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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. That is fantastic news, I've spent half my day worried about her. I'm glad things are looking a little bit brighter. *hugs* to everyone involved in raising funds etc to help Jane rebuild her life. Hopefully she'll be back on her feet soon.
  2. Jed and her animals are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of healing vibes their way.
  3. You would be surprised at how many times I get that question when clients book in for their pet to be euthanased, I'd estimate at least half to three-quarters of the people ask us what happens with their pets.
  4. Sounds like normal RSPCA BS I HATE this organisation so much, this has only amplified it. Brandy should have been treated better than this once she had be PTS, dumping her in the garbage is just disgusting.
  5. Rini is normally very sensible with her Kong. I think that she just picked it up to move it to her lounge and it got stuck there. Luckily she is very placid, not once did she freak out (until it was time for sedation anyway) and just sat calmly. If it was any of the others I shudder to think what would of happened. Sedation seems to of worn off now thank goodness, but I am still keeping her inside tonight to keep a good eye on her.
  6. It may have but the kong smaller may have caught on her tongue. The kong packaging states it was for her size as well which is more concerning. My vet said that this isn't the first and probably wont be the last he'll see.
  7. Mum and I are extremely blessed that Rini was okay. Originally it was just funny as we thought it was cute we thought she was just carrying it around. Then when she yawned I realised the drama was unfolding. The vet was concerned with her breaking her jaw as towards to end of the drama she was pawing at it a fair bit. I will be ringing the manufacturer tomorrow to inform them of this and the Kongs will be going in the bin!
  8. When I was only 3 years old my mother was friends with a gentleman. One of his employees had a beautiful red kelpie dog who loved to play ball. I had had a dog called Bo but it was decided that he wasn't suitable as he was a working dog and we no longer had the work for him. One day we were at this friends place and his employee told us he was getting rid of Tiny as he couldn't keep her in. Mum said she would take Tiny for me if he was okay with it. He said that if we could get her in the ute, she was ours. Mum simply picked her up and put her in the back. She asked him if he was sure and he said that he was. Tiny and I were in seperable. If mum couldn't find me she'd simply look for Tiny and there we'd be, playing and mucking around in the paddock. As I started school our time together became reduced, but Tiny found a way around this. She walked up to my pre school which was just a few hundred metres from home and came to visit whenever she could sneak away from mum's watchful glances. I was 15 when Tiny started loosing weight. I noticed she had stopped eating her food and took her up to the vets as soon as they opened. The vet looked at her and told me that Tiny's liver had begun to shut down and there was nothing we could do. I then made the heartbreaking decision to put Tiny to sleep rather than have her waste away. It was one of the hardest decisions I had ever made. My vet let me sit with her in the consult room to say goodbye. She told me to take my time. I sat with Tiny until the end. The vet helped me take her home as I had walked her up to the vets. We then burried her next to her best mate in the paddock she loved to run in. She is now joined by a few of our pets underneath a tree we have planted in her memory. There's never a day that goes by that I don't think of her. She was a special dog who was with me through thick and thin. Here's a picture from my first day of school.
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