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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Isn't the rabies vaccine dangerous if you don't have rabies already? Or is that some urban myth I read somewhere? :laugh:
  2. Also forgot to mention that my little girl was recently diagnosed with a rare liver disorder, thus her diet is very strict - chicken & vegetarian treats are pretty much the only things I can give her, so finding an easy carry treat to reward her with had been a little difficult and like you mentioned she often then finds something of higher value than her 9 calorie fruitable biscuit, and when that happens well, I can pretty much forget making her do what I say :laugh: I suppose I could carry around cooked chicken pieces with me all day, not ideal but hey I'm willing to give anything a go at this point! Her limited diet does make it a bit more difficult, but maybe you need to make sure her training treats, or recall treats, are kept "special" so that's the only time she gets them - that way to her they might seem higher in value. Can you do something to the chicken to make it a little nicer to carry around with you? Maybe dehydrate it, or prepare it a few different ways for her so it also becomes varied and surprises her and to her seems like a different treat each time? Can she have fresh fruit and veggies? My pugs love fruit and we use fruit as training treats too, as well as veggies. Also attach a recall word - I went through a few before found one that my guys responded too. They wouldn't respond to the usual "come" or "come here" or anything. Nope, they ended up with "what's this?" We use "What's this?" aswell, all the time! Dogs barking down the back of the yard or not comning when called?..."What's this?" has them running to me every time:laugh:
  3. How horrible I'm always careful around bats, we get quite a few in the yard because of the fruit trees.
  4. Don't feel bad PA, it's not your fault. They're lucky to have you as their owner :) hope he's better after the crate rest.
  5. Nice! I have a few will see if I can find pics :)
  6. Some dogs can develop a habit of chewing themselves, an anxiety kind of thing, but they should rule out allergies first, then if there's no change look at why she might be doing it.
  7. My old chi x used to chew at herself due to flea allergies, we used to have to use a cream on her.
  8. I wouldn't trust my Aussie, if she felt cornered or trapped she would probably nip someone out of fear.
  9. I do see it a lot. Doesn't mean I think it's a good thing to do.
  10. I think it's a good idea, but agree it would need to be very widely advertised/circulated, i.e. tv ads, radio ads, billboards etc, for it to work.
  11. Yes, just be careful of Cesar, a lot of the techniques he uses could spell disaster for a novice dog owner. I have images of him trying Alpha Rolls
  12. Totally agree. If we are approached and the dog is obviously friendly we stand there till the owner comes over, or call them over. If the dog is less than friendly, it gets a kick.
  13. Not according to some people in the supermarket thread. Yes, hopefully they read this and see what can happen. Glad she has been found, they're VERY lucky.
  14. I'm not meaning to be nasty, but f he can't afford $200 to save a pets life he really shouldn't have them. Poor dog.
  15. Lots of dogs can't be offlead. There is a saying in my breed that an offlead Pyr is a disapyr :laugh: . Many dogs spend their lives being always onlead in public areas. And no, they are not in any way 'missing out' and they definitely have plenty of fun! And it can be a case (as it seems to be in this one) that the more you think the dog should have 'freedom' the more you are responsible for the dog having that taken away from it - to a greater extent than if some reasonable controls were applied in the first place. :laugh: :laugh: Love it! Have to agree though, my Anatolian x cannot be let offlead. He just bolts. Recall is not in his vocabulary.
  16. I don't believe so...from the rules: No Commercial Advertising (including banners in Signatures) No commercial advertising in any form is permitted (except in the Commercial marketplace forum). This applies even if you are a 'hobby' business. This includes signature images, competitions, awards, sponsorships, 'product research', feedback requests etc. We will permit a text link in your signature as long as the font size is a maximum of '2' and the site that it links to does not contain dog forums and/or similar content to what Dogz Online has. Commercial Advertising does not refer to discussion about a business by a member who is not related in some way to the business in question. ETA: SNAP Sheridan
  17. My car is DISGUSTING :laugh: . I don't have the time or inclination to clean it at the moment so it;s COVERED in dog hair. Meh.
  18. It has nothing to do with the breed. Any breed can be aggressive, but because of the size and strength I guess he can do more damage than some smaller dogs. Only way to tell if any improvements can be made to the dogs behaviour is by seeing a behavourist but it doesn't sound as though the owner would go for that. The owner sounds like he doesn't have a clue.
  19. I remember seeing two Beagles tied up at a service station a while ago. The owner had left their leads so long they were able to walk over the driveway people were driving in on WTF?! People are morons sometimes.
  20. I think people who advise against the practice (personally I would NEVER do it) do so because of the risk to the dog. Theft is at the high end of those risks and probably fairly uncommon but I have personally witnessed dogs taunted, provoked to lunge and bark and tackled by toddlers (encouraged by a parent on one occasion). They can slip and break collars and chew through leads and if they get loose then anything can happen. A tethered dog is also at risk from other dogs and may also tangle itself. A common spot for doing it at my local shops sees a 1 metre drop on the other side - a dog that goes over that drop will choke to death without intervention. Then there is the urination and defecation in high traffic public areas that hardly endears dogs to the wider community. So my simple question to those who do it is why take the risk? Convenient to do it? Certainly. But is it wise or safe? That's for owners to determine having taken into account what might happen. All that has to happen is for a person to consider that your dog was aggressive (whether it was or not) and you can end up in a world of hurt. ETA: My pet hate is dogs tied by by head collars. Please don't do this. They were never designed as a fixed restraint. This.
  21. I don't have any advice but I hope it turns out to be nothing serious juice. Poor Bonn It's horrible when they're sick and you don't know what's wrong.
  22. Great post Brookestar. I completely agree.
  23. Yep sounds like you do :laugh: something like that left lying around where I live, would be gone and sold for crack in two shakes of a lambs tail!
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