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Trav & Lyn

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Everything posted by Trav & Lyn

  1. Theres no need to go MM, we need to know how Hef and you are doing... you shouldn't feel bad for making people paranoid and no-one is upset at you. This is not something you could have prevented, nor is it something you should have to go thru alone...
  2. I find yoghurt and banana mashed up and frozen inside a kong is good. I tried my pup on pigs ears but he just barked at it as if it were something disgusting and we were bad people for even bringing it near him..."how dare we" So now its either a lamb flap or frozen chicken neck (this is stuffed inside a kong otherwise he inhales it), or frozen banana. But these aren't every day treats, maybe once or twice a week, and if he gets one he has less for dinner. If you want to keep him entertained during the day, try stuffing his "dinner" proplan biscuits in an empty coke/water bottle and give that to him for his lunch, it takes them hours to get out every scrap and they are more interested in it than your shoes...:cool: Then give him the necks/wings with veg for dinner. Also, I was told to avoid the stronger bones (like shanks, legs etc) as its too hard for their teeth and stick to necks and flaps and chicken frames (these are probably too big for your baby yet).
  3. After reading your post I thought I should wight my 18week old lab and he is 19kg, I would not of thought of him as overweight at all, He is healthy happy and still has a lot of growing to do. My pup gets a cup of dry food with yoghurt in the morning, lamb flap or shmacko bone (the one that is mostly beef not grain) only if I'm going out and then a cup of dry food, mince and veg for dinner. or a chicken frame if i'm out of mince. I was giving chicken necks, but was advised that he could choke on these as he is unlikely to chew on them...more of an inhaleing action I was told this after I bought a big bag of them... so I have them frozen and if its a hot day I stuff one into his kong and let him have at it... Like I said until I read your post i would not have thought of my dog as overweight...
  4. Hope Mega is feeling better for Theo's big visit!!! He sends a high five and we send
  5. He is happy and playing heaps this afternoon and has even managed a couple of soft but not water poos so i think he is on the mend. He just had plain pasta and mince for dinner and he ate all of that fine as well as a small handful of dry biscuits. We will keep him on bottled water until he firms up better and slowly bring in the bore water, even just to play in. I did get some chicken necks for him as a treat but I wll hold off on giving him these until he is all better again. Thanks again for all your advice, I'm sure i'll have loads more panic attacks in the future!
  6. so i have called the vet and she recommended that we just give him dry food and rice or pasta to put something in his tummy. She said the water shouldnt be too much of an issue but make sure that he is drinking fluids. She said it was more likely stress and new surroundings but if the Diarrhea continues to go and see her this week. Thanks to everyones suggestions you've helped put me at ease a little. Poor little guy everything else was going so well...
  7. he is yellow and very cute.
  8. We got our first puppy yesterday, he is a little 8 wk old lab and just too cute for words. However ever since we picked him up off the dog mover’s truck his poo has gotten increasingly worse (sloppy). The breeder has been feeding him on pedigree puppy dry food and milk during the day (not the best I know) and mince veg and pasta for dinner. I have spoken to the breeder and she hasn’t had any problems on this and his tummy was fine. Anyway the dog movers feed them super coat while traveling so I thought this might have been the reason for his upset tummy, but he did a poo when he got off the van and it was fine nice and firm not too smelly... We get him home and return him to his pedigree diet and everything and his poo is now like water, its very hard to watch as he is only little... Should we wait it out and see if it’s just stress and the sudden change in diet or is this something we should be concerned with? Also we think it could be the water, we have pretty dodgy bore water where we live and so we drink bottled water. But our cat turns his nose up at the bottled stuff and will only drink the tap water, so we have given our puppy the tap water...maybe we should change to bottled water for him too or is the water something he'll have to get used too (being a lab they are true water babies and a pool of bottled water every three days might be a bit extreme) Please help we are new at this and a bit unsure... Thanks heaps.
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