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Everything posted by Bindii

  1. Who was steward for best in show at the South Eastern on the Friday night? He was a crack up
  2. Abrham Ali Angus Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Arq Ashke Atlas Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Bender Benji Benny Benson Billy Bing Bluey Bomber Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundyx2 Buster Cannon Caramel Carl Champ Charlie x 5 Chevy Chip x 2 Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cowboy Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger Dinky Douglas Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky Fergus x 2 Fox FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Flynn Frank Fudge Gandor Geo George Greedy Hail Harley Harrison Harry Henry Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 2 Jake Jasper x 2 James JayDee Jethro Jet Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser x 2 Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kyzer Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon MacKenzie Mason Max x 4 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mokha Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Onslow Oz Payton Pete Phoenix Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Rex Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Silas Snitch Sonny Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Storm Sumo Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Udo Ulf Wags Walker Watson Weave Willow Willy Woody Yoshi Zac Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus Zuma
  3. Got mine today... Big show! Fletcher goes from puppy on Saturday to Junior on Tuesday (birthday 24/1) ... hope this doesn't cause too many confusions (i imagine he wouldn't be the only one going up in an age group) i tried to make it clear on my entry forms, but it's the only show i've done that have been one entry, two shows like this..
  4. I have a pug and a samoyed and looking down at my black top i have far more annoying spikey pug furs in me that long white samoyed ones! It is very hard to say whether these puppies will end up being big shedders or not - but don't let the short hair fool you! Good luck if you do chose one of these puppies, listen to the advice on here regarding the vaccination/check up/worming history of the pups etc. As for socialising the pups - if you and your neighbour do get one each then that's fine and nice that your dog could have a doggy friend for life- but socialisation should also involve many dogs of different sizes/ages/types etc. Naturally being a pure bred forum most on here would recommend you find a breed that suits yours and your families needs and adopt your puppy from an ethical, registered breeder. Or to rescue a perfect family member from a shelter. But if the litter is there, and it's an oops litter, and they're not asking an exuberant amount and you like the sound of ALL of the breeds that are behind the pups then it is your choice... EDIT: after reading your post above i would not be encouraging you to purchase a puppy from these people - unless they're giving the pups away. And even then this pup may end up costing *you* a lot of money given that there are no health tests of parents being conducted and that they have been brought up poorly. You said it was not to make money but if they're aren't taking adequate care of the pups and mum given the condition of the house also (as you stated) i definitely wouldn't want to encourage these people to breed (by giving them money) and to have another uncared for litter in the future. All of the breeds that are mentioned as being possible behind the pups are at risk of diseases such as hip dysplasia - among many other problems. I personally wouldn't take the risk or give my money to these people.
  5. I also really enjoyed the baby miner video! So sweet, how lovely is Tyson! As far as i know pacing is okay - sometimes. To get him pacing for that long without a display of any kind of correct gait is different and something to look into. He does look a bit stiff in the way he walks this all may be because it's a little bit painful and walking that way eases it. I hope we're wrong though, but get it checked out - for Tyson's comfort and yours!
  6. I am few minutes in... these things always make me cry!! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to spend the next hour watching this
  7. oh oh oh me me me!!! I'm excited
  8. Yayyyyyy Fletch, we'll will join you tomorrow, promised the kids a day in the pool today. Any other Sam results Aussie BOB, Vanessa's RUBOB (not sure who!) Pink BCC. Kellie's boy, Sonnet BPOB Fletcher POB Not sure about any other run offs.. if there was any?
  9. Yes and RUIS was a junior.. something. PIS was a Pug. Then I left
  10. Mine is crate training. Definitely think Fletcher is way more 'chilled out' about being put outside/in another room/in a cage because he slept in a crate by my bed from the day he came to us at 8 weeks until about 7 months of age. Now he sleeps in a crate with the door open - he loves his crate! Hugo is the opposite... little stress head about being separated from us. We have worked heavily on it and i just getting to the stage where he is okay. But it really stressed him out for a long time.
  11. Gahhh. The fletch went puppy in group. Yay .... But booo to the heat! Currently sitting in the car with the aircon blasting. Dreading having to get out again!
  12. Hugo humps Fletcher (and i discourage it) and Fletcher never humps, but does licks Hugo's eyeballs. Fletcher is pack leader, i believe. They have never fought, but they found a pack of liver treats yesterday in our spare room, i heard a bit of a grumble (thought it was just rough play so i yelled out to them to quit it, and they did) i went in a few minutes later to find Fletcher gorging on the treats and Hugo watching closely. That's right! Hugo watching on - the pug!! So Fletcher's dominance is more powerful than Hugo's tummy!! Why do some dogs hump their bedding? I know a behaviourist who says it's nothing more than the fact that it feels good. Often hugo humping fletcher happens after play and zoomies - Why can't the humping just be a sign of high excitement and because it 'feels good' and actually nothing to do with dominance?
