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Everything posted by Bindii

  1. OMG i ate a bag full of ferret food this morning and you can tell!!!
  2. I'm ALWAYS angry after Kepala with the lack of photos of ALL dogs!! EVEN with a new camera, and I tried so hard!! Oh well... sorry for those (many many) that i missed.. we had fun playing with you though!! Apologies for my bratty boy loving the boys.
  3. SnoPaws - As you know, i suffer the same little 'issue' it can be no interest, no attention one day, and super showy, super excited and erm.. a bit barky the next! Our Sammies just do it, each and every time Fletcher has had a bit of a bark in the ring the judge has said "Typical Sammy!" And while he is silent at home and barely makes a sound (other than the occasional howling tune of happiness in the morning and at meal times) he certainly knows how to get attention in the ring... and your boy is exactly the same. You need to watch the video of the 1988 Sammy National - the very first National. Every. Single. Samoyed barked and barked and barked, while running, while the judge went over them, while they were in the line up. A real eye opener, just to see how this breed has changed in that time in regards to their 'show presence'. I wonder what this exhibitor would have thought of that?! I can't believe a barking dog at a dog show could be so offensive Honestly the amount of things I've heard and seen exhibitors do ON PURPOSE in the ring to distract other peoples dogs....
  4. Yup would recommend Kookaburra Vets and put in a job-wanted ad. I got my first job through that site but got my current (totally love it, awesome) job from the very first resume I handed out at a clinic (before the kookaburra one) they kept it on file and 4 months after I handed it in they gave me a call for an interview. It was my local clinic and were much busier than my other one so offered far more experience and variety. I suggest kookaburra vets, but also good old fashioned handing in resumes gets you far in this industry because generally most owners are at their clinics regularly (I mean in comparrison to large businesses that resumes only get lost at)
  5. Dolers & Doggies: pip1981- Dakota and Tika dobesrock - Acheron & Odie Pointees - April and Shaun KJ- Teddy and Henrietta Canine Friend - Dexter MavericksMission - Hector & Maverick Stacey (pip1981's friend) - Belvedere Keroppiyo - Buffy Bindii - Fletcher & Hugo Yummies: pip1981- plates, cups, cutlery, condiments, marinated chicken wings, pasta salad and more... dobesrock- bread rolls and cheesecake (will definately bring it this time!) Pointees - Fairy bread, chocolate cake, and pigs ears KJ-not sure Canine Friend - sausages and baby cupcakes. MavericksMission - Potato Salad & Maybe Biscuits and Dip? Stacey - T.B.A Keroppiyo - Meat kebabs/skewers Bindii - Honey Joys 15 Doggies!! I probably wont get there till 11 or so, that's okay, right? we have the place til 2pm don't we? (and usually 2pm+)
  6. He is fine with desexed and young entire dogs, but will introduce him to the young Dobe before letting him run wild with him just to be sure. He has never done anything more than talk about how manly he is (and it's only ever been 2 dogs and he recognises them each time he meets them) but I just like to be careful. He's fine to sit in his trolley if he's being a Sh*thead
  7. I WILL BE THERE!!!!! With Hugo and Fletcher and Honey Joys to eat again! Are there any other entire males going? Fletcher either loves them or hates them.. We've established that he loves Bear, and I'll know immediately, but just so I know in advance to bring my trolley to chuck him in.
  8. Hey guys - I just checked the mail pile (OH checked it, I've been lazy!) And it seems I have someone else's numbers too! They have sent me back my envelope and re-written one, and they've put my address with someone else's name as well... sooo... Well I hope they've called the secretary and know that they are entered.
  9. I have often wondered this too... and you know how often people have that semi-recurring dream about losing their teeth? well, I used to have it about myself, and now I have it about Fletcher I'm guessing it would depend on the judge, and if they ask, tell them? Some may not notice...
  10. A Westie. I remember when i was 5 and there was some doing face painting and i asked to be a "west highland white terrier, please!" ... face painter was very confused. I then said "okay, just a white dog please" well, I ended up with one of them, i guess! Shell i had no idea you'd always liked Shepherds! and to think when I first met you you said you were cat people!! That certainly adjusted a little
  11. I have a Pug and a Samoyed who would love to help out! We're in Melbourne and we love a drive :D
  12. Someone told me that they were not being organised during the winter months due to low numbers when it's so cold, they suggested that they would start up again prior to the Melbourne Royal... so... soon?
