.
Typical comments, typical nitpicking of subject. A dog died needlessly its sad I dont give a toss who owned the dog or what breed the dog is, or feel inspired to fault a person on their FB image (who believes everything they see on FB) or the report at hand. I would hate to lose a dog this way...its sad another dog killed another dog. If it was my dog Id be in the photo holding a picture bawling my eyes out and personally I wouldnt care who it offended. And though I dont swear...trust me I wouldnt hold back if someones dog killed mine.
As someone who read all your posts I am in admiration for all you have done for your Roo. I am very sorry that you have had to face such a decision. You have been so proactive, open and courageous in your actions doing everything possible. I am grateful that you shared your journey as I am sure you are not alone in owning a beautiful but anxious dog. Your courage in making this decision is admirable. May you both have special moments for the time you share, wishing peace be there for both of you.
Tweaking the exposures, dodging and burning in PS these days is similar I believe.It was a lot harder id imagine back in the film days. I think that such changes are great for taking focus off some parts of the picture and highlighting the main focus to the subject. HDR isnt a fav of mine , but done subtlety can show a range of light in a picture that enhance the scene to the viewer. I am encouraged to see how photos can be improved with processing, I dont feel challenged by such works, just encouraged to learn more about what evolved to "get the shot". I dont think processing in any way can make a badly taken photo look like a masterpiece. Composition, use of light and the subject are more important to making a good image in my opinion, processing completes it if necessary. Im no pro photographer though Pers just my opinion.
StaffnToller I believe the vet has consulted a dermatologist re testing but is doing the workup prior to referral I imagine....The plan was to get the skin infection/inflammation under control, check diet and then look to testing as the drugs were weaned off.
At what stage does one decide a child needs to be moved if it is to all have a chance at a normal life...or a life at all... So sad that such an innocent has been born into a world where apparently its safety isnt paramount.
Thank you for all your comments....and yes i guess Ive been blessed with healthy dogs to date. I have asked the vet several times as to how can a food elimination test work if the dog is constantly on ab and cortisone....all I get is the response that "as the dog is improving to continue for a few more weeks, gradually weaning off the meds...." It IS heartening to know that I am not the only one who poses this question! I am dubious on the elimination diet but at a crossroad as to whether it is the meds or the diet or a combo of both...none the less I guess as it takes time for an allergen to leave the system as the meds reduce over the next few weeks it may come to light? I have kept a diary on her skin from daily checks and she has had one flareup during a period of 2 days where she was unwell... I hope it isnt environmental but have it in hand to organize to have her stay in a different home to see if it is something here- I would think she would be a little stressed to be moved, but I thought if it is beneficial, worth a try. Im very interested to see your approaches as I made it clear at the start of treatment with my vet that I would be happy for skin testing, it was decided when deemed it was environmental it would be his next course of treatment. It has been easier for her to be without the constant itch and skin/ear infections the last few weeks, she has been free to sleep, play and enjoy a normal dog existence. A friend said to me remember "the biggest organ of the body is the skin"...oh how I am learning this!
Thank you for your input, I realize in the big scheme of things a skin condition is a lesser ailment a dog can have but I am very hollistic in my approach over the years to dogs and try to keep preprepared foods out of the diet so feel that why should I feed a commercially made dog food because vets sell it. Surely if I have the willingness I can make a balanced diet? I am supportive of veterinary care but when I see vets pushing shampoo, dog collars, dog food, dog treats I am just suss because when you get down to brass tacks dogs have thrived for years without commercial intervention. If my dog needs to be medicated for life due to a condition well so be it, but I try to explore all options. Yes I agree Westiemum, this little poodle has cost a great deal for its 12 mths (not heaps of improvement)and factoring in teeth etc..is going to be a costly if I have to do yearly dentals because of her diet. Prior to seeking veterinary advice I had her on a grain free diet for a few months (with the occasional sardine),it was beneficial but didnt change her skin condition.
Glad to hear Scout is ok. Good news that his famous canine hospital friend Koda is recovering well too.
I currently have a 12 month poodle on a food trial. She is five weeks in on a sweet potato/roo diet and has been on a high dose cortisone & antibotic for the duration. Her vet visit today says she is improving and that now we are working on lowering her cortisone dosage. My concerns are that since this diet she has advancing dental tartar buildup and weight loss (she was thin underweight to start) I was reccomended that it is likely she will be on cortisone/allergy diet for life I was told I should switch her to Hills z/d. I hate commercial foods and in my 35 yrs of owning dogs, never had an allergy affected dog, nor requirement for commercial brand food. I am at a cross road: I have read online of recalls and ingredients in the prepared foods that have been allegedly banned in human foods. I am torn between vet advise/ dog requirements/personal concerns for long term effects... Can anyone advise? Any vets in the house?
Nothing more to add but to say Im sorry for your news. It does seem poor communication. I wish only the best for you & Bruno. Hopefully Bruno's experience will be that you need to stay vigilant and that he has a good prognosis post op.
Lovely Tribute...sorry for your loss.
Quote:." .. again owners have failed their dog by not restraining it correctly." Would a a well adjusted socialized dog be likely to attack people who are not threatening it? Too many times in my area I hear of dogs out of the owners property that have attacked other animals and humans. Breed is irrelevant. The idea that if it was properly restrained on the property the attack wouldn't have happened is correct in some way... but surely if a dog likely to behave in this way is in a residential situation it is a time bomb waiting to happen. Accidents happen.Gates not secured properly. Dogs get out. I have had many breeds of dog over the years but even when out were not a threat to those they encountered. Isnt the answer education? A dog in my opinion who cannot be trusted to some degree when in public are truly not "domesticated" to be in a neighbourhood situation. Better incomes, better areas dont always make for better owners. I again believe the time will come where owning a dog will require some form of imdemnity insurance because of the increase in situations where innocent people have lost a way of income as of no fault of their own. Sadly this will make it harder for those doing the right thing.
I try to do a trim every clip (poodles). One of my girls has two claws that have the quick really low (dark nails)I always trim with trepidation there. Must say Ive never used a dremel. Is it something they need to get used to as pups?
Thats pretty much what I have read online Trinabean. Thats why I opted for roo and sweet potato made by me so I know whats in the bowl. Interested in this saliva test/info regards to it. I looked online at the developers website and it has raised my interest. Likely at my next follow up I will be requesting if a blood test to look for any markers regards to immune issues is a good idea, I havent had this offered at all.. I had to push to have skin scrapings etc.. done. My dog was at one stage on three types of tablets aside from anithistamines...thus I am very interested in hearing other peoples experiences.