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  1. I remember my parents shoving the noses of dogs into holes, wee poo etc and belting them with rolled up newspapers. Makes me cringe now and scared the hell out of me as a kid. They thought that was how you trained a dog. No-one ever told them different and they never looked for better answers. It was what their parents did I suppose.
  2. My name is Scotty and I have a Mutt of indiscriminate breeding. Her name is Pikey. I sorta kinda rescued Pikey from pretty average conditions that reminded me of the living circumstances of the Brad Pitt Pikeys in the movie Snatch. I too am curious about the breed of Dog. The whole first post was going on and on about this breed and that breed and we wanted one of those but got one of them - and yet at the end of it we don't find out what one of them was!!! I mean come on! Don't be such a tease!!!
  3. As I undersand it DOF relates to Aperture. Wider aperture equals shallower DOF - ie less stuff in focus. So you narrow the aperture and consequently have to slow down your shutter speed. Or if you have faster film you can have a faster shutterspeed.
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