Teaching SD is fun but my feelings are you need that “formal” (that doesn’t mean it’s not fun too!) retrieve fairly solid.
I always use the 2 food game when teaching the SD(and the retrieve) so the dog doesn’t necessarily have to present EVERY article but there are times when I ask for it and I don’t want to rehearse dropping an article, waiting, then asking for the dog to pick it up…that’s just another behaviour you are reinforcing? There’s lots of play in between too.
In the beginning (I use Dogscout method too), I will turn and throw food and give a verbal “YES!”when they PICK UP the correct article so they would drop it to pick up the food. Make sure the “YES” isn’t said as they are hovering over the article.
I vary when getting the correct article is consistent when I turn and throw the food…it maybe the pick up, it maybe three steps in after picking it up or it maybe 5 steps after picking it up but I also make sure to ask for a present as well in the session. I also make sure my dog can’t see me reaching into a pocket as he turns and heads towards me but show him the “final” picture which is me not saying anything and standing very still….the dogs love it as they can’t predict when the reward is coming and I make a lot of noise when they are rewarded. Probably not a good idea for an OTT toller and a full on BC, but I enjoy it.
Funny, how everyone has a different slant on training…makes it all less stagnant. I like reading how others do it as all dogs respond differently.