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Everything posted by ZEPING
Pretty much a wide range of game from rabbit to bird to pigs and deer just to help in finding the game.....
Hi, Just wondering if any one had any recommendation for hunting breeders of pointers etc Thanks
THanks guys well i guess more time to train !!!............ should be fun!
http://www.actca.asn.au/schedules/Endurance%202011.pdf hang out found it ~!!~ think its to late to enter though ?? : (
Hey doesnt anyone know whn the next Endurance test is and where it will be held at ?? ive tried looking online however cant seem to find any further infomation ?? thanks in advance for any info !
QUESTIONS 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) Owner (working line mal) 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? See above 3. How common is it in Australia? No commen at all there are some great breeders in working lines i would sugest looking on specilist canine and talking to a couple of people there 4. What is the average lifespan? about 14 5. What is the general temperament/personality? Ive seen them in all different types of personalitys and temperament the whole spectrum however ever as a general rule of them they are confident and inquesitive this is talking about the worling line mals 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? about 1hr of solid work and you need to give the dog a purpose or it will create its own 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? DEFINALY NOT! 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? Yes but good luck to your back yard 9. How much grooming is required? very little if any 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? Yes and no with mine i would trust around children however i think this is more a question of upbrining 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? Yes but not to the degree of the GSD 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be)
QUESTIONS 1. What is my relationship with the breed? (ie breeder, first time owner etc) First time owner 3. How common is it in Australia? This breed is not commen in australia at all i only know of 2 breeders one FCI and on KNVP lines 5. What is the general temperament/personality? My pup was quite socialable , very confidnet in all situation , e,.g loud sounds ,. motorbikes , thunder , stairs wit gaps , elevation 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? i believe you need min at least 1hr of solid exercise daily i mean you can have an off day but all and all very active breed needs someothing to do ! 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? No 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? Yes but i kennel my dog 9. How much grooming is required? minimal 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? Yes this dog is very reactive and has high prey drive 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? No this breed isnt like the GSD 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) Really shouldnt be buying this breed if you dont know this answer
Hi, I go trail riding with my bicycle some time travelling 50km - 150km do you think this is to much for a dog ?? Shes a belgian malinois she not full grown but when do you think would be the right age to take her out bush ?? 1.5-2yrs old Thanks for any info
Had a dutch shepherd extreamly high amount of prey drive but i think is the dog respects you you really shouldnt have a problem had mutiple chicken free running in the backyard while dog was out will put video up is anyone wants to see??
Hey i didnt notice a age limit or minimum for dogs competing in the endurance test ? is there one ?? and it there any limitation in breed?
I know it not really going to help dog that currently are adults however during the socilisation period for puppy if you expose it to sounds that are similar to fireworks etc and obviously if its gentic makeup allows The dog wont show fear and have a panic attack when the fireworks do go off i dont think the promoters will be haveing a dedicated laser show i guess dont have the same effect that fireworks seem to have
okiee i should clarify the other puppy doesnt have a full adult coat but a more corse coat closer to what the adult coat is like
Hi Everyone Ive got a dutch shepherd thats approx 9 weeks old and he seems really clumsy on wooden flooring e.g. when running after prey items during mid turn will stack it however on carpet and grass he seem alot more sure footed ive taken him to see a vet and had him checked out and the vet said there doesnt look like theres any issues possiblay just muscle soreness ive compared him to a littermate and there a fair bit of difference the litter mate has nearly completly got his adult coat and seem alot more co ordinated than my pup on the other had the person that recieved that litter mate recieved him earlier than i recieved my pup i was just wondering people opinions on the amout of co ordination a puppy should have at 9 weeks ill post a video of his gait and him running around any opinions are much appricated Thanks
well if you can get a hold of an electric collor that will solve it quickly
Ive got a german shepherd from working lines that isnt trained in Personal protection however has had LIVE bite and drawn blood there are mutiple examples as i live in the WESTERN Suburbs of sydney including times when my window of my cars down and some random tried to open the back door of the car got bit badly ran of with another guy (jet was laying down in the back seat) chased them and punched on jogging down the road with jet of leash he slowed down to poop and as i was pasting some unsavory charcter they were dikheads say the ipod i was carrying was theres i once again punched on and jet had my back covered (yes he bit people and there was presure he got kicked )
No excuses but i think thats a 7mth old pups and its the second or third time on the suit no previous prey work ive been advised I highly doubt it is 20 - 25 kilos, most EOD (Bomb) suits weigh less than that. yeaha definatly not 20kg the suit was from for dog traininers it get pretty warm in there i would rate it at 5-7kg if that but i do weighted vest training so i might be wrong ??
Influence Of Other Trainers/handlers
ZEPING replied to MonElite's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Arther!!!!! LOL -
Thanks Yeaha so do i i wouldnt go the KNVP because i guess there a bit more varied in breeding and you cant trial them in anythink that requires papers the dogs that were there were from ck9sas which are FCI dog and one of the dogs actually got certified by australia pro dog sports i can tell you these dog are some thing else i decoyed for 8 dog under 3 sernarios and these dogs have something about them the malinois is called PRIX owned and training by premiar dog training in sydney (he is an awesome trainer)
LOL no offence but i cant believe you angrey about that!
Let me know if they are on again sometime Sound like perhaps too much dog for me but I would love to see them in action. Thats MEEE!!!!!!
You correct a dog for disobeying a command that has been previously learned that the dog knows. The stress of correction is the consequence of disobeying a leaned command. The positive reward is the pleasantness of obeying. It's not about yanking the dog around by the throat, it's about teaching the dog a command and teaching what is required from the command. Simple example the casual heel: You start of and command heel and praise the dog for being in the right place. The dog surges ahead.......aghhh.......a couple of leash pops and "heel" then praise the dog for returning to the correct position etc etc. When the dog has learned in bullet proof fashion to heel without distractions off leash.........the dog knows the command. Add some distractions like another dog approaching. Heel......the dog is in position and praised, then he see's the dog approaching and surges ahead, aghhh heel and he pulls to the end of the leash ignoring the heel command and a leash correction is admistered for ignoring the heal command. The correction is not the response for surging towards the other dog, the correction is for ignoring a known command which the dog has the choice of compliance or not. The dog learns that ignoring commands results in unpleasantness and complying with commands results in positive reward. The dog in this instance has learned right from wrong and the consequences of each chosen action. The dog will stay behind and heel without pleasure. Period. If you teach your dog like that you never have dog that wants to work. ( No drive) The dog will learn to expect punishment or wait for the ".......aghhh.......a couple of leash pops" Perhaps it depends on the original level of drive in the dog? Have you thought of that? Check out this thread, first dog there http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...tzhund&st=0 I perosnally know this dog and I ahve never seen anything more keen to work then him. And I can tell you that he has been corrected many times for missbehavior. He is also clicker trained and a SCHIII now. Nordernnstam Harley is his pedigree name, if one day you get an opportunity to see this dog work its pure pleasure. The willingness to work is just over the top. Again - this dog has been corrected but not over corrected. Mind you what level of correction this dog can receive is a lot higher then any of my dogs could.... And he springs back from the correction in a split second. i can also vouch for this dog it brillent