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Everything posted by caffy

  1. Have you done SG Crate Games and established some forward drive in your dog? Or maybe do the send to the table as I suggested in another thread or send to bait plates to get your dog driving forward.
  2. Go Scoota and Lexi. Alex did his bit too...2nd in Masters agility and 7th in Open Jumping to make 2 finals. Very proud of Mr Alex
  3. Might be a different story if Obama got a toller Anyways, Alex is quite happy here & knows when to perform for the camera:)
  4. ...and there are some extremely handsome and talented dogs in the video. Hmmm wonder who that could be???. Enjoy the seminar, you'll learn heaps from a great trainer
  5. Yes, he went under but didn't take long. I actually assisted as I'm in the teeth business...humans though. Basically a pulpcapping paste is applied over the exposure, the area is cleaned before applying the restoration which is then set with an ultraviolet light. Xrays are also taken of the tooth. Unfortunately the longer you leave an exposure, the less chance of success as bacteria from the saliva enters the exposure site. I was lucky that the liquid bandage was suggested to me and I was able to apply it within a couple of hours. Good luck.
  6. My boy broke his molar and exposed the nerve. It was only a pinpoint of red but that is enough to require attention. It is a spot for bacteria to enter the coronal tooth pulp and you will get a dead nerve and infection down the track. When the tooth dies, it will discolour and eventually abscess. I was lucky and applied a liquid bandage(from the pharmacy) and was able to get the tooth pulp capped and restored the next day. By restore I mean that it has a permanent filling but it is not built up to the cusp height. It’s been a few years now and he eats raw with no problems at all.
  7. Beautiful! Fast out, fast back with nice pick up. Well done
  8. I'd try Denise on the address given or else PM me and I'll give you Tom's email addy.
  9. I think I posted elsewhere that I re trained with the 2x2. My young dog could not shape when I started the re training, so I stopped the weaves and went away and played with my clicker and taught a few tricks. He learnt to try things again and with more determination. It was also fun for both of us. Then doing the 2x2 took no time at all. One thing I would suggest if your dog gets an incorrect entry, do as SG says and don’t move and make it easier. Also really play with your dog in between sending to the poles. I’ve seen a few videos of people just standing and waiting and the dog standing and waiting for guidance…ask for a hand touch or a spin, anything, then send again. Keep it all moving quickly and you’ll get fast weaves too.
  10. Just over 24 hours for me ...had my fix yesterday
  11. and.................................................. I remembered to yell GO Thanks for the save at the end Caffy - I owe you one AGAIN! You didn't think I was there, did you??? Watch out next time...Alex was coming up the rear at a rapid pace!! All good fun..thanks again
  12. Ahh yes, but the red boys did it again in Masters!!
  13. I re trianed my young dog with the 2x2 and I thought it was brilliant. Unlike my older dog, he had no history of shaping and I found it difficult to progress as any boo boo he made was confusing for him. So I stopped training the 2x2 and went away and shaped some tricks…it built confidence in him to try things again until correct..i think this is a strong point in the 2x2 method. My young dog came back to the weaves and progressed very quickly through the method…he really thinks about his weaving. One thing I noticed with your video is that your dog reflects your demeanour,…you seem quite passive and this method thrives on excitement and play and interaction with your dog…that’s just an observation and hope that doesn’t offend;-)
  14. I used Jo Sermon’s method which utilises the table. Basically, you start with 1 jump then table. Your reward is placed on the table and you race your dog to the table to either feed or tug. Gradually add 2 jumps, then 3 jumps etc. Once your dog is driving ahead add your cue…Go On! At each stage you are sending, running with and recalling. The key is to have a big party when your dog reaches the table and you must race them to it, not just stand idle. Both my dogs drive ahead at warp speed when I yell “go on” It was in a Clean Run article many years ago, maybe if you did a search?
  15. ARGH Miss Caffy - the cause of her problem was hormones not i-squeaks So you are not guilty ..... Well that's good. I can relate to the hormones Give me another session with Lexi...I'm sure I could do some damage
  16. Yep. You obviously know what you're doing then.
  17. oh dear ptolomy...i squeaks + lexi + me = broken dog. hope you had better luck
  18. ...another heeling game, especially for crazy, tunnel dogs Do small spurts of heelwork then send to a tunnel, turn as dog exits tunnel and wait for them to resume heel position and either reward there or send to tunnel again and have a big party :rolleyes:
  19. Proof, proof and more proofing before even thinking of trialling
  20. Too true! Well done Rubystar! And while we are here - Miss Caffy when are you going to do some obedience with Mr Snaz - he was a star today Oh and bring back Master Alex for his last UD leg? And Maybe you should suggest that one of the rules changes for UDX should be to hold a dumbbell while balancing food on the dogs nose.......now theres a thought. Thankyou Ptolomy..I love your positive comments..they are always welcome:-) And now we all know how to do the perfect retrieve aka Guru style.
  21. Well, I saw some beautiful heelwork today. You should be very proud.
  22. Thanks for bringing Ronda out Vickie. All the hard work behind the scenes is easily forgotten :-) Me, personally, I think it' s a good idea to understand all the handling systems. Each presenter has something that you may pick up on.
  23. You've ended the behaviour? Why don't you want your dog to look at you then? I'm not sure how'd you'd stop that.
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