The 3 Musketeers
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I like doing craft work,not the best but i try,Being a good mum(slave) to two teenagers) and my best friend is Abbey my dog.<br />I love reading a good book,and listerning to music when doing the house work.<br /><br />Im quite a boring person,But im a honest person,who will help anyone in need.
Evening All, I would like to let dog owners living around the Parramatta Area,that their is an OUTBREAK of KENNEL COUGH. You should make sure that your dog is up to date with their vaccinations. My 2 girls get their C5,which is suppose to protect them again, KENNEL COUGH,PARVOVIRUS,DISTEMPER,but their is NO GUARANTEE, your dog can still pickup these viruses. I believe my girls pick it up down at our local off the leash park( DAN MAHONY), this is the only place I take them. Right now both are on antibiotics and Benadryl,but my 12yr old has also been put on Anti-inflammatories to help with her airways,as she is suffering much more than my 2yr old. Im really not sure how long it takes for them to get rid of Kennel cough,but it seems ages,does anyone know how long a dog can have kennel cough for????? Can Kennel Cough Kill an older dog??????? Thanks
2 Part Question,i Need To Vent So Badly Lol
The 3 Musketeers replied to The 3 Musketeers's topic in General Dog Discussion
Update on dog owners not picking up their dog POO. I went back to Parramatta Council,and told them it was still happening,and gave them the information they need to get these dog owners,However the rangers are not down at Dan Mahoney Park in North Parramatta at 5.15am when Im down their walking my girls. I did speak to this lady who I believe is the worst of them all,and she just continued to walk away from me,still leaving her poo in the park. I had a shorter attention letter made up, but it doesnt make any difference,whether its long or short. I have tried to find out where this lady lives,but its really hard being a STALKER I just dont want to lose this park for my girls,plus its helping me lose weight I have tried to take pic,but my camera photo is pretty crap. I will continue to collect their dog poo,as I dont like walking it,and one day it will all go back to them hehehehe -
Hi all, This is a 2 part question,but will start with the bigger problem. We have a off the leash park 2 minutes from my home,The council has spent alot of money making it safe for all pets to roam the park and have fun. They have fixed up all the big gaps around the fence line,they have put in doggie bins with poo bags,so if you forget to bring your own, their are always poo bags next to the bin. They mow the grass weekly-fortnightly,and the council has done a great job. Now for the stuff that really bugs me. I take my 2 girls down every morning about 5.15am for the run about,and I meet up with other dog lovers,but their are some dog owners who just wont pick up after their pets. For the past month,I have been telling this lady to pick up her dogs poo,but she still continue to ignore me, and keeps on walking,their is also another dog owner who drives by about 6am, let his dog out,he does his poo,jumps back in the car,and drives off.Are you kidding me i keep saying to myself,How can these people continue to do this. Other than getting into a fight with them, I made up 8 signs,(see below)and put them around the entry gates,so you cant miss them,but still you get the same people NOT doing the right thing. If i see other dog poo around where we are playing, its not that hard to pick up and oput in bin,but i shouldnt have to be doing this. I have reported this to our local council,but unless they catch them in the act, their is nothing they can do they said. Ok my other question is, If your pet is full vaccinated,can they still pick up bugs from a park or oval. Im sure not all pets that go down to the oval i use are fully vaccinated,so are my girls protected. ATTENTION DOG OWNERS NOTICING THE PAST FEW MONTHS DOWN AT THE PARK, SOME DOG OWNERS ARE NOT PICKING UP AFTER THEIR PETS. THE COUNCIL WERE KIND ENOUGH TO FIX THE FENCING SO OUR PETS CAN RUN AROUND THE OVAL AND BE SAFE. THEY HAVE ALSO PUT 3 BINS AROUND, WHICH HAVE A PULLOUT POO BAG DISPENSER FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, IF YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO BRING YOUR OWN. IF THIS PROBLEM KEEPS OCCURRING, AND OTHER PET OWNERS COMPLAIN TO THE COUNCIL, WE MAY LOOSE THIS OFF THE LEASH PARK. SOME DOG OWNERS ARE DRIVING TO THE PARK, LETTING THEIR DOG POO, AND THEN JUST DRIVING OFF,THIS IS NOT ON EITHER. IT WOULD BE A GREAT SHAME FOR THE OTHER OWNERS AND THEIR DOGS, WHO DO THE RIGHT THING, BY PICKING UP THEIR DOG POO AND PLACING IT IN THE BINS PROVIDED. THIS OVAL IS ALSO USED BY FAMILYS, SPORTS PEOPLE AND OTHER ORGANISATION’S, WHO WISH NOT TO STEP IN YOUR DOG’S POO- THIS PARK IS NOT JUST FOR PEOPLE WITH DOGS!! IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS PARK FOR YOUR BELOVED 4-LEGGED FRIEND TO ENJOY, PLEASE TO THE RIGHT THING AND PICKUP YOUR POO!!!!
