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Everything posted by Bindii
Oh dear, good question! See i had it easy because it's a Utility Dog show.... If thats where you put 6, for utility, where do you enter the minor puppy/puppy/novice bit?
Oh what a fantastic idea! just gorgeous!
Prefix Search Australia Wide Www.prefixsearch.com.au
Bindii replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hey everyone, i know i've heard this asked on DOL before but i can't for the life of me find it, and i can't remember the answer. Say if one day you want to breed but not right now... Can you register a prefix to sit on the name? I've got a good one and i want it all to myself -
Thanks so much
Another newbie question here! I'm just filling out the forms, really late, for a Utility Dog Show at the end of July... Technically Fletcher will fit into both Minor Puppy and Puppy... Do I enter him in both? Is it better to just enter him in Minor Puppy seeing as we've never done it before? Also it says 6A and mentions a whole bunch of breeds, and then 6B "Balance of Breeds" - i assume because Samoyed's aren't mention in 6A, then he's in 6B? Do i fill this out on the forms like: "Entered in breed class nos: 6A 2, 3" and leave Special Class Nos blank, or is something supposed to go in there? Argh! sorry for the urgency i really should have done this earlier, i can't get onto the breeder or the Utility Dog Club so i'm relying on DOLers!
Are Hiccupping Puppies Prone To Bloat
Bindii replied to Tilly's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I've never heard of it! Hiccups are a good sign, i thought? Puppies/babies hiccup inside the womb to prepare the body for breathing... From what i know it's something that just carries on and reasons aren't really known. A bit like yawning. Either way, certainly not odd for a puppy to get hiccups! When we got Fletcher i was sooo excited to see/hear puppy hiccups again, it was something i'd totally forgotten from Hugo's puppyhood! Edit: there are sooo many possible causes/reasons for bloat and from what i've heard, no ones really sure. I know of some that believe it can be in some lines, and not others, making it a possible hereditary/structure thing... ? -
You didn't keep reading Hugo is now on Advance and is also drinking more... not as much as Fletcher, but more than before i started him on the Advance. I'm a vet nurse and the vet's at work know my dogs very well, and when i have asked them about it they say that he wouldn't be thriving so well in every other way if it was something to be concerned about. Especially since he has always been this way, it's not something that has suddenly come on or anything. I don't actually think it's something scary, i absoloutely believe it's the advance dry food... but wanted to hear other peoples experience/understanding on the ingredients. But thank you heaps for your concern Huski - Thanks for the info on BARF patties! I've done a bit of a search... It seems it's probably not even a bad idea to get Fletcher on.... it could even help his sensitive tummy. Hmmmm interesting! Cheers
Thanks Melody. Hesapandabear, i had read through those but didn't get all the info i was after - re age and other locations, which is why i started this thread. And they're a bit outdated and wanted some fresh stuff. But they did have some other helpful info, so thanks. It's all good, i'll contact those that Melody has referred me to!
Fletcher is on Advance Puppy Growth - Medium breed. You mentioned Advance Rehydrateable.... Would that help? Like to mix it in? (provided we don't get an upset tummy from it ) Yeah well I was really worried about this at the start!! But asked the vets and they said he would not be growing and looking as good as he does if he had diabetes... and i think that's true too.. Dogs with undiagnosed diabetes appear very frail and ill. Edit: TBH i really do like the idea of an all raw diet.. i'd just be so afraid i'd miss out on something important. Dry foods are created to give dogs everything they need- while i understand there are fillers and unnecassary items, i would feel so bad if i wasn't providing my dogs with all the nutritional thing they need. Also i have a bit of a paranoia about food going off, and to me raw meat always smells a bit foul so it's hard to tell! Perhaps one day i will sit down and really work it all out and start it out on Hugo - Fletcher's tummy is just too silly to bother with at this stage, hopefully he grows out of it. I'm not anti raw, It's just a little overwhelming!
Hey all in the dog sport world! Interested in getting into herding with Fletcher... I assume there's probably an age he has to be at first though? Any info would be great... the links on the Dogs Victoria site don't seem to work http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Content.asp?ID=251 an when i google Victorian Herding Association, the only relevant result that i can see is that same page. If anyone has any links/info/advice that would be fantastic! Thanks.
