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OKOKOK...i will take out the camera when i get home this afternoon...sigh Just ducked home as its lunchtime in school, after about 5 indoor wees this morning(shes just too quick to catch),She has been on her own since 7.30 til now, noon, and no wee whatsoever.I think when she sleeps,the need to wee doesnt wake her,as she goes all night and no wees either.its only when we are up and about that she wees all over the place.im wearing out my legs in and out to the garden with her every 20 mins or so,,,she wont stay out there by herself,or go out by herself if i open the door for her.the neighbours saw a terrible sight at 5am i tell you :-)
indeed.i would have been lost if I hadnt discovered this website. ppl have been so patient and helpful,encouraging and knowledgable, i feel inspired to keep on trying. A heartfelt thanks to everyone for taking the time to help me and Honey.You will be sick of us over the next little while,because I intend to use this forum as my little Bible,til we get sorted. I am amazed that you have the time/patience/interest in helping us,but i guess you guys are all dog lovers, so that says a lot
Thanks! your encouragement has me feeling not so stupid .
You know, I have never been a real fan of pet shop puppies, but now i see exactly why it should be outlawed.I guess i bought into the taking pity thing,but that only perpetuates the whole cycle. At least she is not there any more, but hundreds of other little creatures are.its so very wrong.why isnt it against the law to keep puppies in such bad conditions? I thought they took them home of a night,and walked them and stuff but no.and if they dont sell, they are put down more often than not.
That sounds a very good plan! feed her a few times a day- make her sit and wait-- lots of praise for finishing her food... Only trouble is,she wont drink water by itself.only the water i mix in with her food. Hey guess what? she is sittin at my feet here,not a bother.no whinging because my attention is elsewhere!!!! I have been reading up on Lhasa apsos, and they appear to be very much a one person dog,as they are originally Tibetan temple dogs,and never left the Dali lamas side,they were his indoor protectors kind of thing,so maybe thats why she never ever leaves my side Maybe because i have devoted my entire day to her(with a Uni assignment due tomorrow too eek)trouble is im back to work tomorrow . i hope the little bit of progress today wont regress when Im not around all day.lucky i work in a school so at least she is only by herself for3 hours or so at a time because Im coming home lunchtimes.
thanks! Theres a tiny glimmer of hope there now where there was none this morning,when i found this website.can i just ask....I have been leaving a dish of food and water available to her all the time,I put warm water in with her dry food,as she never drinks her water, but will lap up the water in with the food.Should I be doing this, or just feeding her at certain times,and leaving water out ? maybe I am feeding her too much sort of thing.
Well now i have some positive stuff to tell my helpers,angels that you are I have taken on board a lot of suggestions and advice that you all have posted,have had the whole day at home to work hard with her and: 1.I have ditched the newspaper/puppy pad stuff and have got a litter tray with shredded paper in so we will see how that goes.i have been taking her outside every half hour or so,and waiting(and waiting) til she does a wee and then get into paroxyms of praise and cuddles when she does one.Two accidents in the house today instead of a filthy floor.I have also limited her access to the house when I go outside or when I went to the shop, my house is open plan so she had the run of the place,when i went out before I closed doors so that she had access to her bed in the laundry and the hallway. 2.i put my nightie that i wore last night into her bed, and she has gone back in there for a sleep(after her washing machine trauma) YAY!!! 3.i have been (pretending) to ignore her whining,and when she is settled by herself, I give her loves and attention and she seems to be whining a bit less. 4. She never,ever goes out to the garden without me, and as soon as I make a move to come in, she comes in after me.So I got her some chicken necks and chopped a bit off and gave it to her outside.She has been happily chewing out there for the last 20 mins or so,no whinging and me inside. She has tried to bring it inside 3 or 4 times now, but I stop her and say NO Honey,outside, and point to the door. She goes,and I say good girl. Its the first 20 minutes peace I have had since saturday. Thank you so much you guys for helping me out.Sounds like days of our Lives i know,and seems very silly to be stressing so much,but this morning I thought I would be ringing the RSPCA or something,i have been so overwhelmed with stress and frustration,more at my own inabilities than her. What do you think of todays results?