Hi Everyone, Its been along time since I was last on,so here goes my call for help. I have some really nice parks around where I live,and also have a OFF The Leash Park about 2minutes from my home. I have also just started taking my girls down in the early mornings (as I need to loss weight)and plus they really love it. My BIG problem is, that I am so scared that the other dogs down their will come and attack my girls. It makes me shake when I see other dogs running over to them,and I start to frett and pick my girls up,so the other dogs cant get to them. I know this is my problem,but I think my girls can feel that Im stressing. My fear is that the big dogs will hurt my girls(not on purpose),and that I wouldnt have the money to get them fixed at the vets, plus I hate the thought of my girls being stepped on or even jumped on by the other dogs,even though they may be only playing. How can I over come this protectiveness of my girls??? I know they love the walk each mornings and so do I ,until someone else joins us in the park. I have a 12yr Silky x Chu and a 2yr Toy Italian Greyhound x Chu. My 12yr old can walk off the lead,and loves being around other dogs, however my 2yr old,starts howling everytime a dog comes near her.Have a cause this problem with the younger one???? She can NOT be trusted off her lead at this stage, she will bolt, and I could never catch her,plus the park is on a busy road,and scared she will run under fence,and then get run over. I really want to change the way I have become,but so scared of losing my girls so how. This morning a lady had her 3 dogs at the park,she had 2 big and one small, my older girl just wanted a sniff, and the younger one just howled the whole time,so I picked her up,once again. The lady was really nice,and I would love to chat with other dog owners when Im down walking,just to talk about anything and everything, but I just cant stay around,so I head off home in the end.Any help would be great,but please dont call me a sook(even though I am LOL)
Chihuahua Stolen From Adelaide Royal
The 3 Musketeers replied to toy dog's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hi, Just reading regarding Harry the stolen Chihuahua from Adelaide Royal Dog Show,which I heard on the news,its a very sad situation for any dog and owner when something like this happens,my heart goes out to you. The main reason Im writing this,Is if Im correct in saying what I heard,is that Harry wasnt microchipped. The owner said,because he was an inside dog,she didnt get this done,and I think none of her other dogs are microchipped as well. My mouth dropped open when I heard that Harry wasnt chipped.It still doesnt make anything easyer for the owner as in fretting for Harry,I just couldnt believe he wasnt chipped,thats all. My understanding is that you dont have to microchip your pets in Adelaide,and correct me if Im wrong. But having a reward winning animal(show pet),wouldnt you chip for safety reason just incase something like this happens, and may make finding Harry a bit easyer. I really hope Harry is found and returned to his owner Thanxs -
Hi all, Is a 13month old still a pup Mia is 13months old,is a mini Italian greyhound X Chihuahua, desexed female The last 3 months Mia has decided to pee and poo in the same spot,I have No idea why :D as she has been toilet trained for ages.Now all of a suddend she is doing this. I took her to the vet,thinking she might have a infection of the bladder or something,But the vet said their is no health problems,and caouldnt explain why she would start doing this now(great help that vet was) I have spent money on a product called Urine Off,but that failed big time. Some days she will go out side ,and others she couldnt be bothered,Is it lazyness on her half :D She has access to outside 24/7,their is nothing stopping her from going out side. Friday I went to bunnings and got a product called KEEP OFF,its for outside to keep your pets off the garden,However i decided to try it on my carpet. I have only found 1 poo since putting it down,but I dont think its good for my carpet though. Other than doing this,What else is their for me to try I so need some help,Im starting to not like her for doing this,and im the biggest animal lover in the world. Please Im at my wits end and not coping
