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Everything posted by Mooper

  1. I'm using a D300 in the lab these days ... but I gather the D3 is something else? I'm loving the D300. I need really close-up pics of moving fluids, but letting in lots of light as well, and this camera (on a tripod) does it brilliantly. Fortunately for me, our graphic design guru set the camera up for me. I started working my way through the settings and all the lenses we have and got a wee bit of a head-spin
  2. Daww, the poor boy. I hope the meds kick in and help him. I know nothing about them or their side effects but I'm glad you got to the vet.
  3. Another thought, Lokelani. Do you give him anything to do if you duck out during the day? I don't necessarily mean in his run, because he sounds happy there, but in another environment like if he's left in the lounge room while you go and get a bottle of milk or whatever. I know Jack will bark as we leave in the morning unless we give him his breakfast bones at the same time. Likewise, if we go out for dinner we'll leave him in the house. If I leave him with just a few pieces of chunky liver in his Buster Fun Bone, he's silent as we go out the door. Otherwise he'll whine. So maybe think about some short trials where you give Bosco something to do while you step out and walk around the block. If I ever have any spare time, I'm happy to come around and play games with him etc, praising like mad for quiet behaviour while you go out for an increasingly long duration.
  4. Paula knows lots about arthritic old dogs, having kept her gentleman Angus (RIP bootiful boy) happy and healthy for years. In his case, I think the injections were pretty frequent at first, then the frequency decreased to an as-needed basis? Diet of course is a large part of it, but for memory from pics your ridgey is pretty lean. What is your flooring? Think about something soft and easy to grip for her rather than tiles or timber. Erm ... where does she sleep? Can her bedding be adjusted to make it easier for her to get up and lie down ... a Smoky Dawson chair for dogs is needed
  5. I mostly use dried liver, cheese, or cabanossi for Jack. Occasionally Nature's Gift (your secret is safe with me, Tess )
  6. Just wanted to say you've done a great job with Bosco, Em. Don't be too hard on yourself He may even just be going through a "teenage" phase ... I've never had a dog that young, so I wouldn't know. But I know Jack used to test us regularly in the months when he came home from the pound at age 4.
  7. Safe travels and clean runs to you all! I'm in Queanbeyan, but not going to the Show. I'll keep an eye out for any unfamiliar dogs on our daily walk :rolleyes:
  8. Crating won't fix the problem, but I think it's worth a try to at least avoid the soiling while you get cracking on cleaning products. If he's not used to it, be sure to make the crate a happy, positive experience Are you still doing agility training? That would have to help in the leadership stakes.
  9. Cheeky bugger he is ... Where is he sleeping at night? It sounds like he has the run of the house, so obviously containing him will reduce the problem. Do you have a crate? You're welcome to borrow Jack's big one and see how the princess goes
  10. Don't they sell pups there though? No, I've never seen pups at the Fyshwick Markets store. They do sell birds, rabbits, guinea pigs and fish. I wonder if they run Powell's stock feed in Phillip as well? In which case, I guess they'd order it in, too.
  11. Ouchies! Give him a gentle cuddle. I hope he continues to improve!
  12. Twice a day. Raw meaty bones in the morning, to occupy him while we lock up the house, open the gate, get the car out etc. Roo/beef mince with vege pulp and supplements at night. We do it that way because he can take aaaages to eat the bones. We often don't get home from work until 9pm, then cook our dinner, and THEN he gets his. So bones at night would have us up until 1am We've fed him twice a day, with no fasting, for four years and all is well. He used to have kibble in the morning but we've been phasing that out.
  13. Jack works best for food. He is completely focused. He will work for toys and a game to a point, but food always winds paws-down!
  14. We discovered today that Jack loves nashi pears ... we were each eating one off our tree, and he looked so pathetic as he offered us all sorts of tricks, so I gave him one. Down it went! They're very juicy, so perhaps he was more attracted to the home-grown option than the store-bought stuff? He isn't usually very interested in fruit other than bananas.
  15. Oh, what a shock to lose one so young RIP Choppa, mate Gone too soon, but never forgotten.
  16. What a sweet old fella Rest easy, Jerry Lee.
  17. Mooper


    Rest in peace, forever pain-free, Kiesha. Hugs to you and yours, bp
  18. Woo hoo, go Molly! Was that last little fuzzball rocket a mini schnauzer? What fun
  19. Jack weighs just under 30kg and is on 1.5 scoops of Joint Guard a day at the moment. 1 scoop = 5g, so 7.5g a day for six weeks (42 days) comes to about 315g of the 400g tub. That leaves 85g of Joint Guard at one scoop per day (5g) or another 17 days. So, roughly speaking, I'm only expecting this first tub to last about 8 weeks or maybe two full months at a stretch. Future tubs should last 80 days for a dog of his size. Although I'm reading up on the green-lipped mussel that Poodlefan put me on to, so might switch to Technyflex later.
  20. Hi Angus Stop squirting, matey. Dane-sized squirts would be scary ... I'm glad he's put on weight, though!
  21. Poor Angus has been in the wars! I'm afraid I haven't heard of the condition, but just wanted to say that you seem to be doing everything right by Angus. It's amazing that these dogs of ours can be so tolerant to being poked and prodded when they know it will help them.
  22. I'm told it improves TV reception as well
  23. Where they stand around and stare at each other going "derrrr" I think we'll have to wait a few years for them to get that bad
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