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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. Country Vets are becoming this way too. My vet does what he can, but if someone calls out of the blue and asks for the antivenom, he worries, vets aren't a charity, they are a business and can't afford to be giving thousands upon thousands of dollars up on people not paying. We will treat as best we can but without some form of payment, we can't give the anti-venom as it would send us out of business. Most vets have high bad debtors rates if they aren't strict.
  2. Comfortis on my farm dogs - hardly a flea on them now. Frontline, advantage, advantix etc do not work for me
  3. My animals are mainly named after TV characters- Mainly because we've had lots of animals over the years and I hate doubling up - but the name has to suit. ATM in tv charcter names I have: 3 Calves - Jethro (NCIS), Callen (NCIS LA) and Lawson(Rush). 3 Dogs - Paige (Charmed), Diesal (Named After Diesel on Mcleods), 2 Mini Horses - Abby (NCIS), and Calleigh (CSI), Gosling - Elena (Vampire Diaries), then there is the birds - 1 budgie called Annie (Chase), the two ducks are called Harmony (Buffy) & Daisy (Chase). Then there's the galah - Santana (Satan for short) from Glee (and yes she is a b**** like her too lol) Over the years I've covered most of the tv shows I watch lol
  4. We have a client where I work who called her dog B**** just so that when the vet calls out it's B**** please. The lady does love her dog, just has a weird sense of humor lol
  5. I named my calf Tango (military talk for the letter T) as my friend is deployed currently.... I like the suggestions of Sarge, see what really fits the pup and go from there.
  6. I'm not frightened of him at all.... in my line of work, getting bitten is a daily occurrence So far on his own he seems okay, he does seem a little down but I'll be keeping an eye on that.
  7. 2nd bloods have come back clear again. At the time of the first incident, we had no foster dogs - last one had gone a month prior, he was getting 30 minute 'free' runs in our top 2 acre paddock. Second time was when his life partner, Paige, was desexed. Paige came back and he went silly and bit her face. Everytime this has happened, there has been no constant thing involved. He can be on his own, we can have him with other dogs, new fosters, no fosters etc and he does it. All this has flared from since being desexed, but his vet doesn't think that has much to do with it. The behaviouralist we saw is one of the best in the area, he has spoke with others about this case and no one can pin point whats going on. We've had D checked for tumours, arthritis etc etc, all clear. Everyone is confused as all hell. D is on his own in a new yard, but he can still see the other dogs from where he is. He has had one snap at me since, but I am very careful around him. The only thing we can think of is maybe he is aging worse then he should be? Possible dementia? We don't know :D It's upsetting for me as I hate him attacking the others and myself as he normally is a very loving dog. He still wants his hugs and kissed when he isn't trying to be stupid. I sometimes wonder if he realised he does it...
  8. Were I work, we recommend Aquadent in the water and a dental biscuit like hills T/d. I used Aquadent for a while, but my sensitive stomach furchild couldn't handle it.
  9. I've built an 'isolation' yard for D and so far he's going okay... did have a nip at me today but I'm watching him and I'll see what happens
  10. Yep, bloods etc came back clear. Vet is trialing the meds as a last resort (vet doesn't like medicating for the sake of it.) Can't do a brain scan as I cannot get to a vet who has the equipment.
  11. The last year or so my 8 year old kelpie, Diesel, has turned nasty at times. He's had a few 'go's' at me, foster dogs and my youngest kelpie Serenity-Jayne, but yesterday turned on my 9 year old kelpie Paige. They have been together since he was 4 months old and was her breeding partner until we gave away breeding and got both desexed. D can go weeks without incident, then will have several incidents appear. I am now at a loss at what to do. I have him in a dog run atm, but we are thinking of putting up a second yard for him (he can't run free here as he will savage the pet geese and ducks given a chance). Would it be wrong to seperate him more permanently where he can't sniff through the fence, but still see them? Has anyone had this happen to them? What have you done to fix the problem? My vet has put him on an injection of MPA to help with the aggression. Our behaviouralist has no idea what has suddenly caused the problems (no change other then the fosters coming and going but that was happening before the aggression started) Opinions please?
  12. I got the vacc after Smooch got sick. I was 15 and the doctors were refusing to inoculate me. After much arguing (I was handling the same cattle mum was), they relented and I got it. Vacc hurt like a B**** though
  13. I prefer working dogs as I have grown up on a farm. I have been involved with other breeds through my work and rescue, but I still come back to my workers, especially my "smokey" kelpies (not the Fawn kelps though, nothing against them, but prefer my smokey's)
  14. Lots of rescue dogs are purebred. I have a kelpie currently that I have adopted, which I cannot imagine living without. Rini is my baby
  15. My oldest kelpie was nearing 20 when she was PTS. I was 16 at the time when her kidney and heart started giving up. I took her to her vet, I vaguely remember sobbing my heart out in the consult room as the vet told me she was dying. The vet got me to sit with her and let me say goodbye to her on my own. I felt guilty for weeks. I had started to ignore my young kelpie I had gotten a few months before as I couldn't look at her without seeing Tiny playing with her. We buried Tiny on the farm, she has a tree planted with her and she is near her best friend who died a few years before her. I still quite often miss Tiny, but lately I find myself thinking that she is up in heaven, playing with Bess and my Dad is watching over her until I get there. I've lost many pets over the last 21 years, some more devestating than others. It may not seem very easy, but with time, your emotional wounds will heal, leaving you with the memory of your beloved pet. Take care, we're all here for you
  16. *hugs* I know how hard it is to do what you have done, but he sounds like he is in great hands!
  17. My 25 kg kelpie gets 500mg of Glucosamine, 200mg Fish Oil and 200mg Vitamin E every two to three days (she was getting it daily but she is much much better now, and she hates getting tablets.) Paige was at the stage I was considering having her PTS as she was struggling a lot. She had been through many courses of previcox, cartrophen inj etc, nothing was working.
  18. Not a fan of the kibble here - mainly because of price and a couple of the ingredients in it.
  19. Agreed, lovely post Big hugs to all the other nurses and vets out there ;)
  20. That would drive me spare. It does drive us nutters, but I use hushers and bark collars on them. It's only two of the three dogs that bark, the one who doesn't bark is the biggest killer of them all. Rini just barks for the sake of barking to annoy the crap out of me lol
  21. I do not let me dogs near my ducks or geese as two of them have murdered my feathered children before 6 years on (after getting them) and they still bark at them whenever they walk around the yard they are in. My ducks and geese get free roam of our top acre paddock and get locked up in a smaller yard of a night, or when the dogs are let out for a run.
  22. Haven't read the whole thread but in my experience, I now can tell when it's my pets time to go. I lost my kelpie who i had grown up with days before my 16th birthday (she was 20) and I was devestated, I'd had her since I was 3 years old, she and I went everywhere together. But she started deteriating and I had to make the decision, which was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. I hated myself for a short while for putting her to sleep (it was my first animal that had to be PTS rather than passing away themselves), I felt so terrible that I had done it. But my vet came and sat me down and told me what I knew deep down. Tiny had kidney failure, liver failure and her heart couldn't take much more, I had saved her dying in agony and let her go while she could go with dignity. *hugs* PS - No matter the outcome, I'm sure all us Dolers will be here for you
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