  13. Does this count as doing what they were bred for? They certainly did all do a brilliant job, the club was paid for the entertainment that the sammies and santa brought to kinders/schools/shopping centres etc etc. So that's 'working' right!? They were also bred to sleep in tents in the snow to keep their owners warm, and they do that well too
  14. I use a martingale for Fletcher, and his ruff is still big a booootiful! It's a soft material with chain at the back. The soft part doesn't really rub or move around to much, just the chain at the back tightens. Many Sammie people you rope leads/chokers. Like this: http://www.prestigepetproducts.com.au/inde...sid=&uhash= They seem to do well and not catch the coat either. I started with a martingale but will probable get one of these one day too.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss, and I am so sorry for this terrible experience... It would have to be horrible to make such a hard decision and hard situation so much harder. I hate that there are such crap and inconsiderate people in the world. Not that it helps your situation at all, and i am sure it will all be okay for you, but for anyone else - I know of one absoloutely wonderful cremation service... He runs it himself and works like a mad-man because he doesnt trust anyone to do his job. He signs a stat-dec to say the ashes returned to you are your pet's. We have had nothing but amazingly positive feedback from our clients. He is well priced and just honestly one of the most genuinely amazing person i have ever met, for doing the job he does, in the manner that he does it, and just for being so lovely to us and clients and even the way he speaks of the deceased pets as one would of someones family member - he goes out of his way to do certain little things - i particularly remember one client who asked that their cat be transported in his cage the whole way, and his ashes placed back in there on his return home, i told him and expected at least a bit of a sigh or something, but nothing, he said "certainly" he respectfully picked up the cage and i trusted he would do as they had asked. I respect this guy so much. He is not employed by us or anything like that, i have no connection to him other than that my clinic has chosen him as our cremation service and we've never been let down. Through this i have met someone who i am not at all close to or anything, but i will never forget this man. Maybe a bit OTT but i truly mean it! If anyone in the Melbourne area is needing to go through cremating a loved pet i could not recommend him enough so please pm me for his details. Kimzy, trust that it was a mistake on paper. They do know how important this is for you and would be going to every effort to make sure your fur baby is returned to you. The biggest problem here is the complete disrespect they had for you and what you are going through :
  16. OT: Jenna's gotta be crossed with a Samoyed, right? She's beautiful
  17. Love tan girl!! And how sweet is lemon girl! Oh my! What gorgeous puppies.
  18. 6 months by the date of the month, so your first example - born Jan 1st is 6 months on July 1st As for your second question about show training... i guess that it would be best to ask the show trainer! I know the trainer that i have gone to a few times said it would be good to practice with Hugo (not shown) so as to not bore Fletcher and save him for the show ring, but still be able to get a practice in myself. I must say though, starting out, it was at times tricky, but really really great learning along with my puppy. He was clever and very switched on, he picked it up faster than i did! It was a great way to bond with him.
  19. Well done Taite!!!! :cry: Morgs is naughty at home, but in the ring she knows its show time and works well. Fletcher knows it's show time too! Little show pony!! Stands there wiggling his little tail, sparking up, moving his feet to make sure they're right.. haha. My only problem, which we're just starting to over come, is him lagging behind when moving... he seems so disinterested like "uh we end up back there anyway, why didn't we just stay there? i'm not bloody running" .. BUT we've been working at it - offlead, running, fun, treats etc...and on Saturday he really sparked up and ran like a beauty, and whadya know, he goes RUBOB against 9 other Sams! It pays to show nicely We're only on 7 points... his two decent RUBOBs have been reserve dog challenge, but his only BOB was over his champion 2 year old three quarter sister, so i was happy with that anyway.. he would have gotten the 6 points that day anyway (being the only dog) but it was nice to get the extra one for the BOB!
  20. Dotty, do I Remember you and gherkin from ozpugs?? I just had a flashback haha!
  21. Woo hoo Fletcher, way to go!!! Everyone is doing so well, Kyza and I must be the only newbies who are getting dumped weeked, after weekend, after weekend Sif!! You haven't even been for weeks and weeks (except for last week, i think) Kyza =
  22. WOW! Everyone is doing great as newbies!!! Well done Jess and Leo!!! What a brilliant result!! I've been a bit slack at keeping up with everyone here... are you handling him now? Today Fletcher redeemed himself a little bit from his dumping x2 last week haha. He got Reserve Challenge Dog and RUBOB! there were 15 Sammies present, we were super happy and he mostly behaved very well!! The judge was just lovely and it's so nice when judges chat and tell you/your dog how much they like them! Where abouts? Oh... Everywhere ;) I'm 20 mins from KCC so that's an easy one... but i've been to bendigo, ballarat, sunbury, lancefield and going to kyneton, ballarat (again) and Morwell in the next two weeks... oh and this Thursday i'm heading up to NSW for the Samoyed Champ show. hahaha! I'm loving summer shows, it seemed that through winter they're all at KCC park, so thats where the bulk of our first shows were.. but now that the weathers warming up it's really nice traveling! Today was our first outside show at KCC park, so much prettier What breed do you have??
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