Hi All Its been awhile since i was on this forum,but now have problem with our pup. We have been to the vets twice this week,with Mia having runny poos. It had started sunday night,I had given her a lambs ear ,but i think she also stole our other dogs food as well?Do you think,lambs ears,pig noses and ears also Roo kidney can cause upset stomach. Mia is 10 months and weighs 3.8kg hasnt lost any weight,not vomiting,still running around,playing with Abbey(abbey not sick)no temp,heart fine. The vets have now put mia on Amoxyclav,Ensal,and was also gven injection today of Noroclav. I had starved her for 24hrs, before re going back to vets,then started her on small amounts of boiled chicken and rice,but this hasnt helped at all. I can only come up with the food I brought from markets,that has caused Mia to have the runs. If any one has given their dogs these kind of food,Have you had any problems with them???? Also Mia cant eat Good Os as their to strong for her stomach as well. Im still worried,even after the vets visit today,because she runs and poos as she goes,and last night i must of been up about 10 times,changing the puppy training pads,I know she trys to make it each time,but it just comes out to fast for her to make it , i dont get mad,Im just scared and have also now put heaps of the puppy mats around the house,so she can try and get their before it lands on the carpet. Any help or information would be greatful
Merry Christmas to you all. Im having a problem on whether i should get Mia's front dew claws removed when she gets desexed in March. She will be nearly 6 months old,and the vet ask if i wanted it done. Firstly i had to ask what a dew claw was, I didnt know Now im really confused, Would it be mean to get them removed or a good thing. She now weighs 1.6kg and she is the most funnyist pup i have ever had. The vets told us that mia is a Chihuahua X mini foxy,now i understand where the speed and hypo comes from. She has curtainly brought laughter into our family since Zoe's passing in September this yr. And poor old Abbey who is 8yrs old, isnt getting any rest now,but they play so well,and have started to sleep together. :p I come home some days, and i hold my breath and wonder what these 2 have been up to,Shock horror they destroy every thing,their beds, they have all their toys out all through the house,but at least i know,they are happy and having fun. Anyway if anyone can help me regarding the dew claw issue,this would be great. take care and all the best,Have a happy New Year
P.s Mia is a Chihuahua X mini foxy, and is very Hypo,but funny
Hi, All Mia is now about 12 weeks old, and we are having alot of trouble trying to teach her how to walk on her lead,plus she hates her collar and has chewed the first 2 of them. She crys whilst im trying to let her go at her own pace and just walk her around the house,but she isnt having any of it. She sticks her bum up in the air and wont move. Im trying with treats,but she doesnt care for them whilst she has her collar or lead on,any i really dont know any other way to help this sitution with mia. I have walked our other dog Abbey around the house hoping that mia will follow,But NO. Its so hard,its like having a baby a new baby when your other dog is 8yrs ols toilet trained etc etc. She does sit when ask to,still doesnt come when you call her, but she does know her name. She is so funny it cracks me up,but this training is just not working for me. I truely need some help and advice,as she soon will be allowed down to the park once all needles have been given.
