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Everythings Shiny

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Everything posted by Everythings Shiny

  1. Swimming is great for dogs and we always highly reccommend it. I don't think we've ever discouraged any amount of swimming.... as long as she's happy and enjoying herself, that should be all that matters. It's low joint stress excercise - If mine would swim, I'd have them swim all day!
  2. If the testes have only recently descended, that to me is a little concerning. Most Samoyed's I've met have had their testes descended by 10-12 weeks at the latest.
  3. Spoke to Co-worker - to be safe, He'd recc a week, you could do it 2-3 days after but to be sure he'd go a week just in case your dogs metabolism is slower than average etc
  4. Spoke with a co-worker and he thinks that in this case chemical castration might not be the best way - Aggression in that age dog is worrying and rarely due to being an entire dog.
  5. PAW (Pure Animal Wellbeing) have a natural one out that I use with grooming dogs called Gentle Ear Cleaner. I love it, its very gentle on the allergy prone dogs and doesn't cost a lot either.
  6. Not sure, I think we recommended previously about 5-7 days to ensure it is completely out of the system as Proban can have a slight hangover affect esp if used consistently. I'll check with a co-worker this arvo.
  7. Weird one I remember is where my new dog Jimmy got out and walked 25kms to my work because I left my wallet at home, he had decided to bring it to me. I tend to have weird dreams if I'm on meds - so I often have weird dreams!
  8. I think if you spoke to them regarding the titre testing they may be okay, not sure though.
  9. Blackthorn Hill Retreat - www.bhretreat.com Self contained dog friendly holiday house in Pokolbin - about 2.5 hours from Sydney. Owners are lovely people and are clients of a practice I work for
  10. I used to work in a shelter. Our main dogs were: Staffy's Staffy Blends Bull breeds and their blends Kelpies and blends Cattledogs then the DD dogs
  11. Deelee - my workplace has one bottle of the green proban left in stock.
  12. Def look into whats causing the pain. I groom about 7 a day, my grooming table sucks (can't wait for my new table!). After about 4 -5 grooms my back hurts a bit. I take a break then go again.
  13. My suggestion would be this. Get a decent kibble, add in the egg a couple of times a week. Also use chicken frames, necks etc. I wouldn't be starting a puppy on a mince diet especially if he has a bone issue (ie broken) as you can't guarantee the level of vitamins and minerals in it. My last puppy was fed on a mid line food, chicken frames/necks and she broke her leg at 12 weeks of age. She came good and now at the age of 9 has only just started showing signs of arthritis. Definitely check with your vet though as they are physically seeing the animal and we aren't. They can give you a pretty good picture of whats going on.
  14. Not a problem. Parvo is running wild in my area atm
  15. Possibly. I would vacc first then swim if its not somewhere you can guarnatee no parvo dogs have been. Better to be safe then sorry.
  16. Some are the same active components, but the outer layering etc can be different for us to digest easier than a dog or cat. Really depends on what the drug is but your always better off to stick with vet pharmacy for animals and human pharmacy for people.
  17. I'm a groomer part time. I am the only person to admit the dogs so I can talk to the owner about what they are after and what I am to do. I have been asked on occassion to not clip the legs and brush them instead when they are severely matted and I always say to them, it will cost X amount extra per 15 mins. Most people will then give permission to clip if the brushing is unsuccessful.
  18. Colliewood - have you looked into DAP at all to help assist in the anxiety?
  19. We advise clients but we have a breeder who uses it regardless and has had no issues (Comfortis that is) Elanco - the company who owns the brand Comfortis has not spent the money on testing it in fertility (trials are really expensive) but haven't heard any issues yet.
  20. Talk to Anthony at Activet Carlingford. I worked for him and he did some chiro, acupuncture and some Myofascial work on her and she was so much better!
  21. I'm single but live with mum. I own 3 dogs, 4 horses and two calves. Luckily mum helps me out as I've just started working fulltime (6 days) and I do feel like I'm neglecting my babies a bit, but luckily, the dogs generally entertain each other, same with the calves. The horses and ponies are pretty cruisey either way.
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