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Everything posted by Tim'sMum

  1. Tim'sMum

    24 Hours

    I guess many of us have been there and know how hard it is.......we too, had to do the same with our 14yr old ACD. It's hard, bl**dy hard but you are definitely doing the right thing for him. My thoughts are with you today!
  2. Tim's done this on holidays. He loved biting at the little waves when he was younger. The worst time was when we went to the beach which was too rough for swimming, then to a nearby lake. Tim not only vomited beside the kids while they were swimming in the lake, he then had the green squirty bum thing too! Not pleasant........the kids just about walked on water to get away from him! Fortunately he has grown out of biting the waves! With luck Bear will grow out of drinking sea water too.
  3. I just saw this..........so sorry to hear the bad news! RIP beautiful Billy.
  4. Glad to hear that Ollie is OK. I'm sure he will have lots of cuddles and spoiling........ and will be glad to be back at home.
  5. Good news that you know what Ollie's problem is and that it is fixable. I hope he copes OK with the anaesthetic. Our vet uses one that is more expensive but has less side effects.........perhaps you could ask your vet about which one they use. If he could have surgery early in the morning, spend the day under observation then come home in the evening he would probably be better off. Keeping up his fluid intake afterwards could help with the nausea. Spooning rehydration fluid into him perhaps or maybe they can put him on a drip to help, although with bladder surgery that may be in question. Perhaps you could ask the vet all these questions. I'm always 'crook as a dog' after an aneasthetic so I can feel for Ollie........poor boy! for you both.
  6. Poor Ollie........poor you! Hope he is feeling better, it is just an infection and the tests show all is OK! :rolleyes:
  7. Sorry, I may be wrong on the spelling. Regarding side effects........I'm not aware of any at all. Jed, our old dog had the 4 x once weekly injections every year, usually April.......it was about $40 each injection; probably more $'s now but well worth it. He had no side effects, no reactions except good. An old doggy we meet at the park most days has just had it and he actually 'bounces' and has no sign of the limp he has had for months. Go ahead and try it.........hope it works. Last I heard it was being trialled on humans! Oh! And Happy Birthday!!!
  8. Hope you mean Cartophren! The course of 4 injections worked wonderfully well with our last dog.........an old ACD who arthritis in his hips. He had injections at the beginning of every winter for his last 4 years. The last year it didn't work well and he was on Rimadyl as well but he was very, very old by this stage. For the first few years it turned him into a playful dog again! If your dog has arthritis I would recommend it it if the Vet has suggested it.
  9. Have they put him on antibiotics? It sounds like an infection somewhere? Hope he is better this morning! ;) for you and Ollie.
  10. I hope all is well with him Jodie and it is something simple. Let us know how he is. :rolleyes:
  11. We had the same situation..............it's so hard! Thinking of you.
  12. Tim'sMum


    So very sorry, Rozzie. He was obviously a very special boy! :D
  13. Oh Fido! So sorry to hear about Jessie. Hoping she goes through the surgery with no complications. Thinking of you and her!
  14. I've stopped wasting my money on Frontline. It got to the stage of using it fortnightly with little result. Now using PERMOXIN as a weekly rinse/sponge bath. A friend's Shit Zu X, Coco, was recently so flea ridden, I was shocked. This friend was using Frontline but also lives beside an off-leash park. I would suspect her dog was being re-infested every day at the park. I gave her some Permoxin to try and Coco is now flea free.
  15. How is he this morning Lablover? Toxin? Hope no-one is baiting in your area!
  16. So sorry to hear all this............has the vet given any prognosis as to his recovery??? Just a question...........what is Leptosporosis? Trying to dredge up from my memory..........can it be caught from eating rodent droppings? I hope he will recover!
  17. There is no residue with Permoxin and the scent is not overpowering either.
  18. This is what I do, then I spray fly repellant on top so it 'sticks'. I use Permoxin (does flies and fleas). You can also mix Permoxin with Vaseline and coat the ears with the mixture!
  19. When they asked what I thought about telling him off "Bad dog etc" I was a bit stumped and didn't know what sort of an impact it would have on Jack......that's why I suggested asking here for help. It's a problem I've not encountered before with any of my dogs except for only once when a bush 'jogger' ran past me, then hurriedly turned back and ran straight up to me. My last dog, an ACD had ignored him initially but when he ran back my dog actually bit him on the bum! He only left red marks but it was a bit of a shock. The jogger only wanted to ask me the time! He did admit he did the wrong thing by running up to someone the way he did and that my dog was only protecting me. With my friend's dog; apart from telling him off and apologising to the other bush walkers they didn't speak to him till they got home. The first time they thought berating him and putting him back on leash, then ignoring him was enough to make him understand it was not acceptable but he did it again a few days later. I guess that would be most people's first reaction in the same situation and these friend's are somewhat inexperienced large dog owners. The wife grew up with SWFs and the husband only ever had cats. Fortunately they are very caring and very keen to do everthing right. I thought adopting a rescue was a good start! He is a big dog so it must have been pretty scary for the other walkers. Looks like they will have to be patient until they can see K9 Force.
  20. Thanks K9...........I will pass on your info.
  21. K9: yes well, vets are not experienced at working with dogs like this, a good behaviourist would be the best step. I look at many dogs every week with severe aggression problems, owner willing & commited we have a higher than 99% success rate. Thanks K9...........I think I will recommend they take him to training to evaluate why this has occurred, the only alternative is keeping on-leash. They both love the bush walks and we all do the rougher tracks to avoid the mountain bike 'terrorists'! As to the other dog that was put-down...........I don't know the full story except it was a pretty nasty situation and unprovoked. He had been severely mistreated. It's just sad for all concerned. The owner is distraught.
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