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Everything posted by ZEPING

  1. " Of course you can. And I base that on pure fact. Exotic animal trainers do it all the time. "You can't spank a Killer Whale" they say. As Aidan has pointed out, it's not the reward that counts, but the conditioning. " well i do see your point however the purpose of this thread is for DOGS only "killer whales" may have different "drives" or methods to achive an outcome e.g. we know dogs work in pack that for example some dog have some sort of prey drive or food drive etc i have no clue about killer whales and cant speak on that particular animals behalf unless you know for a fact that there similar to dogs phycologically from what im reading it seem there are many different roads to achive a outcome or final destination that road may take a longer time it mayb be more ruggarded depending on what your dogs temprement is , how consistant you are and what method you select e.g a fear biter would not work with a heavy handed approach they will shut down , a better approch is to reward with a release word or postive praise but ive spoken to some trainers that believe that building a solid bond with dog allows you to use compulsion with any negating effects?? any thoughs?? i love the ideas thought and theroys thanks everyone for your input its building my knowledge
  2. Hi i just wanted people perspectives i dont believe you can reliably train a dog under high distraction without compulsion as if there desire to chase the cat across the road is higher than the want to eat that food or treat in your hand its gunna run and attack the car ?? however the house mates im living with seem to think other wise in my opinion compulsion is instruction to a dog and is need when training a dog dont get me wrong in thinking i mean yanking the sh*t out of a choke collar or prong and kicking the dog to an inch of its life mearly raising your voice or ?? using the e-collar on low ?? (giving instructions) they (the house mates) seem to believe you can get 100% relibility with treat and praise ?? i would love to hear both side of the argument and please explain your theroys
  3. Hey there just wondering if you would borrow it out ?? ive got other leerburg dvds that i can borrow you if you were intrested ?? there copys preparing the dog for the helper puppy bite training 8 weeks to 6mths building drive and focus first steps in bite training and deloping a competion heel
  4. Hey monlite just a question but r u a member of that club coz i might pm you some qustions if that's alright
  5. hi there are some schutzhund club in western sydney and i know you can do part training e.g. tracking and no obedience but im not 100% sure if they will accept beagles ??
  6. yeaha get a flat collor and lead i find EZYGOoD really good
  7. have you tried marker training! positive re enforcement for ANYTHING related to water?
  8. hey just want to say how great steve is heard good thing about him decided to give it a go HE IS THE MAN!!
  9. i think in complusary in blacktown and mine had his when he was about 7 weeks old
  10. fairfields not far from blacktown mayb 15-20mins
  11. mines just on RAW meat from the butcher e.g. lamb necks , heart, liver , chicken carcus necks wings thas sort of gizz
  12. yeaha i was tossing up with sentinel and the interceptor i went the interceptor with no problems realli good ohh and if you dog happens t find the tables and chew on the foil til it comes out and literally eat lik 5 of the tablets its okiee they just have diareea no other side effects
  13. does it cost anything to rock up there and watch are we even allowed to do that?
  14. hey yeaha it not something that only certin breeds get as my dogs a GSD and had that problem as well i went to the vet he gave me a cream ill try digg it up and give you the name but it was realli effective overnight it realli cleared up and the day after it was gone ?? i not 100% he said something about inflamation??..........
  15. yeaha realli intrested to see what people say but from what ive been told and mines still going at it some of the time but alot better than before he about 5mths now?? is that they grow out of it the advice i recieved is that when you come home dont excite him to much thats when they loose control of there bladders donno how tru but its worked for me so far when i get home i do it calmly not fussing over him etc please feel to correct me if im wrong just my 2cents
  16. hey just surfing found a awsome website to check if you dogs got a possible Hip And Elbow Dysplasia problem http://accad.osu.edu/~hcaprett/COTA_741_sp...eLO_090504.html have a great day!
  17. i normally use RC but recently ive started or raw food and its been realli awesome !! think it might be my last bag of RC LOL but yeaha i was a little worried giving him the raw food with all the hype of bones getting stuck in throats etc but hasnt happened yet!! still watching closely also a side note i can verfy its authencity but im sure i read or head some where that it not a good idea to feed kibble and raw at the same time as they digest at different rates ?? and for some reason its bad!
  18. yeaha read the book it realli opened my eyes the diet of dog but again agree with most not all of what he says
  19. would you say that RC is better than raw foods?
  20. freezing is an awesome idea excellent as spring is on its way lol or is it summer??? in any case realli hot!!
  21. i have a GSD puupy from about 11 weeks i started letting him swim in the pond near our place he only does out mayb 4-5m but does it about 3-4x total mayb 15-20m
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