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Everything posted by becandcharch

  1. Surely was! So cool you saw it! I havent yet but a few friends have. Did you see it on foxtel or free to air? Do you remember what channel and time? Its been on channel 9 and 7. Sorry for all the questions but Im hanging to see Charche on my whopping plasma!
  2. Thanks DA I do have a photo wall at home and I must admit it is getting a little out of control. Its nice to print them off though otherwise they just sit on the computer.
  3. Great news. Charlie is a little trooper
  4. Thanks guys tlc yes they are the same photos. FB doesnt do wonders for photos
  5. Thanks Kirislin I cant choose either. I say a diferent one every time
  6. I took some photos of Henry the Border Collie on the weekend. I'm trying to get out and shoot in different locations for a bit more variety. Im pretty happy with them and thought I would share Isnt he handsome!!?? I cant pick so here are all of my faves. Thanks for looking!
  7. Bob looks like he got dipped in it.
  8. These are so great CM #2 of Texas is unreal! I also love Chester in #1
  9. Aw thats really sweet Made me get teary
  10. I definately agree that you would hope they asked for adjustments! This part made me laugh You should be able to look back on your photos and remember what colour your bridesmaids dresses were, what colour the flowers really were. For that reason I try and keep all my editing looking subtle and as true to the real colour as possible, without filter-f%&@ing it over until it unrecognisable as colour )) You should also be able to remember what you looked like!
  11. Yay!! We love Winnie!!!! She reminds me of Humpty Dumpty in the rolly pics :D Those squirrel photos make me laugh every time
  12. my oh my, he sure does and the waists are thinner too. and some boobage growth too! edited to add they are brilliant photos. Great to see the before and afters.
  13. Charche is a sniper. *pls refer to the shneaky stafford under the doona*
  14. I used to have a dog like yours. She would literally go towards the corner of the kitchen and turn her back to me. Me too! Charch does this. Sometimes he peeks at over his shoulder then quickly turns back when he is satisfied that we are looking at him
  15. Hey CB, I havent used these guys but cant recommend where our guys stay highly enough http://www.bedsfortails.com.au/ I know its not what you were after but might be worth checking out. Its down your way too. We drive over an hour to drop the dogs there just so we dont have to give it a seconds thought whilst away. Their website makes me :D Relax and Regenerate: Guests who want to relax and regenerate can choose to spend time in private gardens sunning themselves or enjoy an afternoon nap snoozing on the comfortable pillows that adorn the day bungalows. They may also enjoy a leisurely stroll taking in the spectacular sights and smells or enjoy a delicious chew treat while enjoying the company of friends. Belly rubs, daily brushing and lots of cuddles are by far some of our guests favourite acitivities Social Ineraction Beds for Tails has its own exclusive Doggy Lounge area. Perfect for those who love to socialise. It provides the perfect venue to catch up with old friends, meet new friends while exploring our large range of games and toys. Our Doggy lounge area is also a favourite of our more senior guests who like to keep an eye on the activities of the day. Snacks are served throughout the day and the sounds of smooth jazz provide the perfect ambience Energetic Adventure For those who enjoy all day activity. You can choose to play in our paddling pools that are well stocked with tennis balls, play Frisbee,fetch or simply stretch your legs by running off leash in our securely fenced and extremely large exercise areas. While they catch their breath our guests can lie under shade sails and enjoy a cool drink while deciding what activity to tackle next.
  16. Hey these are great! :D Enjoy your new toy!
  17. Awww so cute!!! Great shots
  18. Thanks kittikat! Isnt she gorgeous?! Hope your cheeky ones are well ;)
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