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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. Sometimes your local vet clinic may know of someone reputable who house sits. They may even have staff who are available to housesit occassionaly.
  2. Definitely sounds like FCE, we've had one here with my mothers dog. Some last seconds, others last months (as in our case) In our case, our dog had a long recovery in a specialist hospital, a mylogram was the only way to actually prove the FCE but in your case your girl has recovered. I would just keep an eye on her and see what happens
  3. No, she will destroy the house, she wont sit on a mat, she's too hyper for that. ETA - she isn't toy orientated at all, not even the slightest interest. She can't be inside as my mothers dog is disabled and she pushes him over
  4. I can't fathom keeping her locked in a run for 22 hours a day. I can't let her have a big yard as she destroys my fencing. I feel cruel having her locked up.
  5. *hugs* You have not failed her! You are doing so much more than many other people would.
  6. Just a quick update on Nutterbrain. I've put her into our dog run and she gets two solid runs a day with my mothers dog. She's stopped barking for the most part, but its only a short term solution
  7. Not the best photo of Paige - this is her with her winter coat, so its not as deep grey as her summer one is. This is Jimmy And this is one of Paige's last pups:
  8. Donatella - see what the specialist says, I'd consider waiting, but they are the ones dealing with her specific case, so they'd have a fairly good idea of whats happening and what would be suitable in your case. I'd be looking at either doing it whilst she's already under if the specialist is thinking it causes no healing risks. If healing was a factor the vet was worried about, I'd then wait until she was all recovered then go for it :) ETA - Our clinic (and every clinic I've worked for so far) has refused to do dogs obviously in season, if they've just come on, and we don't know until we get in there, then we do it. We recommend generally to wait a month to six weeks after a season to desex.
  9. Congratulations! Can't wait to see photos of your new bundle of joy :)
  10. Very similar colour to the smokey we have. Have a read of the link I posted earlier a couple of times in this thread. It explains the genetics behind the colours. Crossing blue with fawn isn't how another colour is created. I can understand why you might be getting in arguments with other people about it. I didn't mean that my belief was that the fawn crossed with blue made the colour, I've probably worded what I said slightly wrong. What I meant was that I've been told by some 'colour experts' that that is what they did back in the day to get the smokey colouring. I know that isn't the case, but that is the most common thing I get told when I tell people that the two are smokey's, not fawns. Regardless of what people say, I still believe that this smokey colouring is an actual colouring, not a fawn variant. I can trace back my two back to 4th generation of pure smokey dogs. I can't trace my guys any further due to the fact they are not ANKC recognised nor registered, it has taken a lot of leg work to get it that far back. The people I bought Diesal from sold him as a Smokey and tan. He is definitely not smokey, but he is fawn, his colouring is different from the two smokey's. It is similar, but definitely different. At a quick skim I couldn't find your link, but I will look closer when i have some free time.
  11. I've got Smokey Kelpies (They are not fawn or blue, they are true Smokey), and they can't be registered due to their colour. I'm often getting Kelpie breeders argue with me on their colouring. I have had a blue kelpie - totally different colouring, I've also got two fawn kelpies - again different colouring. I'm lead to believe that the blue and the fawn was crossed to create the smokey colouring, my guys are approx 4th generation smokey. The smokey is more of an actual grey, which once you see the two side by side you can see the difference. Unfortunately due to my old girls age and health issues, her coat is not the best condition any more, but in her day, she was a beautiful strong grey colouring. I've never been interested in registering my guys as they are pets more than anything, but it frustrates me when people try to tell me what colour my dogs are. It can be very frustrating!
  12. We use turkey necks daily here, have for years, had no issues here!
  13. Thanks Caz :) I will share his gorgeous photos when I get home from work :)
  14. Caz - A few of my facebook friends whom I shared your story with would love to see a photo of Buddy, is it okay if I pop one up there? His story is touching so many people :)
  15. I spoke to the AWL media person about them doing a Media release and after contacting the inspector she told me they wouldnt be but she was happy to make comment for any media things I organise. Something is in the works and hopefully finalised today if it comes off ;) Good work!
  16. I would stay with them if I couldn't leave with them. Especially Bailey, Abby or Oliver, I could never leave them behind.
  17. At least the salon has to face what they've done. Pity the fine isn't higher
  18. Not a day goes by Caz that I don't think of you and Buddy, I love seeing the photos you share with us :)
  19. Oh Caz There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Buddy. I'm glad you at least have the vets report as proof of what happened. *hugs* I hope you take this further, these people need to be shut down.
  20. Thanks! Sums it up well doesn't it! :laugh: I must admit, there has been a case at my work place of a young dog whom appeared healthy on the vet examination, had seriously out of whack Pre-GA blood results. The bloods were that out of whack, the desexing had to be postponed as it posed to much of a risk. Several vets check the dog over to ensure something hadn't been missed on the physical exam, but they found nothing either. I don't know what the issue was (I wasn't the surgical nurse that day) but it was enough to warrant medical intervention and postponement of a desexing.
  21. Just a quick update - Serenity has stopped barking since being isolated from the others, now she is sulking and hardly eating Driving me up the wall! She's still very hyper (as to be expected) but at least has solved the fighting issue!
  22. Oh Nic! I'm so so sorry *hugs* I wish I could come give you a hug RIP Annie Go be with your dad sweet girl
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