  13. Lovely to hear that us newbies are doing well in the ring, titles seem to be coming along and some already achieved, great work team-newbie!! Best wishes for Hooter's first show, Sammy Where is it? Albury? Coz we're heading up tomorrow! (Should be packing right now, working 7-2 tomorrow and then racing out the door to get there before it's absoloutely freezing!) Evolving I so look forward to Alera hitting her first show, when is it?? Very exciting stuff! Have you started attending show training together? Best of luck with it all! Well it has been a year and one week since we hit out first show on the 26/7/2009 and it is with pleasure that I can today say that my boy is just 16 points from his Champion title after taking out 2 Best in Groups on the weekend, and on Sunday he furthered it that little bit with a RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW!! I am so happy and never in the world thought that we could do this. Certainly not a year ago, when I was tip toeing, quick-stepping and fumbling around the ring with my not-quite groomed Samoyed minor puppy! I'm still no expert and often i still fall apart out there in the ring, but last Sunday it all came together beautifully and I was just stoked. Here is a photo from Sunday at the Wagga Wagga Kennel Club Champ Show:
  14. Congrats for your wins on Saturday, Tibbiemax. Were you there yesterday too? It did turn into a mud pit again ;) It poured but not constantly, just in bursts. Held off for the in show judging but made it very difficult to pack up!
  15. Congrats flaves!!! So proud of your boy! Go our kids, aust bred is a good luck class, I think! I only put Fletcher up so as not to clash with others and ended up with Aust Bred in Show and... **RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW** So so happy. Fletcher has just gone 18 months and has blossomed this lovely coat and he's been a real brat lately back home inside at KCC park but out on the grass he pulled himself together and showed his little heart out. The Open Class Weimaraner went Best in Show, a lovely dog whose owners were (used to be?) locals so that's really great for them! I spoke to them after the show and they were lovely huge huge congrats to them! Sunday Group 6 Results BIG - Samoyed RUBIG - Dobe Baby - Bullmastiff Minor - Dobe Puppy- Samoyed Junior - Bullmastiff Inter - Samoyed Aust Bred - BIG Open - RUBIG
  16. Was good to see you Flaves, Wolfsong, Skyegirl. Looking forward to getting up early in the freezing cold tomorrow all over again Saturday's Group 6 results BIG - Samoyed (Fletcher!!) RUBIG- Dobe Baby- Sibe Minor - Dobe Puppy - Samoyed (Kelza's Sonnet) Junior - Sibe Inter- Samoyed (Kelza's Shimmer) Aust Bred - BIG Open - RUBIG Very proud of my young man today! We were freezing cold but they were loving it and everyone behaved themselves!! Congrats to all other winners
  17. I got mine last Friday. Glad all is good though with being entered LOTG, it's a bad feeling not having them come in the mail! It's happened to me 3 times I think (next week is my 1 year anniversary!) I thought I'd entered online but my envelope came back with my handwriting on it so i guess not
  18. I sent my entries today.. I guess that means they'll be accepted even though they're late?? :rofl:
  19. Hi there! Welcome to the forum Breeders register a prefix which they are granted upon completing an open book exam. This name is up to the breeder, but there may not be any other breeder with the same name, so the breeder needs to provide a few other options too and the state's canine controlling body will chose which one is suitable (ie, is not a common name - as you have mentioned, or is not already a registered prefix etc). Some chose something relevant to their breed, others combine their names, or their first dogs name's etc etc, it is entirely up to the breeder. There is also a number limit. This is the breeders prefix. The pedigree name is the breeders prefix and an extension unique to each dog. Some breeders may chose to include parts of the dam or sire's name, others have a theme and carry that through a litter. This is usually decided upon by the breeder, but if a puppy buyer is wanting to have a say on this i'm sure that many breeders are happy to chose a name that the new owner likes. These are also subject to the controlling body's decision as the pedigree name cannot contain the prefix of any other breeder (i think?) and i'm sure their are other limitations to what can be included in this. There is also a number limit on the pedigree name (including the prefix) I think it is 30. Pet names, or call names, are completely separate. Your breeder has no say whatsoever on what you wish to call your dog, registered names are so that each dog is completely unique as far as looking at a pedigree, easy to track via the prefix (more appropriate than just a number or something) A call name should be something that your own dog recognises and can be said quickly, it would be impossible to call out a dog's pedigree name every time you wanted it to come inside for dinner! Many do like to base a pedigree name around the call name or vice versa, but there is no rule about it. Hope that makes sense!
  20. Are there dogs on the other side of the fence? I think sniffing through/under/near fences is a certain possibility for contraction. Also could have happened during that walk a week ago, not in my experience but we are told (by the vets) to inform clients that it can take 7-10 days after contact with it to show signs, can then last up to 14 days. My dogs have had it 3 times all times have started coughing within 2 days after i suspect they had caught it and coughed for about 3 days. Is it definitely kennel cough? foreign bodies of the nose/throat could display similar symptoms, also heart murmurs/defects etc (but id say you would know about that)
  21. Gahhhh didn't realise the last section was for the gents lol!! I was like 'depends on the man?? WTF?? Some show lingo I'm not up with?' couldn't work out why so few thought bright colours weren't eye catching and now I know why!!! Noooo men should not wear bright colours it IS hideous... Change my vote, change my voooote!
  22. There are two sibes at my obedience club.. I've never seen another dog work like them!!!
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