Hi All, I would like to say a Big Thankyou to all the caring people who have replyed to my question Im sorry i cant reply to each and everyone, as i would be sitting here all day and night,and not looking after my family and my dogs So this is for all,A Thankyou from our hearts. I will keep you all posted if things change over the next few weeks,whether is happy or sad. So once again thankyou for all your support,information and just for caring Good night and take care April
Where do i start,This is breaking my heart and my kids,We have a family pet dog,who has been going down hill for a few months now,And the vets have told us that we need to make a time in the next few weeks to put our little girl to sleep. We got her over 5yrs ago from deathrow,when she was 18months old as she was going to be put to sleep,as her first owners had bashed her and tortured her,she had also had a few litters,broken hip bone,damage spinal nerves,plus she would try and hide if anyone came near her. We had healed her back to health,and had been going fine up until a few months. She has now started to have fits(sometimes 4 a week) the vets said she isnt in any pain when she is having them,however her back legs are now giving her the problems as well.She has her good days and bad days. We have had her on anti-inflam, but it works for just a short period of time.We have another small dog same breed silkyX chui,and we are also worried what will happen when the two becomes one. They sleep together,play together,and do everything togther. I know that if i take one for a walk,the other dog will start to wimper and run around the house looking for the other one. I have heard of stories when one pet dies,the other one cant cope,and dies of a brokenheart,due to being apart,Im so scared,i dont want to loose both of them,Im finding it hard to know when the time is right to get her put to sleep. The vets said to weigh out how many good days she has and how many bads days,and if she is having more bad days,then thats the right time. But she is still playing,eating,snoring,and walking up stairs etc,and most people wouldnt even know she is sick. As the vet has said,she isnt in any pain right now,and im scared i wont know when the time is right,and i know i wont be able to cope or my kids cope when the day comes,and also how will our other dog cope as well. Please Please i really need some help in this matter. I know i have to do what is best for her,if she does get pain or her happy life is no longer happy,but its breaking our hearts,and im not a stronge person mentally either. I dont know how long keeping her on anti-inflam is the best thing for her either. Will my other dog survive losing her best friend,and how do i make it easyer for her to cope,what do i do,are their things i should do,and what if they dont work would love to hear from anyone to has been through this sad sad time
Where do i start,This is breaking my heart and my kids,We have a family pet dog,who has been going down hill for a few months now,And the vets have told us that we need to make a time in the next few weeks to put our little girl to sleep. We got her over 5yrs ago from deathrow,when she was 18months old as she was going to be put to sleep,as her first owners had bashed her and tortured her,she had also had a few litters,broken hip bone,damage spinal nerves,plus she would try and hide if anyone came near her. We had healed her back to health,and had been going fine up until a few months. She has now started to have fits(sometimes 4 a week) the vets said she isnt in any pain when she is having them,however her back legs are now giving her the problems as well.She has her good days and bad days. We have had her on anti-inflam, but it works for just a short period of time.We have another small dog same breed silkyX chui,and we are also worried what will happen when the two becomes one. They sleep together,play together,and do everything togther. I know that if i take one for a walk,the other dog will start to wimper and run around the house looking for the other one. I have heard of stories when one pet dies,the other one cant cope,and dies of a brokenheart,due to being apart,Im so scared,i dont want to loose both of them,Im finding it hard to know when the time is right to get her put to sleep. The vets said to weigh out how many good days she has and how many bads days,and if she is having more bad days,then thats the right time. But she is still playing,eating,snoring,and walking up stairs etc,and most people wouldnt even know she is sick. As the vet has said,she isnt in any pain right now,and im scared i wont know when the time is right,and i know i wont be able to cope or my kids cope when the day comes,and also how will our other dog cope as well. Please Please i really need some help in this matter. I know i have to do what is best for her,if she does get pain or her happy life is no longer happy,but its breaking our hearts,and im not a stronge person mentally either. I dont know how long keeping her on anti-inflam is the best thing for her either. Will my other dog survive losing her best friend,and how do i make it easyer for her to cope,what do i do,are their things i should do,and what if they dont work would love to hear from anyone to has been through this sad sad time