Hi, i just wanted to get some experiences with Advance dry food. Fletcher was fed this from a teeny-tiny puppy, so we've continued. I saw no reason to change, if he was doing well on it etc. And Hugo's on a dry (different brands) diet too... Not really interested in 100% raw etc, so that's not really what i'm getting at with the thread. We feed them dry and raw chicken wings. Hugo also gets kangaroo/beef mince but Fletcher's got a sensitive tummy, so we just stick to the Advance dry and chicken. Fletcher drinks *a lot* and urinates a lot also. He is very healthy and growing the way he should. His coat is doing everything it should, as with his teething etc... so it's not really a concern. I honestly just thought it was a Samoyed thing - being that we have the heater on and i know he gets overheated (sleeps on the the tiles against the back sliding window/door where it's cool.) So i thought that's why he drinks more than Hugo. I also asked his breeder and she said it was probably because he's on a dry diet... but Hugo is too and doesn't drink a lot at all - Hugo's wees are yellow, Fletcher's at times can be almost clear. Shortly after asking this question to his breeder (at a show) another puppy buyer, from a slightly older litter, asked the exact same question - they also continued the Advance dry diet. Hugo ran out of his dry food today - hills science diet. He's been on everything - eukanuba, hills etc, i can change his diet with no problem and i've never noticed him doing worse on any and in fact he's very healthy and is often complimented for his healthy looking coat... but i've trialled a few to see if i notice anything amazing happen haha. But i'd never given him advance and today i bought it because i thought meh, fletcher's on it, may as well get the same brand.... And now tonight, after his advance/chicken wing dinner, Hugo is drinking heaps too! It seems obvious to me that it's the Advance. A pet shop that i went to once asked what i fed him, i told them and they said Advance was too high in salt.... is this true? i'm no good at decoding the stuff on the back of the packets - plus i have no packets to compare them to. I assumed their knowledge would have been highly influenced by the fact that they didn't seel Advance so i chose to ignore it. I've read a lot on here that Hills/Euk aren't usually recommended, but many class Advance as a good quality dry. I'm not really sure where i'm going with this.... I guess i'm just wondering why? If it is high in salt, and has made such a noticeable difference already in Hugo's water consumption, surely it's not a good thing? Or... is it in fact a good thing, and that Hugo actually wasn't drinking enough given that his wees were noticeably more yellow? Just wanting some ideas or experiences with advance/other dry foods. Thanks!
Yep Because the older dog is vaccinated. It's random dogs (and poos!) on the street/park that you want to steer clear of.
Protech C3 doesn't need the 16 week booster
From what i've seen it's really uncommon, we probably send them home with an elizabethan collar once every... uh...2-3 weeks? If they're gunna be nibblers they often are in recovery at the vet... but yeah they seem to go 'oh whats that' when you first walk them out of their cage, and then they get over it. Hugo's just a brat. haha.
Hugo had to have his on for the whole 2 week duration of the stitches being in. We took it off at the start when we were home, but it was ridiculous, every chance he got he was at them.... Try taking it off when the wound seems to be healed a little more, but in Hugo's case it was the sutures themselves that he didn't like, not the wound. However, he'd had a couple of eye ops by then so was a very experienced elizebethan collar wearer!! It may be too big if she can't drink with it on... are you sure she can't? i remember having to teach Hugo how to by lifting the 'bucket' up and over the bowl, so the edges of the collar were on the ground with his head and the bowl inside the 'bucket' - easiest to teach with a food bowl, and then she'll hopefully work out it's the same with the water bowl! Good luck!
I'd say get the large breed (i think its 22-45kg?), its usually only an extra $5 or so, and give Micha a whole one and Daisy a half. That way Micha is definitely getting all the coverage for his weight, and 17 x 2 = 34 which is within the large breed range so halving it is perfect for Daisy We all do it at work and quite often recommend it to clients, saves them heaps! Interceptor doesn't actually say you can, but there's no obvious reason why not. I mean, with other worming treatments such as drontal you give half a tab, 1 and a half tabs etc depending on the size of the dog. But given that it's heartworm and probably the main scary one, you'd want to make sure Micha is getting fully covered.
Introducing...suthenskys Single N Luvn It
Bindii replied to kelpiesrule's topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh my golly! Isn't he gorgeous!! He looks nothing like a wombat now -
a pug not wanting to eat!!! haha.. no but seriously, good to hear he's eating now! Hugie had this problem when we added a metal name tag to his collar when he was very young still and it clinked on the bowl, he was scared to eat and drink. .... nothing would stop him now though.
