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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. That's hilarious :laugh:
  2. My dogs get onion sometimes and have had no ill effects, same with garlic. Usually because they get something we ate which has some onions or garlic in it.
  3. Idiot . I wish horrible things upon him.
  4. Yeah off to the vet, cat scratches/bites are nasty. We've had cats roaming around our place all Summer, fighting, yowling, crapping everywhere Hope your boy is ok.
  5. She's gorgeous Kirislin :) mine love their 'nana too.
  6. One of mine came down with colitis the other week...I was a mess!! So I can only imagine how worried you are. As everyone has said she's a healthy girl :) sending positive thoughts your way.
  7. Hugs Kirislin, Id be in shock aswell.
  8. Although i agree you can never care too much, you can definitely over do things, and be over protective and be over cautious. Both with dogs and kids for that matter. Unfortunately it's a product of today's society, and the fact that all we hear all day and all we read all day is about just how dangerous everything in the big bad world is. Personally i would've loved to be around many years back when due to a lack of media scare mongering, people where a little more care free. I absolutely hate that as a society we are scared sh!tless of living!! - Excuse the language. People call me nuts, because i let my kids play outside every evening after they've done their homework and they don't come back in till it's dark. In the suburbs!! i also don't wrap my dog in cotton wool, and let hime be a dog. Yes i make sure he has the best food, and best bed, but if he wants to climb the cubby house, or roll in the mud, or play in the rain on a cold day, or sprint around the backyard on hot day, then so be it. He'll quickly learn that doing some of that doesn't make sense. Bit of a rant, but long story short, you can never care too much, but my God do we (today's society) overdo things! Sorry I disagree. My dogs weigh 2kg I have to overdo it and wrap them in cotton wool as you might call it, I'm okay with that. I cant for a minute just think it's ok for them to be left outside they are a target for theives and larger animals. The one time I let my guard down and let a child hold my puppy she got dropped and both her front legs broken requiring expensive surgery. Sure they are dogs, but they are high risk for injury and theft. They need boundaries and me to be overprotective for their one safety. The big bad world is stressful when you're leeeetle. They are much happier in an environment they feel safe and they still get their fun time (beach trips, lunches at cafes, parks etc) but it's under a controlled environment. Too much risk in today's society, too many off lead dog attacks (would kill mine instantly), too many thefts from backyards and im trying to eliminate some where I can :) Yep, and I'd be the same if I had littlies. When we had our Chihuahuas we were always so careful.
  9. The thing is though that no one knows whether the dogs that are off leash in an on leash area all have amazing recall and responsible owners without entering the area and people who need to know other dogs won't approach theirs can't take the chance that even one dog doesn't fit that bill. This means they miss out on using that area altogether because those owners have decided their dog having the freedom to run off leash where it shouldn't is more important than the needs of other dog owners to know that they are safe to use on leash areas for their intended purpose. I agree. So many dogs have run up to us with the owner saying "he's friendly"....well how do they know mine are?! Maybe that's why they're on lead.
  10. I love Footscray. How come you don't own a Bulldog? :laugh: I like Bull Terriers...does that count?
  11. How bizarre! When I was working in a shelter we had people come in who thought that Lab puppies were born trained, that's why they were used as guide dogs.
  12. *puts hand up* Hippy here :laugh: Although I haven't used them on my dogs, I do keep certain crystals in the house and carry them around with me at times too. She looks very pretty with her new necklace :)
  13. Who cares what they think. My dogs are my family. I don't buy them lots of accessories, bought Lili a nice coat once and when I put it on her she just sat there and refused to move looking like I'd just burnt all her tennis balls..... but they always come first.
  14. Have to agree here. Some people are lucky and never have anything bad happen to them or their dogs. Others aren't.
  15. I wouldn't worry either, there are plenty of worse smells than dog :laugh: Luckily most of my good friends are doggy people, including my Mum, so I don't care if it's a bit doggy, but Mum will tell me if it's really pongy :laugh:
  16. :laugh: Love the second last pic! Looks like he's having a great time :)
  17. And it's so rare that it made the news. It's not the only one that's made the news recently but think of how often it might happen where it doesn't make the news. People, do what you like, but please don't bitch about those of us who won't leave our dogs to chance outside a shop. Exactly.
  18. RIP Hamlet, so sorry to hear this
  19. She's just beautiful, I'm sure she'll be an awesome family member :)
  20. I prefer not to desex my dogs. I see it as an unnecessary surgery when I'm responsible enough to keep them contained and safe.
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