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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. Esky - you could call and talk to my boss at ActiVet - He did a course of Acupuncture on my Paige who was struggling - she now actually wants to run, where before she was happy to watch everyone else play.
  2. Most places are sold out in the Hunter Area.
  3. I've used Pernaese powder which is much cheaper than Sacha's and seemed to do the same thing on my guys.
  4. Really depends on the situation. I've been taught anywhere up to 3 weeks for an incubation time, but it really depends on the animal, their health prior to getting sick etc
  5. Thanks guys. If anyone is on tomorrow morning before 9am -please pimp this out! I will be at work from 8 so I wont have a chance.
  6. Thanks Guys Abby is a little fighter. Poor baby will never have full use of that leg, but she gets around okay and she has fun with her playmate. Thats all we can ask for
  7. bump 36 hours to go - still in second place - please vote for us!
  8. AFAIK the law only came into effect last year. I'll double check with my friend tonight.
  9. I spoke to my best friend who is in Highway patrol in the Hunter Valley His exact words are: Animals unrestrained either in the back of a car/ute or in the front are a projectile. For their own saftey and the safety of others in an accident. All animals should be restrained. By law - if they are not restrained, it can cost you demerit points and a large fine.
  10. No kong if the owners aren't supervising - big big no no in my household. My dog got her's stucks to her jaw and had to be anaesthetised to have it removed.
  11. Thank Emery and Leelaa I'm not giving up. I'm slowly eating into her lead now and I'll keep pestering all the dolers and facebookers until we get to a close lol
  12. We were until late last night - The woman who owns the cat also runs a rescue so she has a heap of people behind her. I'm starting to run out of time and people to ask.... if people could share the link on their facebook page and recruit voters I'd really appreciate it!
  13. Thanks Emery I fear, we will be beaten - the cat currently in first has too good a lead on us now
  14. Thank you - I honestly think the Kitty is going to beat us - but we'll go down fighting - It's what we do best
  15. Thanks Stormie - We're fighting back - now ahead by 3 votes, but the woman in second has an entire rescue group to help her - trying to spread the word as much as I can
  16. The clinic I have recently started working for is very pro grain free kibble. He is uses it in his own pets and they go fantastic on it.
  17. Lucious - Thank you so much - we are only a few votes behind now!
  18. Thank you so much Guys. We are still in second so if you know anyone who would vote, please ask them!
  19. Looking again - Thinking Pom X Chihuahua.
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