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Everything posted by ludersachi

  1. My girl birthed last Thursday, having 2 little healthy boys. The pups are gaining weight but I've just checked my girls milk supply and it doesn't seem to be huge. I am able to compare as I've had litters with bitches with lots of milk. If the pups are gaining weight should I be concerned or am I being paranoid? How would I increase her milk production?
  2. Thank you everyone for your responses!!! I did decide to change to Royal Canin special breed for Chi's. It is working a treat and they just LOVE IT! Even my fussiest girl is eating up so fast. I find that it has also made me look at how much I was actually giving them and it was too much! I now am giving all the dogs the correct amount and all is good.........Not to say that I won't change back BUT it is working at the moment.
  3. That's exactly what I was trying to remember. Its funny how I was told it was only in Eukanuba and not other brands. This is yet another issue I get confused about being a registered breeder or a breeder in general. So many stories and I just don't know who or what to believe! I think I'll just use the Royal Canin stuff and go back to Eukanuba, my Chi's just love their range. I also put my older dog onto the sensitive range and his coat and skin has never been better. PS: My name is Craig
  4. Thanks Leanne! I bought that exact food today, lol. I got a small bag so I'll see how it goes. Its so hard to know what to feed the dogs when everyone has such strong opinions.
  5. Hello, I've been a registered breeder of Chihuahua's for a few years now. When I bought my first Chi I was recommended to use 'Eukanuba' products. I have now been feeding all my dogs this diet for several years. I happen to mention this to my dog groomer, who has been breeding and exhibiting for around 25 years, and she JUMPED down my throat. She said that 'Eukanuba' had a product in it that extended the shelf life of the the dog food and was harmful to dogs. Apparently other brands had this product removed except for 'Eukanuba'. Does anybody know about this? I've been recommended to use 'Royal Canin' or 'Hills Science'..........What to do???
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