I don't vaccinate against KC annually because there are so many strains, the vacc only covers 2. Also, kennel cough is not nearly as scary as Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo and frankly i just don't see the point of it as i don't put my dogs in boarding kennels. I don't believe Adelaide is a high risk area for heart worm, but either is Melbourne, but it's still possible, especially in swampy areas where there are lots of mozzies. I use Interceptor for heart worm and intestinal worms. Once a dog is infected by heart worm, it's pretty difficult to fix the problem, i just couldn't live with myself knowing that it is so easy to prevent. Great idea to get that lump removed as you said you're organising.
I have only clipped Hugo's nails once and he HATED it. I've needed to clip Fletcher's dew claws a couple of times, pointy puppy nails plus i think they just grow fast, but tonight i did all of them - he couldn't care less, and he does the typical samoyed 'pawing' and lets me hold his paw while i clip every nail. I thought i'd test Hugo, who was watching closely, they don't need doing, but i was just interested. I tried to hold one of his little paws in the same way, he saw the clippers and pulled away. so i held him on his tummy and he let me put the clipper to his nail, before quickly whipping his paw away and then struggling and pug snorting in an attempt to get out of my arms. I let him.... but i was just really intrigued by their different reactions. The one time i had clipped Hugo's nails before was a real struggle, but we cut all of them with no problems. But he *really* struggled... even had no interest in a liver treat i was holding!!! SO out of character. I was just wondering if it's a breed thing... because i know of two pugs that come into my clinic and have to be sedated in order to clip their nails. I'm really hoping it doesn't get to that stage with Hugo! There are no other dogs that i know of that have need this service at our clinic and these two pugs are not from the same family. It got me thinking that maybe pugs have sensitive nails or something? because nothing traumatic has happened when they'd been clipped before, so it's really odd! OR is it just a coincidence, and some dogs just really hate it more than others? loving that I can do anything with Fletcher so far!
Yup, just as LL said. ....but watch out because we once went for at 3am pee with Fletcher, rand straight back inside, put him to bed ans then he whined and whined and whined... and then he pooed. We should have known because it was very out of character of him to whine. Having said that, he sometimes wakes up and makes little noises, but he hasn't had a middle of the night pee in a few weeks, so all i do is put my fingers in the crate and scratch behind his ears, he curls back and goes to sleep. This is something i tried pretty much from night one, and if he had continued to wriggle around then i would take him out. So yeah, i reckon once they work out they should go *out* of the crate, the noise changes, so for the first little while, once they have gone to sleep, when they wake up - take them out - even with *no* noises, because the pup might not mind peeing in one corner of the crate at the start! That night we didn't realise he needed to poo, he'd been crate trained for a few weeks so he got quite distressed. He got many apologies after that night and we never let that happen again!!
I think i've just been blessed with good luck... i had a quick read through K9force's ideas and felt similar to OP. But i find that every site you go to, every trainer you ask, has a different idea. I picked and chose what i wanted. But i don't think i could write up a post about my methods. I found it different with each dog. ... Either way, i feel i have two exceptionally well behaved boys. Fletcher is still quite young, but at dog parks he has an excellent recall, even when playing with another dogs. He *loves* me. But i don't feel like i did anything extra special to make me his number one... It just happened like that. I've been praised by doggy people, trainers, vets, groomers for how calm my boys are when out and about. They both lie down and wait for me to finish talking etc. Only do they get up and excited if the person i'm talking to is patting them and playing with them I don't remember teaching them that.... but maybe i did? I had Fletcher out from 8 weeks old. He's now 17.5 weeks. I definitely think K9force's posts are a great starting place, for someone who has no idea, or who is doing it for the first time. But i definitely think there are other options, and if someone wants to they'd probably benefit from researching other methods and making their own unique method - one that fits them, their lifestyle, their dog. But yeah I really think I got lucky, so maybe my opinion shouldn't be in this thread
Hugo got fleas on Sentinel. It only sterilizes them, so fleas can still live happily on the dog, just can't create more. So you're right that it seems strange to have so many.... but many people have the problem of them living in the dirt etc... so maybe the pup has picked them up since coming home? Either way i'd try some advantage and if that doesn't work, look into it further. Maybe OP has allergies? Seems strange!
LAWL... he sounds like a pleasure!
Advantage is the safest way, IMHO. So excited for you that your puppy is finally home