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  1. Thank u soooo much for your helpful info...I couldn't agree more.. I will be forwarding all this info on and suggesting training. Thanks again
  2. Hi all! Just thought I'd come and get some opinions from the experts! Background: My Mum and her partner have a cockerpaniel x, male, around 6 yrs old, and a female maltese around 7 yrs old. Around 6 mths ago they adopted another male shih-tzu whos around 2.5 yrs old. They are all desexed. Mym Mum and her husband work full time but give the dogs loads of play time when they get home. The dogs sleep in the laundry. Recently..the shihtzu is always in the face of the f maltese, constantly bailing her up, trying to hurt her and be dominant.He has not always been a dominant dog but seems to becoming more so each day. Sometimes the f tries to stand up to him.My Mum then rouses on him (when she hears it or is home) and the female gets very scared. The female has taken years to come out of her shell after being abused, and it seems she is reverting back as a result of the shihtzu's behaviour. He is also an attention hog and demands that he always be pat and get the attenti...he jumps up on my mum, all over the others until they get so sick of trying to get attention they just wander away. He also tries to hog all their food and the female malt has to be separates so she stands a chance at getting fed. My thoughts with the feeding is that he should be the one separated not the female during dinner time. Also he should bve COMPLETELY ignored untl he has settled right down, before he getsw ANY kind of attention. Putting him on a lead and having him tethered until he settles down, then giving him a reward and attention, AFTER the others have had theirs. The only thing I don't know what to suggest is in regards to the way he is with the older malt female. She doesnt get any rest and he is always in her face. Sorry for the long post but any ideas would be fantastic. Cheers!!
  3. Ok for those whohave had this problem just thought I'd post My vet said that even though it's green that can be a normal build up of "smegma" (ewwwwww) My concern was that my boy has been off his food and his back is a bit hunched. The vomiting was more regurgitation (small amounts of clear fluid) She did all the usual checks then got to the prostate, which was enlarged, and when she put a bit of pressure on it, it was clear from his reaction it was painful. He is not desexed, so she said she could either give him a shot to reduce the amount of testosterone (and also secretions coming from the penis) then another one in 7 to 8 days. Howver the problem can be a recurring one. Other option was to desex. So he's booked in for desexing tomorrow...I don't want him to have the possibility of recurring pain and discomfort. So, hope that helps! Cheers, Renee
  4. My boy has the same thing at the moment! He has vomited a few times thismorning ( a tiny bit)...could this be related? I'm going to take him to the vet today..poor little thing!
  5. Hi Erny! Thanks so much for your reply! I am familiar with toilet training a puppy so that helps greatly! Thank you so much! Unfortunatly the dog I was going to get I won't be getting anymore but I really appreciate your friendly responce and helpful advice. Have a great day!
  6. Hi there! Just after a method/ some ideas on how to toilet train a 2 yr old dog who has no idea! We are getting her this wkend and the people that are caring for her at the moment have no idea, and simply tell me she's not toilet trained!! I would like to be armed with what to do when I bring her home on the wkend. Any strategies/advice is welcome!
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