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Everything posted by becandcharch

  1. There are some changes this year - There are a couple of changes to the 2010 competition that are important for you to know about. We’re giving everyone an extra chance to win a prize with the inaugural Portfolio competition, a competition to find the best set of 5 photographs. Everyone who uploads a photograph for each of the 5 briefs will automatically be entered, with the best ten sets of photographs, as chosen by the judge, becoming finalists, and the winner chosen by the photographic community. This year, we’re staggering the dates the briefs close across five dates, so make sure you check your booklet for the dates when your box arrives. We can’t accept uploads after the specific date, so it’s important to keep an eye out on them, as you don’t want to miss your chance to win
  2. Woo hoo, Im registered Cant wait to see whats in there! http://links.mkt660.com/servlet/MailView?m...p;mt=1&rt=0
  3. I leave our 2 with toys like ropes, footies, empty soft drink bottles. They love to wrestle so Im sure that takes up a fair bit of their day and the rest I imagine they just sleep They also have a bungee cord that hangs from a tree which they LOVE. I try and rotate the toys so the novelty doesnt wear off. What breed are they?
  4. THAT is my jaw dropping at the jaw dropping beauty of the last shot! Wow, CM its awesome! Love your beach shots I also LOVE #4 and #11 looks like he is swimming in meringue! ooh you added more - I mean this one
  5. Thaaaankyou!!! @ Ruffles. StaffordsYo! Im quite partial to a Stafford but your toooo far away ;)
  6. Kirislin these shots are fantastic!!
  7. Suki is gorgeous. Who doesnt love a bulldog?!
  8. Yes she is an indoor cat but mum takes her for a walk first thing every morning. She is spoilt rotten so no need to worry about this one
  9. Thanks so much guys! onsntillnflash I got there a lttle early so that she could get a bit used to me but I think your right By the end I had her purring from pats though! Hollys mummy I would love too but it might be a while! BT her owner loves them, Im so pleased Thanks again guys
  10. I REALLY loved this shoot with Charlotte! This was my first shoot with a cat which is so different to dogs as they just do as they please! I just followed her around and it worked really well I couldnt choose which ones to post! Thanks for looking
  11. I loved your staffy pup shots!! Gorgeous subjects of course but really great photos. Ooh ill check out those soft boxes. Thanks :D I know this flash has so much potential and im only using a small part of it. Im not a manual reader. I would love someone to show me everyhting it can do. I much prefer hands on learning without the reading. I get to distracted and impatient!
  12. I should also say thankyou for asking Kirislin!! Its amazing for shooting indoors. Makes the biggest difference. I cant wait to learn how to use it for fill flash outdoors. Thanks JS :D
  13. I have been so busy (slack :D ) and havent even read the manual yet. I have only played around with bouncing it off the ceiling. I plan get get out this weekend and use it outdoors. Some of my faves. You may have seen them before though..
  14. I was quite tempted to let you 2 keep going for a while :D Hang on i'll fish something out ;)
  15. Thanks westielover So much personality for a little scruffa!
  16. Bahahaha, Is that a pack of ciggies in the drunken greyhounds beanie? Sorry Harminee, all of my pictures have dogs in them
  17. Aw cute shots! My pack is just a little one. I have so many of these 2 but here are some faves With dad With me I really need to get one with the 4 of us
  18. Aww, you did well then, I had no idea. You should've been recovering somewhere quiet though, not coming down to that crazy place to visit me! I know. I had already arranged it with my girlfriends so thought I best go. They were like kids in a candy store!
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