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Everything posted by becandcharch

  1. SBT123 your little girl is just gorgeous. She looks like a real character Clicking Mad I love that first pic. Their expressions are exactly the same. Brigie bear I love your first photo and that smile in the first 2 is too funny. tlc I like the first one best. Ashli those beautiful big eyes!! Such a cute little man I took some photos of Charche's mate Henry the BC today
  2. Yep. You need to select the brush tool. If you're looking at lightroom you can see on the left hand side the histogram and directly underneath that there's a picture of a paintbrush with a halo around it. Click on that. Underneath you will see an exposure setting. If you drag it to the left, anything you paint with become darker if you drag it to the right anything you paint will become lighter. The beauty of this is that you can paint many different areas of the image (and lift the brush off the image in the middle of it) and you can move the slider AFTER the painting has been done. EG. If you set it to -.90 and do an edge burn but then decide you want it lighter, you don't have to redo it, you can just move the slider up to -.50. If you want to make one area lighter, then paint another area and make it darker, be sure to hit the button that says, "new" in between the change. I always wondered what that little brush did! I have just been fiddling around and havent read the instructions yet. Excellent, ill have a go. Thanks Ash
  3. Shell, No... freakin'... way is my absolute favorite photo of yours. Makes me laugh every time
  4. Congrats Tess32. You absolutely deserve it, your photos are amazing
  5. Kirislin I thought the same thing when I got back home! There is a place near home that sells dog hoodies. Ill have to try and re create this again. Thanks Huga! I have been trying to learn as much as I can from dol and flickr. Yeah I can kinda see the Benji similarity. So long as it's not Carl Williams im happy Ash - Thanks for the constructive criticism I do agree with macka that I need to lighten Charch a bit. I dont know how to lighten just one area rather than the whole shot. Does anyone know if I can do that in lightroom? Im glad that you can all 'appreciate' my photos Rocco that shot of Ash's mum is so so good. Just love it.
  6. I'll tell you what they are both thinking Cam - 'My bloody Fish n Chips are getting cold!' Charche - 'Please say 'relax' so I can go jump in the sea!'
  7. Wow Rocco they are brilliant. Huga you must be so stoked!!What gorgeous little man you have. brigie bear that 1st shot is fantastic! Shell I love those kitty kats. Eyes look unreal. Went to the beach after work today and made the boys pose Edited to say tlc I love that first shot!
  8. Thanks Iltby! How cute is Oberon ???!!!! Ashli they are brilliant photos. I keep going back to the bubbles one. So so good
  9. Ahhh too many to comment on! Ruth its nice to see Angels pretty face :nahnah: Pixie meg your kids are gorgeous, the upside down one is my fave. Such a cheeky face! Lucianne that is a great shot
  10. You knew I would follow you in here didnt you!? I want one too. Merry Christmas to us
  11. Aw Ruff is gorgeous! How's he coping?? Not long to go now! He gets his stitches out at 9am tomorrow And as soon as the vet gives the OK we are going to start agility on a wed night!! I can't wait. How's your little man coping? Yay! He will be a little firecraker with all his pent up energy I still dont think Charch knows it happened! Couldnt have gone any better. He isnt meant to get them out until tomorrow but I have asked if he can look at them today at 5. Vet will decide if they are ready. I just want to be able to take him to the beach in this heat
  12. I wonder if that's what Uncle Fester looked like as a baby We actually called him Benjamin Button when he was born because he looked like a little old man. Hopefully he turns out like Brad Pitt
  13. Oh Zeiba, that face!! She's so gorgeous Love it
  14. Aw Ruff is gorgeous! How's he coping?? Not long to go now!
  15. Greyhounds have such pretty faces Lovely shot. Its to hot to do anything in Melb at the moment so im cheating and adding an old photo. I hope it makes you laugh like it does me. Its called ' happy hour' (mum just opened the bar )
  16. Thanks ladies! I was really happy with them
  17. I dont think so Kirislin I loved this one for the splat brief http://www.flickr.com/photos/hueystar/4051173185/ TerraNik I thought the same thing when I saw the eyelashes If you have a read of the blog on the photo5 website most people have said they are dissapointed with the choices. I'm so glad I did it though. Made me definately think outside the square.
  18. Wow DD I love these!! The 1st and last are my faves. Are they 2 different peoples legs? One looks much hairier Babies feet are so cute
  19. Hmm... wow, im really surprised I do like some of these but also think there were some more deserving entries. Some I have had to take a closer look and see if I missed something. Nope nothing else. Oh well, good luck to them!
  20. Soooo... are the finalists still decided today even though the date was extended? Nothing on the blog about it.
  21. Congratulations! New toys are so much fun
  22. Ruth they are gorgeous! Love them both but the first is my fave (thank god Cam isnt that hairy! ) Kirislin she is lovely. Do you know her? Can you try again and tell her if she's super still you will buy her a pony?
  23. We're all waiting for Beck. Waiting...................waiting.................. waiting.............. You have scared him !!!!
  24. I invited some kittykat people in here http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=180818&hl=
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