You know ive been feeling so miserable about it all i havent taken a photo yet? Sounds bad i know, but living with the loss of my daughter 2 years ago at 15 has left me with the emotional strength of a ...I dunno...whatever is the most anxious,emotional thing is.maybe Honey and me are a good match after all hey/
Could you please? recommend someone to me?
Thanks to those people who are replying to me. What really worries me is that from what Ive taken in so far in all my reading is that you can destroy a puppy by not doing the right thing early on, and so maybe anything I do from now on will have no chance of working,if she has been kind of institutionalised for the past two months.I put on the washing machine etc,because I thought it would do her no harm to be getting used to these kinds of things,as her bed is in the laundry,she will have to get used to the washing machine.Shows what a goose I am.Im trying to do what I think is logical,but so much for that idea. To the person who suggested putting me onto a local trainer, thats an excellent idea. i live in Albion park, NSW if anyone knows of someone here who might be able to visit and help me.
Thanks.I didnt know the story behind pet shop puppies,Oskar was from a breeder. I suppose I am perpetuating a bad thing by buying from there,but my heart went out to her and I couldnt leave her there.I have read copious stuff over the last few days but its all conflicting advice...my head is spinning! I think I have bitten off more than I can chew.I certainly dont want to add to Honeys troubles by not doing the right thing in dealing with her, I dont know how much love and attention is too much or not enough,I dont know how firm is too firm or not firm enough,Im exhausted and worried to the point of weepy.i truly dont know what to do.And I feel so very responsible for this little creature,i want to do the right thing by her. I had thought of puppy pre school in the vets,but they tell me she is too old.
I dont quite know where to begin as i have so many issues its just not funny. I brought home a puppy last saturday,having thought about it for quite a while,months in fact.I had a gorgeous old boy for 15 years (Oskar,a lab) and lost him 2 years ago,just after my daughter died. Well meaning friends put the idea in my head that a new puppy would be a great thing,but I have not felt able for it until recently.I bought honey from a pet shop,rescued her really, as I was chatting to one of the guys that worked there as I knew him from Uni.Anyway,he told me some terrible things about pet shop puppies,ie they had Honey from when she was 8 weeks old,so she has been living in a pet shop cage for the past nearly 2 months.They dont ever get out,only if a prospective buyer wants a look.They sleep,wee,eat and everything in this cage.Also honey was getting close to her "sell by" date,and so she faced an uncertain future.I felt like I couldnt leave here there as she is only a little scrap of a thing(Lhasa Apso) and felt that with my experience of Oskar, all would be well. Well,Im afraid poor old Honey lucked out in the bad owner stakes...she is so different from what i remember oskars puppyhood to be..She whines almost non stop,she seems oblivious to my attempts to house train her,she jumps at her own shadow,she is so very needy and needs to be around me all the time,whines if I dont constantly pet her and sook over her.She howls if i take her in the car,I have done it 5 times now, 5 minute trips,and she did it every time,I nearly had an accident. With the toilet training, I am at my wits end...Oskar trained himself almost.But this little one chews up the puppy training pads I put down, wees and poos everywhere but on paper,rund around my feet as Im walking to the point where I cant take a step without the risk of tripping,seems constantly demanding and no matter what I do, cuddles, playing,outside every half hour, etc etc I just cant seem to do anything to please her. The one bright spot has been that i put her bed in the laundry from minute one,she has toddled in there whenever she wants a sleep, and sleeps in there while Im at work without complaint(lady next door has been listening out,and there is no whining or crying.) I work in a school close by and so am home at 3pm, plus I dash home at lunchtime to let her out and have a play with her. She puts herself to bed in there of a night, and theres no problem at all. until this morning, when i took the day off to give the place a really good clean and try to create some sembleance of order in the chaos.I put on the washing machine,and closed the laundry door with honey in there so i could wash the floors.well she howled and so I put her in the garden instead.she howled out there too desperate to come in but i left her there for 30 mins so i could finish the floors. Since then, she wont go into her bed at all,but is napping on my feet if i sit long enough. I think this is the last straw,as I have probably traumatised her now or something.I am so at my wits end. I know its not her little fault,its mine, thinking I could do this. I guess its time to find her a better/more trained owner? Sorry for the epic essay, i could go on and on, but I will use up the eentire forum. thanks