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Everything posted by caffy

  1. The link works for me She is stunning Ptolomy...great work..as always
  2. I don't think the guys used sight at the river in all the leaves ;)
  3. Have you taught your dog to "sight" the box? Have you put the box in different locations (tall grass etc) and sent her? Have you done the box from multiple distances?
  4. Whoops, I'm afraid I do The food pot teaches the dog to mark and take a straight line and, in the early stages, I'll throw food or a toy for their correct choice of taking the correct line. It's interesting how there are so many ways of teaching an exercise.
  5. Very nice Huski. How does she go if you don't physically point to the dumbell?
  6. Oh ye of little faith I have taught directed retrieve to my non retriever using food bowls. He would prefer toys and tuggies but I found the use of food as a more easier way for learning to occur. You can throw toys for a faster, driven return and present.
  7. I ask my dogs to "line up" for heel position. I've never used the word "heel"...dunno why. But, of course, that gets cut back to "line" when doing a formal finish cos I may get the mean judge ;)
  8. So is this a case of her seeing whats on offer, so she decides to pay attention???? Yep I think so!
  9. If he moves a foot before release I abort!! I may stand him again and then push him gently to remind him to plant the feet then re do the SFE stand ...helps to build success.
  10. Caffy I have just watched Snaz's SFE clip. He did well for a non obedience dog - in fact he did well for a UD dog (says she who wishes her dog would do a SFE that well LOL). Just wondering, when you returned to him - did you tell him to wait or stay before reaching into your pocket for food, or doed he have a release word and he wont move until he hears that? He has a release word. I did a lot of opposition reflex with him if that helps He used to fall over a lot like the Tripod :D
  11. Thanks for posting all the videos bedazzled...I had fun doing them and watching Scoota and Brooklyn work through it
  12. There are a couple of vids with a very green dog in Snazzy doing a SFE and a retrieve on the flat. The distractions were his first and VERY mild.
  13. Have you tried the high hand touch during your heelwork?
  14. I do recall many years ago when Alex ran off for Blaize's jackpot...he always has had great anticipation...and a very good nose
  15. Are the drops cured??? Hope you've been doing your homework :p
  16. UM Caffy - come training on Monday and show me I have been doing this - but Rome wasn't built in a day - I have 3 years of bad training to undo and I want it fixed NOW and its just not happening fast enough I shall try and get there...maybe you can fix Snazzy's stands...he steps to his left! It's just a little step but you know me...gotta have it perfect!!
  17. I haven't read all the suggestions but my first thought would be to just do it informallly and ask for a drop with hand signal and throw food to her left side. Bit like the 2 food game but keep throwing to the opposite side she drops and ask for quick ones only. Keep it upbeat and fun....even use the i squeak ;)
  18. Great stuff Rivsky!! Now I hope to see you here for the Classic
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