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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. Big Hugs - Just take your time with the decision - by the sounds of it, you've done what you can.
  2. Does the instruction manual have any blade care instructions? I found some brands of blades required a slightly different clipper oil recipe than others.
  3. Can you check the label and see what the ingredients are? I spoke to my boss who is into herbs and natural medicine and he hadn't heard of it.... maybe it is the brand or something. But if you can find out what is in it, maybe I can get some directions for you
  4. OMG - How distressing for Crystals owner. I can't imagine the shock of finding one of mine in that way. RIP Crystal
  5. Okay, so she isn't a dog, but she thinks she is. I entered the competition for my adopted mini pony called Abby. Abby was attacked by some rodeo horses when she was two days old. Her owners thought she had broken her leg and were going to euthanise her. They decided to give her a chance and give her to my mother and I to see if we could work any miracles on her. She spent 6 months in a dog crate in a heavy cast. Currently she is running second behind Flick's Cat Rescue - Voting Ends on Friday 27th 9AM. I basicaly begging for votes at this stage - it would be great for her story to get more coverage to show people that determination and hard work can create miracles. To Vote: All you need to do is to click on the following link and click LIKE on Abby's photo. Some people that have voted have had to LIKE PetStock's fan page, but you can UNLIKE the page once voting ends. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/photo.php?fbid=10150312688998438&set=a.10150312687998438.411094.108662018437&type=1&theater I know this isn't the right section for it, and I do apologise, I'm just trying to spread the word. All the finalists are very deserving to win.... there's no doubt about it. I'm just hoping to give my baby every chance possible for HER to win Here's some more photo's of Abby: Abby NOW: 25/5 - Currently in Second place, trailing by almost 15 votes. There is only 36 hours to go. PLEASE VOTE FOR US! ALSO - A HUGE thanks to everyone who has so far - and to those who have shared and recruited vote! It means so much to both Abby and me
  6. If her diet is reduced, maybe it is lacking in the energy she needs.... I'd keep an eye on her toileting etc in case she has picked up a bug and maybe talk to your vet if this continues.
  7. I don't know personally but my boss at ActiVet may know.... I'm not a work to ask him though....
  8. I know lots of people or Pernaese powder and they seem to love it - most of the clients I work with go with that or Joint Guard now over Sasha's
  9. Sheena - It should be safe but I'd personally look at capstar or something to kill the adults and then do the comfortis when it was next due.
  10. I feed majority dry food with meat and bones for variety. Barf, Canned food etc makes two of my three very sick.
  11. Same - No puppy is allowed in without the certificate of vaccination and we scrub our reception room before the puppy pre school starts. And I like that the puppy then learns that the vets isn't only for needles, but for fun too.
  12. I work at two different vet clinics and one of those uses the proheart injection. I myself use the proheart as two of three Kelpies I own hate beef flavoured chews and one dog hates tableting. I think for your size dog you'd be looking around the $90-$100 for the proheart (but that depends on your vet clinic as well) Have you tried googling Proheart tablets online? I just found this site http://www.pedigreepetsupplies.com.au/shop/catalog/proheart-tablets-large-dogs-45kg-p-90.html
  13. An additive to the water like Aquadent or similar may also help IF used with other things like bones, raw hide chews etc.
  14. I have one dog who thrives on supercoat - another dog of mine does really poorly on it - it's funny at times.
  15. Good luck with the acupuncture. Many years ago we lived and worked in Japan. The horses we worked with ( dressage horses ) were treated each fortnight with acupuncture and I have to say when we rode them the day after their treatment they always felt so much better.I hope you get some good relief for your kelpie. Me too lol
  16. I'm about to have my older kelpie given a course of Acupuncture as everything else has failed, will let you all know how it goes.
  17. ActiVet Carlingford may be an option too if you still need the Titre testing done
  18. Sam's Warehouse and the Reject shop have been having them lately - not sure of the price but wasn't too dear I don't think.
  19. Hills foods have just started coming back in this week - almost all the diets were on back order with our supply company.
  20. Fynesse - If you wanna bring your baby up any weekend shoot us a PM and we'll arrange something. Serenity-Jayne is great with any and all dogs :p
  21. LOL now you have me guessing. Ill leave you to mull it over (hint, I think the time you were there I was riding a pally) Gah. I know you! (I'm Smooch's Daughter lol) ETA - Its a good Gah lol
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